Course home | 2019 home | Programme | Event information @ DLS | Accommodation | Location | Course material |
Eugene Krissinel | Welcome and introduction to CCP4 |
Katherine McAuley | MX at Diamond |
Dave Lawson | Optimising the Diamond experience |
David Aragao | Practical MX data collection |
Andreas Foerster | How to collect best MX data |
Nick Devenish | Data processing with DIALS |
Kay Diederichs | Data processing with XDS and associated programs |
Ed Lowe | Cryo-cooling: why and how? |
Robin Owen | Radiation damage: why do we care? |
Kay Diederichs | Assessing data quality - noise, errors and mistakes |
James Beilsten-Edmands | Data reduction: scaling and merging data |
Andrey Lebedev | Introduction to symmetry |
Ed Lowe | Experimental phasing: the phase problem |
Paula Salgado | Experimental phasing: a practical perspective |
Selina Storm | What can you do at I24? |
Andrey Lebedev | Pathologies and pseudosymmetry |
Pavol Skubak | Structure solution with Crank2 |
Dan Rigden | Bioinformatics for structural biologists |
Clemens Vonrhein | Experimental phasing with SHARP/autoSHARP |
Ailsa Powell | MX from an industrial perspective |
Misha Isupov | Introduction to MR |
Airlie McCoy | Phaser and phasing: part 1 |
Airlie McCoy | Phaser and phasing: part 2 |
Emma Beale | 3D electron diffraction |
Ramona Duman | Beamline I23 - long wavelength X-ray crystallography |
Ronan Keegan | MR model selection, preparation and assessing the solution |
Misha Isupov | Molecular replacement experiences |
Kevin Cowtan | Automated phase improvement and model building |
Clemens Vonrhein | Revisiting some basic concepts: resolution, diffraction et al. |
Agata Butryn | Serial crystallography at Diamond and XFELs |
Oleg Kovalevskiy | Refinement with REFMAC |
Clemens Vonrhein | Refinement, modeling and validation in BUSTER |
Oleg Kovalevskiy | Low resolution refinement |
Halina Mikolajek | Crystallisation facility |
Juan Sanchez-Weatherby | VMXi the only fully in situ fully remote beamline |
Eugene Krissinel | Macromolecules and their interactions |
Melanie Vollmar | Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in MX |
Stuart McNicholas | CCP4MG |
Colin Palmer | Cryo-EM: 3D Electron Microscopy |
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