Collaborative Computational Project No. 4
Software for Macromolecular X-Ray Crystallography

Known problem with version 4.2.x

These are the known problems with release 4.2 of the CCP4 suite, together with fixes where appropriate. Code changes are given as patches, which can be applied with the UNIX patch utility. New files are put in the prerelease directory, which can be found at

Hints and advice about applying the fixes can be found here.

If you can't find your problem here, please email us.

Problems with current releases

General and system specific problems

A list of more general version-unspecific problems can be found The General Problems Page lists general version-unspecific problems as well as descriptions of various operating system-specific eccentricities.

Warning for Linux users: if you are running CCP4 compiled with gcc 2.96 may be unreliable.. This has been seen with RedHat 7.0 and Mandrake 8.1.

Problems with CCP4i

A list of general and version-independent problems with CCP4i can be found here:

Problems with MOSFLM

As of CCP4 4.1, MOSFLM is being released as part of the CCP4 program suite; for problems on MOSFLM please refer to Harry Powell's MOSFLM page:

Older versions of CCP4

Older versions of the suite are not supported. The first step in attempting to solve a problem in older versions should be to upgrade to the current release. However, problems and fixes for older versions can be found here: Note that these pages are also unsupported and will most probably be out of date - particularly references to prerelease files.

Other sources of information

Problems with 4.2.2


1. Mosflm shared build empty libjpeg.a
Date : 24/02/2004
CCP4 Version : 4.2
System : all, during shared build
Level : annoying
Status : work around provided

When ccp4 is build using --with-shared-lib the mosflm build can fail with

Archive: ../jpg/libjpeg.a has no table of contents (not searched)
this is due to the forced libjpeg.a make in the Mosflm makefile. A work around, after failed build, is as follows:
cd $CCP4/x-windows/Mosflm/jpg
cp .libs/libjpeg.a .
ranlib libjpeg.a
cd ..
cd $CCP4
make install


1. Molrep sigsev
Date : 27/11/2002,08/08/2003
CCP4 Version : molrep 7.3, ccp4 4.2
System : all, sigsev noted on OSF v5.0
Level : serious
Status : fix provided

A typo in molrep.f leads to a scalar variable masquerading as an array. This may lead to the program failing with a sigsev error (though other failures have also been reported, for example: on Mac-OSX an 'Abort trap' may occur whilst reading sequential formatted internal IO).
The fix is to apply the following patch and recompile molrep.

diff -c -3 -r1.12.2.1 molrep.f
*** molrep.f    2002/10/07 14:17:53
--- molrep.f    2002/11/27 11:29:53
*** 9303,9309 ****
--- 9303,9309 ----
(Thanks to Phil Evans)
2. Scala failure
Date : 15/01/2003
CCP4 Version : scala 3.1.20 and earlier, ccp4 4.2.2 and earlier
System : all
Status : fix provided
change to scala.f
<      $   nrfrej, irogue, nstrej(13), nrunp1, ibtanl, ip, irn, nmpr,
>      $   nrfrej, irogue, nstrej(25), nrunp1, ibtanl, ip, irn, nmpr,
<       do 18, i = 1,13
>       do 18, i = 1,25
(Thanks to Phil Evans and Frank Vondelft)
3. Refmac5 ``freezes'' at high resolution
Date : 12/02/2003

When Refmac 5.1.24 (or earlier) is run with a high resolution cutoff > 1.0A, a bug in the program forces it into an infinite loop - it appears to be running, but produces no output after reading in the libraries and will never finish.

The workaround is to avoid using a high resolution cutoff above 1.0A. This bug will be fixed in future releases of Refmac5.

(Thanks to Sue Roberts and Garib Murshudov)
4. Molrep: LABIN PHIC=... fails
Date : 18/03/2003

The Molrep documentation states that you must use the PHIC label to specify phases, however this is incorrect - the program actually expects PHIB.

