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Clusters of clusters

Your may partition the cluster into node groups. For instance if several departments share the same compute resource and you would prefer each department to run on their own nodes.

Currently there are three scheduling schemes available with SCore: The SCore Multi-user scheduler and the SCore PBS batch scheduler, and Sun Grid Engine (SGE).

The Score Multi-user scheduler uses cpu and network time slicing so that many users can share the resource interactively just as though it was a single machine. The Multi-user scheduler only supports SCore MPI jobs since there is a global daemon which timeslices the bandwidth for MPI message packets. This scheduler is unaware of other types of job - e.g scalar jobs (unless you run them as 1 node MPI jobs by putting an an mpi_init and mpi_finalize around the code and compile using mpif77,mpif90 or mpicc).

On the other hand the SCore PBS or SGE scheduler is aware of any type of job handed to it. However SCore MPI jobs are run exclusively; while the job is running the nodes are locked preventing other users from accessing them for other PBS or SGE jobs.

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