#define HOST_3 cpugen=i686 speed=501 #define ETH_3 00:50:56:E6:5C:32The first line gives a cpu name and a nominal speed. You can use an arbitrary name for the cpu and an arbitrary number for the speed. For example you can give a group of cpus the name ``bigmem'' or ``smallmem'' and then you can specify them at runtime using:
[nrcb@vmserve mpi]$ scrun -nodes=2..bigmem ./mpitestwill run mpitest on the bigmem nodes,
[nrcb@vmserve mpi]$ scrun -nodes=2..smallmem ./mpitestwill run mpitest on the smallmem nodes,
[nrcb@vmserve mpi]$ scrun -nodes=2 ./mpiteston any nodes. See the online manpage for scrun for more details.