BIOXHIT/CCP4: Meeting Summary

Description Monthly review meeting
Date and time of Meeting 14:30am 1 June 2007
Attendees Peter Briggs, Wendy Yang
Summariser Wendy Yang

Meeting Minutes

  1. Review the tasklist for release 0.2 of dbccp4i, database and visualiser
  2. Review deliverables & milestones. Report on Milestone M07/1, M07/2, M07/3 need to be done.
  3. Prepare poster for AcA in July and BSR in August.
  4. WY should write an article on dbccp4i, for the usage of client API and can use integration with MrBump as a case study.

Action Items

  1. WY: Use pydoc generate python API documentation, add the link in the index page.
  2. WY: Change the names of APIs.
  3. WY: Combine 'start handler' and 'register handler' into one step.
  4. WY: Change the time out in API to 30 seconds.
  5. WY: Write a documentation about usage of Client API.
  6. WY: Think about writing an article on database work for summer news letters.
  7. PJB: finish off dbClientAPI.tcl documentation generation script.
  8. PJB: Try to arrange meeting with Ronan next week to find out what he want for his release.

[Index] [Deliverables]