Next WG1 meeting: January 9th 2019, Nottingham, Arrival 9:00
Next WG2 meeting: Thursday 26th September, MRC-LMB, Cambridge. Please arrive for coffee at 11:00 |
Dr. David Brown

University of Kent
d.g.brown at
Chair of WG1
Dr. Ivo Tews

University of Southampton
ivo.tews at
Chair of WG2
CCP4 is overseen by two Working Groups and an Executive committee:
- Working Group 1 meets annually at the Study Weekend and makes general policy.
- WG2 presents a forum for active crystallographic representatives of MX groups (UK based) to exchange information and to co-ordinate their activities. WG2 organizes the two-day Study Weekend (SW) and oversees the activities of CCP4 to organise and/or sponsor meetings.
- The Executive Committee comprises the Chairs of Working Groups 1 and 2, the CCP4 Group Leader and elected individuals from Working Group 1. The Executive Committee oversees the project on a day-to-day basis and reports back to Working Group 1.
The following are eligible for membership of CCP4 Working Group 1:
- (a) Structural Biology PIs at any UK University, or Research council laboratory or charity funded Institute who are eligible to hold a structural biology grant.
- (b) Experimental Officers in long term posts at any UK University, or Research council laboratory or charity funded Institute with oversight for crystallographic computing and/or data collection for groups of ten or more crystallographers.
- (c) Crystallographers in UK based companies holding a CCP4 commercial licence.
Please email the
core team if you would like to be added to the mailing list for Working Group 1 or 2.
For clarity, only meetings from this century shown here. See full index.
See Developers Pages for minutes from developers meeting.
Files from Working Group 1 meetings | Working Group 2 preambleFiles from Working Group 2 meetings |