Old Projects and Documents

This page links to various projects and documents which are no longer relevant but may still be useful.

[Old Projects] [Old Documents] [Old Newsletter Stats]

Old Projects


Newsletter Statistics

Access statistics for Newsletter 37: 1st October 1999 to 4th April 2000
Article No. of accesses
Contents page: 1349
News: 1143
CCD: 149
Calculator: 296
CCP4bb FAQ: 257
CCP4i news: 255
IUCr/CCP4 workshop: 297
Maximal Likelihood: 425
Circular Dichrosism and X-tallography: 239
CCP4 portability: 253
Beamline 14: 76
Recent CCP4bb: 303
Harvesting: 216
Ab Initio Phasing: 358

(There were stats for Newsletter 38 too but the counters were broken after a server upgrade...)

Access statistics for Newsletter 39: 26th March 2001 to 4th October 2002
Article No. of accesses
Contents page: 2586
News: 474
SC: 725
Lapack in CCP4 4.1: 464
Annotated Diffraction Data: 279
CCP4 molecular graphics: 730
ARP gui: 854
Vector search methods: 353
PX Specialist Users Group Meeting: 292
ML Refinement of Atomic Models using Least squares criterion: 417
Chart interface: 434
Efficient calculation of 2nd derivative matrix: 839
DL PX data collection workshop: 488
Improvement of noisy maps: 339
Multiple rotation function: 273
Open source programming environment for MM xtallography: 1508
Mosflm 6.11: 385
Recent CCP4bb: 1040
CCP4/Max-inf refinement workshop: 369

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