CCP4-BIOXHIT Developer's Area: Index Page

This area is intended as a resource for developers with an interest in the CCP4 contribution to the BIOXHIT project, and is not intended to be publically available for the time being.

Project Management

24th January 2007: the project management information with the deliverables, schedules, tasklists and so on are all here:

The rest of the content below on this page is seriously out of date! and so should be treated with caution.

Database Handler Resources

Code Availability

The handler code, database schema and associated applications are in the CVS repository on ccpdisk at Daresbury as module Bioxhit_db. Only people with access to this system are therefore able to access the CVS repository directly at present.

External developers can still access an exported copy of the files. The code is exported weekly to the ftp server and the latest version can be downloaded via this link:

Alternatively you can browse the files on the ftp server directly at

Key Documents

These are in the documents directory:

General Project Documents


Supporting Documents

These are located in the directory supporting, or other places on the server, or on the web:

Old Documents

These are in the old_documents directory:

  • None currently


Posters, talks or other public materials relating to the project:

Internal Presentations:

  • 22nd March 2005: "CCP4 and BIOXHIT: Data Management and Project Tracking in Structure Solution" Peter Briggs (CCP4 annual developers' meeting, York) [PowerPoint]
  • 7th March 2005: "Project Data Handler: System Design and Prototype" Wendy Yang (internal DL/CCP4 automation meeting) [PowerPoint]


This are in the reports directory (currently unsorted):

Related Links

These links may or may not be useful but are here for easy reference later in the project:



  • COG (Checkpointed Object Graph) is a simple object database for Python
  • MySQL: open source database server.
  • Berkeley Database (BDB): library offering an embedded database implementation
  • SQLite: A small C library that implements a self-contained, embeddable, zero-configuration SQL database engine
  • Mini SQL (mSQL): light weight relational database management system
  • Cloudscape: "a pure, open source-based Java relational database management system that can be embedded in Java programs and used for online transaction processing"
  • Derby: Java-based open source database technology
  • DBDesigner: A visual database design software


  • OpenSSL: Secure Socket Layer (SSL) for adding security to a client/server set-up. SSL comes as a C++ library. It allows password protected connections and/or public/private key security. contains SSL bindings for Tcl. MySQL also supports SSL.
  • python-tlslite: SSL bindings for Python


Protein Crystallography/Structural Biology

  • JCSG dataset repository: an archive containing all experimental and analysis files from data collection, data reduction, phasing, density modification, model building and refinement for the structures solved by the Joint Center for Structural Genomics (JCSG).