(Thanks to Stephen Soisson)
5. Watertidy: stalls when reading distang log file
Date : 23/03/2003
Version : CCP4 v4.2.2 and earlier
System : all when run from command line
Status : see parser problem

(Thanks to Pete Dunten)

6. Scala: use of FINAL SCAL has no effect
Date : 02/06/2003
Version : CCP4 v4.2.2
System : all
Status : fix provided
Fix/Workaround : apply the following patch to $CCP4/src/scala_/scala.f
diff -c -r1.63 scala.f
*** scala.f     25 Jun 2002 16:24:11 -0000      1.63
--- scala.f     2 Jun 2003 07:53:40 -0000
*** 10214,10219 ****
--- 10214,10220 ----
              if (lflag .eq. 0) then 
  c  A number read
                 n = n+1
+                lcorrc = .true.
           elseif (cvalue(n) .eq. 'CHEC') then
              kprflo = -min(iabs(kprflo), 10)
*** 10624,10629 ****
--- 10625,10631 ----
  c   USE_PROFILE   use profile-fitted intensity even for scaled partials
   410  n = 2
+       lfinal = .true.
        lcorrc = .false.
        lprtst = .false.
  c lprscl is flag that SCALE_PARTIAL has been set
*** 10683,10688 ****
--- 10685,10691 ----
                 prthou = prthld
                 n = n+1
+             lcorrc = .true.
           elseif (cvalue(n) .eq. 'USE_') then
  c  Use profile-fitted intensities for scaled partials (only if present)
              if (ncip .gt. 0 .and. ncsdip .gt. 0) then

7. Pdbset: reporting of coordinate limits
Date : 08/08/2003
Version : CCP4 v4.2.2
System : all
Status : fixed for 5.0
Fix/Workaround PDBSET erroneously reports coordinates limits for input file, rather than for output file. This has been fixed and will be in 5.0. Meanwhile, the simplest solution is to re-run pdbset on the output file, with no keywords.
8. Truncate fails using data harvesting
Date : 15/08/2003
Version : CCP4 v4.2.2
System : IRIX with 64-bit compilation
Status : not fixed

Description TRUNCATE may fail when running with data harvesting turned on, for example with the error message child killed: bus error.

Fix/Workaround Currently there is no fix for this problem. The program will run if data harvesting is turned off.>


1. CCP4i can't find HOME on Windows
Date : 28/11/2002

CCP4i may fail to start on some Windows configurations, complaining that the HOME environment variable is not set or that it doesn't point to a valid directory. In fact, CCP4i doesn't need the HOME variable so this check is unnecessary.

The fix is to download updated versions of $CCP4/bin/ccp4i.tcl and $CCP4/src/system.tcl file from the prerelease area, where they can be found as ccp4i.tcl-4.2.2 and system.tcl-4.2.2.

(Thanks to Jennifer Durkee for bringing this to our attention.)
2. Merge Datasets/Merge MTZ Files Task (CAD)
Date : 08/01/2003

The option to reset HKL limits in the output MTZ file (in the ``Define MTZ Output folder) is incorrectly implemented. The correct implementation is for eitherthe Laue code or explicit HKL limits to be defined.

The fix is to download updated versions of $CCP4/ccp4i/tasks/cad.tcl, $CCP4/tasks/cad.def and $CCP4/templates/ files from the prerelease area, where they can be found as cad.tcl-outlim, cad.def-outlim and

(Thanks to Eleanor Dodson for identifying the problem.)
3. TCL8.4 catch with quotes
Date : 03/01/2003

CCP4i may have difficulty opening a task window, giving a stack trace

can't read array(_element): no such element in array
while executing "catch "set type $array($_element)" 
This is due to a difference in the effect of quotes versus braces between tcl8.4 and 8.3. The solution is to replace catch "..." with catch {...}. For the failure listed above the following changes should be made to ccp4i/src/utils.tcl
*** utils.tcl   2002/04/04 14:35:59     1.11
--- utils.tcl   2003/01/21 13:26:35     1.12
*** 293,301 ****
    set typelist {}
    if { [llength [set l [split $element ,] ] ] > 1 } {
!     set status [catch "set type $array(_[lindex $l 0],0)"]
    } else {
!     set status [catch "set type $array(_$element)"]
    if { !$status && $type != "" && [info exists typedef($type)] } {
--- 293,301 ----
    set typelist {}
    if { [llength [set l [split $element ,] ] ] > 1 } {
!     set status [catch {set type $array(_[lindex $l 0],0)}]
    } else {
!     set status [catch {set type $array(_$element)}]
    if { !$status && $type != "" && [info exists typedef($type)] } {

4. Sigma-A Task Interface
Date : 03/02/2003

The specification of output MTZ labels are reversed for the two options of combining experimental and partial models and combining MIR data.

