BIOXHIT/CCP4: Meeting Summary

Description Weekly review meeting
Date and time of Meeting 10am 6th February 2007
Attendees Peter Briggs, Wendy Yang
Summariser Peter Briggs

Meeting Minutes

  1. The actions from the previous meeting were reviewed:
  2. WY reported that she tried the handler and clients on Windows and identified a number of bugs (#2100, #2101, #2102 and #2103). Essentially the handler and Python dbconsole work but the Tcl applications (dbviewer and dbconsole) have problems due to issues with the Tcl client API.
  3. The actions required for the 0.1 release of dbccp4i were reviewed and priorities have been reassigned. The most important activities are: Some other activities have been flagged as most likely deferred to a 0.2 version.
    A version of dbccp4i and visualiser will be made into deliverables by 19th February, however this may not be the full release 0.1 (which will be made afterwards in this case).

Action Items

  1. WY: tidy up code and output XML for client application to write history XML.
  2. WY/PJB: meet to review the client application to write the history XML (Friday 9th Feb at 10am).
  3. WY/PJB: think of a name for the XML-writing application.
  4. PJB: finish writing up notes on SQLite schemas and implementation.
  5. PJB: write up the CCP4i database "data model" as deliverable D5.2.5.
  6. PJB: look at #2 for bug #1985 (dbviewer resizing)
  7. PJB: fix Tcl client API Disconnection function to remove setting timeout to zero.
  8. PJB: continue working on CCP4i/handler compatibility (bug #2089).
  9. PJB: look at history class bug (#2095) if there is time.
  10. WY: check that the client APIs are consistent with the commands in the handler.
  11. WY/PJB: meet to review the visualiser application (Wednesday 7th February at 10am).

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