BIOXHIT/CCP4: Meeting Summary

Description Weekly review meeting
Date and time of Meeting 10am 30th January 2007
Attendees Peter Briggs
Wendy Yang
Summariser Peter Briggs

Meeting Minutes

  1. The actions from the previous meeting were reviewed briefly.
  2. The release project task list was reviewed and new actions identified to move this forward - see action items 4-11 below.
  3. The poster for the BIOXHIT meeting next month was briefly discussed. The first step is to review the existing poster from last year's meeting.

Action Items

  1. WY: continue to develop client application to write XML.
  2. WY: check PJB's fix for lists in requests from the Tcl client API (bug #2056).
  3. PJB: finish writing notes on SQL schemas and SQLite backend, update the project documents for D 5.2.5, and arrange a follow-up meeting with WY.
  4. PJB: update the project documents for the dbccp4i release 0.1 to account for fixed bugs.
  5. PJB: look at #2 for bug #1985 (dbviewer resizing)
  6. WY: change the handler behaviour to send back a response to DbDisconnect requests, to address bug #2055.
  7. WY: investigate bug #1899 (SetData bug) and close if already fixed.
  8. PJB: look at bug #2051 (escaping special XML characters in the Tcl client API)
  9. PJB: look at implementing the "CCP4i compatibility feature" in
  10. PJB: send the db_recover.tcl script to WY for information.
  11. PJB: package up his large CCP4i project and make available to WY for testing.
  12. PJB/WY: meet on Thursday 1st February 2006 @ 11am to review BIOXHIT poster from 2006 meeting in Grenoble.

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