The following changes should be made to $CCP4/ccp4i/tasks/sigmaa.tcl:

*** sigmaa.tcl  2001/02/28 10:02:37     1.4
--- sigmaa.tcl  2003/02/03 09:48:32     1.5
*** 284,290 ****
!   OpenSubFrame frame -toggle_display SIGMAA_ACTION open COMB_PART
      CreateLaboutLine line \
        "Combined phase angle and weight" \
--- 284,290 ----
!   OpenSubFrame frame -toggle_display SIGMAA_ACTION open COMB_MIR

      CreateLaboutLine line \
        "Combined phase angle and weight" \
*** 306,312 ****
!   OpenSubFrame frame -toggle_display SIGMAA_ACTION open COMB_MIR
      CreateLaboutLine line \
        "Combined Phase and weight" \
--- 306,312 ----
!   OpenSubFrame frame -toggle_display SIGMAA_ACTION open COMB_PART
      CreateLaboutLine line \
        "Combined Phase and weight" \
(Thanks to Hiroto Yamaguchi)
5. Molrep self rotation function
Date : 01/09/03

In Molrep, the keyword for inputting self-rotation function is FILE_TSR, but ccp4i writes FILE_SRF instead. The simple fix follows by change _SRF to _TSR:

(thanks to Jade)
6. REFMAC5 interface SIGB comments are incorrect
Date : 14/04/04

The comments associated with the TEMPerature factor restraints are incorrect, if followed the behaviour will not be as expected

diff -r1.22 refmac5.tcl
<       message "Enter weight for bonded Bfactor restraint (SIGB1)" \
>       message "Enter weight for main chain bonded Bfactor restraint (SIGB1)" \
<       message "Enter weight for non-bonded Bfactor restraint (SIGB2)" \
>       message "Enter weight for main chain non-bonded Bfactor restraint (SIGB2)" \
<       message "Enter weight for planar Bfactor restraint (SIGB3)" \
>       message "Enter weight for side chain bonded Bfactor restraint (SIGB3)" \
<       message "Enter weight for Bfactor restraint involving an hydrogen atom (SIGB4)" \
>       message "Enter weight for side chain non-bonded Bfactor restraint (SIGB4)" \
Similarly the refmac5 documentation is incorrect; with the SIGB2 and SIGB3 definitions reversed.
(thanks to George Phillips)


1. parser.f: incorrect treatment of comments
Date : 23/04/03
Version : CCP4 v4.2.2 and earlier
System : all
Status : fix provided

The parser incorrectly treated comment lines and lines containing a single token before a comment. This lead to attempts to read from stdin when a non-blank input line was sent to the parser routine.

Apply the following patch to $CCP4/lib/src/parser.f

*** 294,300 ****
            NINCHR = 0
          FIRST = .TRUE.
!         GO TO 20
        END IF 
  C---- Test if first field begins '@' and include file if so
--- 294,300 ----
            NINCHR = 0
          FIRST = .TRUE.
!         IF(LENLIN.EQ.0) GO TO 20
        END IF 
  C---- Test if first field begins '@' and include file if so
*** 533,539 ****
       +           (LINE(I:I).EQ.ICOMM1 .OR. LINE(I:I).EQ.ICOMM2)) THEN
                COMMNT = .TRUE.
  C     special case; comment line:
!               IF (N.EQ.1) THEN
                  N = 0
                END IF
--- 533,539 ----
       +           (LINE(I:I).EQ.ICOMM1 .OR. LINE(I:I).EQ.ICOMM2)) THEN
                COMMNT = .TRUE.
  C     special case; comment line:
!               IF (I.EQ.1) THEN
                  N = 0
                END IF

Documentation, Tutorials and Examples

1. FFT Program Documentation
Date : 07/01/2003

The second reference given in the documentation has the incorrect page number. The reference should be:

  • L.F.Ten Eyck, Acta Cryst., A29, 183, (1973).
  • (Thanks to Herbert Bernstein for bringing this to our attention.)

    Problems with 4.2.1


    1. Mosflm fails to compile under linux with shared libraries.
    Date : 25/06/2002 Version CCP4 versions 4.2.0 and 4.2.1

    Mosflm fails to link correctly against on linux. The resulting errors are of the form

    /xtal/ccp4-4.2/lib/src/ undefined reference to `ccif_new_cif_'
    This would seem to be due to the linker loading the whole library, not just those modules necessary. The solution is to add -L<libccif location> -lccif to the MOSLIBS entry of mosflm/Makefile. A partial fix is in version 4.2.1. The latest Mosflm/configure and Mosflm/mosflm/ are available mosflm_link.tar.gz.

