BIOXHIT/CCP4: Meeting Summary

Description Weekly review meeting
Date and time of Meeting 10am 13th February 2007
Attendees Peter Briggs
Wendy Yang
Summariser Peter Briggs

Meeting Minutes

  1. The actions from the previous meeting were reviewed.
  2. Poster for the Bioxhit meeting: this has been prepared, WY will look at getting the poster printed for PJB to take on Friday.
  3. We are no longer aiming to make a release 0.1 of the handler before the meeting next week - instead PJB plans to work on deliverables D5.1.4 (needs a version of "starkey"), D5.2.5, D5.2.6 and D5.2.7. We will return to the release after the meeting.
  4. WY will continue to work on "starkey", fix the visualiser issues and also look at the CCP4i compatibility fixes needed in the handler.
  5. Following an email communication with Liz Potterton WY and PJB should arrange to visit York after the 0.1 release, now aiming for early March.
  6. The next weekly meeting is cancelled as PJB will be at the BIOXHIT meeting. Instead we will meet on Friday 16th and Thursday 22nd (both at 10am).

Action Items

  1. WY: rename XML-writing client application to "starkey" in CVS
  2. PJB: provide updated version of the client application code that will return a full filename for an output file.
  3. WY: finish implementing agreed changes to XML output from "starkey"
  4. PJB: finish writing up notes on SQLite schemas and implementation.
  5. PJB: write up the CCP4i database "data model" as deliverable D5.2.5.
  6. PJB: look at #2 for bug #1985 (dbviewer resizing)
  7. WY: check that the client APIs are consistent with the commands in the handler.
  8. WY: print the Bioxhit poster for the meeting at DIAMOND
  9. PJB: work on deliverables D5.1.4, D5.2.6 and D5.2.7.

[Index] [Deliverables]