BIOXHIT/CCP4: Meeting Summary

Description Weekly review meeting
Date and time of Meeting 2pm 27th February 2007
Attendees Peter Briggs
Wendy Yang
Summariser Peter Briggs

Meeting Minutes

  1. PJB outlined the changes that affect CCP4 in the BIOXHIT 4th Implementation Plan being prepared at EMBL Hamburg. Section 5 has been removed and workpackage 5.2 will be made into a working group. PJB and WY reviewed the proposed new additional deliverables that we will submit to extend the project up to June 2008.
  2. The status of the 0.1 release of dbccp4i was reviewed (see the tasklist for release 0.1 of dbccp4i, database and visualiser):
  3. There was also some discussion of what would need to be done after release 0.1 of dbccp4i, including changes to the database class.

Action Items

  1. PJB: update the draft 4th implementation plan with the new deliverables and send back to Manfred Weiss at EMBL Hamburg.
  2. PJB: update the tasklist for release 0.1 of dbccp4i.
  3. WY: continue to work on the CCP4i compatibility issues (#2089)
  4. PJB: look at the visualiser and check for obvious bugs/features for 0.1 release.
  5. PJB: look at making bitmap arrows for visualiser "forward" and "back" buttons, and tell WY how to make these inactive.
  6. PJB: write up ideas for modifying the classes (for example, passing a "directories" object to the database class)
  7. PJB: look at fixing bug #2121 ("bubble help left behind when loading another projects")

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