    (Thanks to Todd Geders for informing us of the problem)
    2. LAPACK/BLAS configuration
    Date : 30/07/2002

    There is a potential problem with the LAPACK configuration when upgrading from 4.2 to 4.2.1.

    If the original installation created LAPACK and/or BLAS libraries from the Netlib source code then it may be that configure detects these when upgrading, but fails to write the information to the Makefile headers - resulting in compilation errors for e.g. SCALA complaining that slamch or ssyev are unresolvable symbols.

    The fix is to download the updated $CCP4/configure file from the prerelease area.

    (Thanks to Sandra McLaughlin for informing us of the problem)


    1. Scala.
    Date : 12/07/2002
    Version : CCP4 4.2 and 4.2.1, SCALA pre 3.1.11

    When processing a mtz file containing batches belonging to a single dataset with dataset number is 0 scala may experience runtime sigsev or bus errors. Behaviour on other systems is undefined.
    The fix is to apply the following patch to $CPROG/scala_/scala.f:

    diff -c -r1.63 scala.f
    *** scala.f     2002/06/25 16:24:11     1.63
    --- scala.f     2002/07/12 08:41:35
    *** 22167,22174 ****
           $        ' for batch ', ibatch
                  call ccperr(1,'*** Invalid batch dataset number ***')
    ! c  Dataset ID unset
    !             j = 0
       5       jdtsbt(i) = j
    --- 22167,22183 ----
           $        ' for batch ', ibatch
                  call ccperr(1,'*** Invalid batch dataset number ***')
    ! c  Dataset ID unset, set it to 1 (ie everything is one dataset)
    !             if (ndatasets .gt. 1) then
    ! c    Can't do this if there is more than one dataset
    !                write (6, '(/a,a/)')
    !      $            ' ERROR: the file contains multiple datasets',
    !      $            ' but batches are not assigned to datasets (SETCRY)'
    !                call ccperr
    !      $            (1, '*** batches not assigned to datasets ***')
    !             endif
    !             j = 1
    !             idtsbt(i) = j
       5       jdtsbt(i) = j
    This problem is also fixed in scala 3.1.11 from the prerelease area as scala_3.1.11.tar.gz.
    (Thanks to Phil Evans.)
    2. professs
    Date : 31/07/2002

    TIDY keyword broken.

    The problem appears as below:
     Data line--- tidy orth 30 20 10
     ***  Warning
     No argument expected
     Data line--- END
     professs:  Input error (see above)
     professs:  Input error (see above)
     Times: User:       0.1s System:    0.1s Elapsed:    0:00
    Solution - make the following change:
    <       call parsekey('TIDY',tidyin)
    >       call parsesubkey('TIDY','    ',tidyin)

    (Thanks to Pete Dunten for pointing this out)
    3. cif2mtz
    Date : 08/08/2002

    LABOUT keyword broken.

    You can omit the LABOUT keyword and change the labels later with CAD, or there is an updated program cif2mtz.f on the prerelease area.

    4. combat.
    Date : 27/08/2002

    COMBAT doesn't process XDET, YDET and ROT values correctly. This was originally reported for input from SAINT but is probably a bug for all input formats.

    The fix is the following patch to be applied to $CPROG/combat_/combat.f:

    *** combat.f    2002/06/14 14:31:30     1.14
    --- combat.f    2002/08/27 10:04:21
    *** 939,951 ****
              xdetmn = min(xdetmn, xdet)
              ydetmn = min(ydetmn, ydet)
              phimax = max(phimax, fphi)
    -       else 
    - C  set ROT equal to batch.
    -       adata(13) = adata(5)
              phimin = min(phimin, fphi)
              adata(11) = xdet
              adata(12) = ydet
              adata(13) = fphi
      c     write out reflection for monitoring
    --- 939,951 ----
              xdetmn = min(xdetmn, xdet)
              ydetmn = min(ydetmn, ydet)
              phimax = max(phimax, fphi)
              phimin = min(phimin, fphi)
              adata(11) = xdet
              adata(12) = ydet
              adata(13) = fphi
    +       else 
    + C  set ROT equal to batch.
    +         adata(13) = adata(5)
      c     write out reflection for monitoring
    (Many thanks to Toshihiko Akiba)
    5. sftools
    Date : 12/09/2002

    There is a minor bug when converting CNS Rfree to MTZ, if the file contains reflections with zero sigma. The program prints a warning and then fails to perform the conversion.

    The bug is fixed by installing the updated file $CPROG/sftools_/sftools.f from the prerelease area.

