BIOXHIT/CCP4: Meeting Summary

Description Weekly review meeting
Date and time of Meeting 10:00am 15 March 2007
Attendees Peter Briggs, Wendy Yang
Summariser Wendy Yang

Meeting Minutes

  1. Reviewed last meeting action items.
  2. Reviewed the meeting with Liz on Wednesday.
  3. WY was interested in knowing what the scenario of using process handler in CCP4MG. PJB explained the possible usages of the process handler/manager to WY.
  4. Discussed the exporting code for release. PJB explained the procedures of exporting code both short term release for Liz and long term release. PJB plans to change the setup file, rename the environment variables.
  5. Discussed the current status of dbhandler for release. Discussed the solution of handler getting stuck of multiple requests.
  6. Planed the talk in developer meeting. Brainstorm what we want to achieve: In developer meeting, we have 5 mins to demo. We need to decide what features to show: console application and dbviewer, ccp4i and dbviewer, dbviewer features. There are two types of audients we target: end users and developers.
  7. PJB talked about proposed changes in
  8. PJB talked about the proposed dbviewer.

Action Items

  1. PJB update the tasklist
  2. PJB update setup file
  3. WY look at the handler receiving multiple requests issue
  4. WY export handler code to Liz
  5. Discuss the talk/demo in the developer meeting on next monday.

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