BIOXHIT/CCP4: Meeting Summary

Description Monthly review meeting
Date and time of Meeting 1:30pm 3rd April 2007
Attendees Peter Briggs, Wendy Yang
Summariser Wendy Yang

Meeting Minutes

  1. Review the outcome from CCP4 developer meeting

Action Items

  1. WY: put the development of Java API to bugzilla.
  2. WY: put the bug of dbviewer can't cope when update too quickly into bugzilla.
  3. PJB: point out the ccp4i code which deals with view files from job and rerun job to WY.
  4. WY: look at dependance of dbviewer. put all dependance package into ftp site.
  5. WY: talk to Ronan to setup MrBUMP in WY's computer.
  6. WY: fix the outstanding bugs in bugzilla.

[Index] [Deliverables]