    (Thanks to Ezra Peisach and Bart Hazes)
    6. ipdisp script
    Date : 20/09/2002
    Version : CCP4 v4.2.1 and earlier
    System : Tru64 Bourne shell, possibly Bourne shell general
    Status : fix provided

    The ipdisp scritp has been found to fail with the detault Bourne shell on Tru64. This is due to a problem with the expansion of "$@". The solution is to replace "$@" with ${1+"$@"} for all occurences.

    (thanks to Dave Love for finding the problem and providing the fix)

    7. sigmaa PARTIAL DAMP weights not applied when DAMP is lower case
    Date : 27/09/2002
    Version : CCP4 v4.2.1 and earlier
    System : all
    Status : work around and fix provided. Fixed in subsequent release.

    When using damping with PARTIAL, the damp keywork is not recognised if it is in lower case.

    Workaround: use upper case.

    Fix: apply the following patch to $CCP4/src/sigmaa.f.

    diff -c -r1.51 -r1.50
    *** sigmaa.f    2002/09/27 09:50:21     1.51
    --- sigmaa.f    2002/08/08 13:20:22     1.50
    *** 556,563 ****
            ICOMB = 0
            ICHANG = 0
      C  DAMP D1 ( D2  ( D3) ) 
    !             N = 2 
    !             CALL CCPUPC(CVALUE(N))
                  IF (CVALUE(N) .EQ. 'DAMP') THEN
                  ICHANG = 1
                  N = N+1
    --- 556,562 ----
            ICOMB = 0
            ICHANG = 0
      C  DAMP D1 ( D2  ( D3) ) 
    !                N = 2 
                  IF (CVALUE(N) .EQ. 'DAMP') THEN
                  ICHANG = 1
                  N = N+1
    (Thanks to Yamaguchi Hiroto for providing the fix)
    8. Peakmax
    Date : 02/10/2002

    The OUTPUT PDB option of PEAKMAX doesn't align the atom name in the correct column of the output file. This causes unecessary warnings in other programs, for example WATPEAK, which use the file as input.

    The following patch applied to $CPROG/peakmax.f fixes the problem:

    diff -u -r1.41 peakmax.f
    --- peakmax.f   2002/08/06 12:20:24     1.41
    +++ peakmax.f   2002/10/02 14:34:01
    @@ -216,7 +216,7 @@
          +        NYc,NZEROPK,NZ1,NZ2,NZC,SX1,SX2,SY1,SY2,LFLAG,IST
    -     +          ALTCOD*1,SEGID*4,INSCOD*1
    +     +          ALTCOD*1,SEGID*4,INSCOD*1,ATMTYP*4
     C     ..
     C     .. Local Arrays ..
           INTEGER MAXPK
    @@ -309,6 +309,7 @@
           LFRAC = .FALSE.
           LPEAK = .FALSE.
           ATNAM = ' O'
    +      ATMTYP = ' O  '
           RESTYP = 'HOH'
           IDCH = 'X'
           BS(1) = 30.0
    @@ -922,7 +923,7 @@
                 END IF
               END IF
    -     $              INSCOD,ALTCOD,SEGID,IZ,ID)
    +     $              INSCOD,ALTCOD,SEGID,IZ,ATMTYP)
               CALL XYZADVANCE(IXYZOUT,0,0,*310,*310)
               IRES = IRES + 1
    (Thanks to Phil Evans)
    9. molrep, RAD keyword does not work
    Date : 07/10/2002
    Version : CCP4 v4.2.1, molrep version 7.3.0-02
    System : all
    Status : Fixed in molrep 7.3.03, fix provided.

    The keyword RAD has no effect, it is overridden by the default value. The fix follows, in $CCP4/src/molrep_/main_molrep_mtz.f:

    <           RAD = FVALUE(2)
    >           ARAD = FVALUE(2)
    (Thanks to Yamaguchi Hiroto)
    10. contact, missing contacts
    Date : 06/11/2002
    Version : CCP4 v4.2.1 and earlier
    System : all
    Status : Under investigation, work around provided.

    Contact will fail to identify contacts to main chain atoms in different chains if the residue number differs by less than 2.

    The work around is to renumber the residues so that the numbers do not overlap. (Thanks to Mats Okvist


    1. FFT/FFTBIG interface
    Date : 18/07/2002

    When CCP4i generates a keyworded script for FFT which excludes structure amplitudes below a certain minimum, it writes EXCLUDE F1MIN. In fact the correct keyword is EXCLUDE F1LIM.

