BIOXHIT/CCP4: Meeting Summary

Description Weekly review meeting
Date and time of Meeting 10:00am 21 March 2007
Attendees Peter Briggs, Wendy Yang
Summariser Wendy Yang

Meeting Minutes

  1. Reviewed what we have done.
  2. Reviewed the release to Liz.
  3. Get feedback from Liz regarding installation issues. It is suggested that to make a dependance package and an installation script. We wait for further feedback before we release 0.1.
  4. Reviewed release tasklist.
  5. Bug #2089 need to be checked and close. #2220 has already been closed. There are new bugs in the bug list. Need to look at them after developer meeting.

Action Items

  1. PJB: write up the note of the proposed dbviewer.
  2. PJB: put the documents(proposed change in ccp4i) in the project pages.
  3. WY: contact Liz and check if she has got problems with installation of dbhandler.
  4. PJB: confirm bug #2089 fixed.
  5. PJB: contact Graeme to see if he is still interested using dbhandler.
  6. WY: put all dependance together and make an installation script.

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