Initial notes on visualiser

These notes are intended to act as a starting point for developing the visualisation component of the BIOXHIT db work.

Questions to think about:

The Data

The BIOXHIT db was originally intended as a tracking/history db. So the data that we should think about visualising initially should be history data. This could be job history or data history.

CCP4i doesn't store explicit history data so this would need to be derived somehow. Experiments with inferring data history from input and output files of jobs seems to yeild promising results. A richer database should provide a way to record explicit history data.

Purposes Of Visualisation

Possible Views Of The Data

Below are some possible views of the history and job data that we could consider. It is possible that we could consider more than one view, and that a visualiser might allow combining these in some way - for example, clicking on a job line in the listbox view might display a single job view for the selected job.

Current CCP4i view: listbox

This is the most basic view - jobs listed in order of job id number (essentially chronological order). Each line displays id number, date/time, taskname, title and status.

A more advanced listbox could be envisaged. This would look like the current one but would have additional features similar e.g. to Outlook email - allowing the user to select which columns of data they want to see (or not see), sort on different columns in ascending and descending order etc.

Timeline view

This would show jobs or data items in some chronological context, e.g. in a calendar or a "timeline". It would help the user browse for jobs or data by associating them with dates etc. Probably not useful as a principal view but might be worth considering as an additional view in future.

Graph view

This is the kind of view that we have already experimented with. The graphs can be generated using the graphviz package, and show jobs or data items connected by arrows or lines indicating how they are related.

(A variation on this would be a Path view, where the user selects a particular job and then only sees the other jobs that are related to it.)

Data view

This is similar to the "graph" view, except that it shows relationships based on a single data item. The idea would be that the user would select a data item (most likely a file) and then would see the jobs (and maybe data) that were used to generate the data.

"Single job" view

Show just a single job, along with the associated input and output files.

"Single file" view

Show just a single data item (file), with the job that created it and any subsequent jobs that it was used by.

Other ideas/thoughts

Implementation Issues

It would be nice to use Graphviz to generate our graph views, but there are some issues that we need to consider:

Peter Briggs 13th September 2007