The Biocrystallography Unit of the IRCCS Scientific Institute San Raffaele in Milan is looking for:
- One junior research fellow to study the biochemical and structural features of a G-protein coupled receptor involved in the remyelination of the central nervous system, within the framework of
a multicentric project funded by a two-year grant from the Italian Multiple Sclerosis Foundation (FISM).
- One post-doctoral research fellow to study the biochemistry and structural basis of self-recognition by B-cell receptors derived from chronic lymphocytic leukaemia patients. The project involves
the structural determination to high resolution of the BCRs, the characterization of their mutual binding, and the development of antagonists based on the 3D structures (Minici et al., Nat Commun 2017). The position is funded by a three-year
grant from Worldwide Cancer Research. The successful candidates will join a dynamic group of structural biologists within one of the top-rated biomedical research institutions in Europe to perform structural and functional studies using a combination of biophysical techniques (SPR, ITC, AUC), mutagenesis, cell-based assays, X-ray crystallography and cryo-EM. We are searching for someone with a strong interest in the structure-function relationship of biological macromolecules that is creative, hard-working and willing to tackle challenging, high-rewarding projects.
Dr. Massimo Degano
Biocrystallography Unit Dept. of Immunology, Transplantation, and Infectious Diseases IRCCS Scientific Institute San Raffaele via Olgettina 58 20132 Milan - Italy email: phone: +39-0226437152 fax: +39-0226434153 skype: maxdegano
ORCID: 0000-0002-0787-1883 Rispetta l’ambiente: non stampare questa mail se non è necessario. To unsubscribe from the CCP4BB list, click the following link: |