BIOXHIT/CCP4: Ms 5.2.6 Extending the visualiser functionality

This document is a place to put ideas about extending the BIOXHIT/CCP4 visualiser functionality.

Suggested new functions

Additional information on suggested new panes

The figure below shows a simple schematic illustrating how extra "panes" could be added to the existing viewer in order to add new functionality. These are just suggestions and will need further thought.

The mock-up shows two new panes (labelled "1" and "2") added to the right of the existing graph view:

#1: Job list

This would be similar to the job list in the current CCP4i, namely a list of all the jobs currently shown in the display. The two views could be linked so that selecting jobs in one view (e.g. the graph view) would highlight the same jobs in the other view (the list view).

For both views things like "Delete/Archive" and "Rerun job" should be accessible from a menu that would appear on a right-hand mouse click).

#2: Job view

This would give a detailed view of the currently selected job (if only one job is selected). This should include: job number, title, taskname, driver application and file lists. The file lists should be "live" i.e. so that clicking on a file name would display the file.

This pane could be used for something else if there is more than one job selected.

Issues to investigate & resolve

[Index] [Deliverables]

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