    Apply the following patch to $CCP4/ccp4i/templates/

    diff -r1.5 -r1.5.2.1
    < -- {[IfSet $EXCLUDE_MINIMUM_1]} f1min $EXCLUDE_MINIMUM_1 
    < -- {[IfSet $EXCLUDE_MINIMUM_2]} f2min $EXCLUDE_MINIMUM_2
    > -- {[IfSet $EXCLUDE_MINIMUM_1]} f1lim $EXCLUDE_MINIMUM_1 
    > -- {[IfSet $EXCLUDE_MINIMUM_2]} f2lim $EXCLUDE_MINIMUM_2

    (Thanks to Eleanor Dodson)
    2. Corrupted database/database.LOCK
    Date : 19/07/02

    There are two minor bugs:

    1. CCP4i only checks that the database.def file for the current project is "valid" on startup, not when changing between projects in a session.
    2. In some circumstances the database.LOCK file for a project may be deleted inappropriately, preventing warnings when multiple CCP4i processes try to access the same project database.

    The problems are fixed by updated versions of $CCP4/ccp4i/src/database.tcl and $CCP4/ccp4i/src/taskwindow.tcl, available from the prerelease area as database-lock.tcl and taskwindow-lock.tcl.

    3. Prepate Data for HA: incorrect column labels for "SAD data as Dano" option.
    Data : 02/09/02
    Version : CCP4 v4.2 and 4.2.1

    For the Prepare Data for HA task the wrong column labels are returned for SAD data as Dano outputing SHELX format. The correction is to apply the following patch to $CCP4/ccp4i/scripts/prephadata.script

    diff -c -r1.5 prephadata.script
    *** prephadata.script   2002/04/03 09:07:14     1.5
    --- prephadata.script   2002/09/02 12:34:06
    *** 106,112 ****
          set FP FM
          set SIGFP SIGFM
        } elseif { [StringSame $REVISE_INPUT SADDS] } {
        } elseif { [StringSame $REVISE_INPUT SIR] } {
        } elseif { [StringSame $REVISE_INPUT NATIVE] } {
    --- 106,116 ----
          set FP FM
          set SIGFP SIGFM
        } elseif { [StringSame $REVISE_INPUT SADDS] } {
    !     set LABIN "DP SIGDP"
    !     unset DP
    !     unset SIGDP
    !     set DP $ECALC_DPH0
    !     set SIGDP $ECALC_SIGDPH0
        } elseif { [StringSame $REVISE_INPUT SIR] } {
        } elseif { [StringSame $REVISE_INPUT NATIVE] } {

    4. Sigma-A: combining isomorphous phases with structure factors generated by SFALL
    Data : 02/09/02
    Version : CCP4 v4.1.x, 4.2 and 4.2.1

    Attempts to use SFALL generated structure factors with the "combine isomorphous phase with partial solution" or "combine two sets of MIR phases" fail as there are missing labels at the SIGMAA stage. This is because only the F SIGF RFREE FC and PHIC labels are included in the temporary mtz file.
    The solutions are:

    5. Monomer Library Sketcher
    Date : 10/09/2002

    Two problems:

    1. If the sketched monomer contains aromatic bonds (possibly other "unusual" types e.g. "delocalised" or "metal") then "Create Dictionary Entry" will fail to create the output dictionary file.
    2. In some cases the atom type in the Sketcher is mixed case (e.g. Cl for chlorine), however the libcheck program expects uppercase names so the atom type is incorrectly transfered to the output file.

    Both problems are addressed by applying the following patch to $CCP4/ccp4i/sketch/dictionary.tcl:

    --- dictionary.tcl      2002/05/21 07:42:30     1.6
    +++ dictionary.tcl      2002/09/10 14:37:40
    @@ -426,7 +426,7 @@
       for { set n 1 } { $n <= $Mol(nAtoms) } { incr n } {
         append text " $Mol(chem_comp_id) [write_cif_name $Mol(Name,$n)]"
         foreach output $output_list {
    -      append text "  " $Mol($output,$n)
    +      append text "  " [string toupper $Mol($output,$n)]
         append text \n
    @@ -441,7 +441,7 @@
       for { set n 1 } { $n <= $Mol(nBonds)} { incr n } {
         set a1 [lindex $Mol(Bonds,$n) 0]
         set a2 [lindex $Mol(Bonds,$n) 1]
    -    set type [lindex [list nowt single double triple] $Mol(Bondtype,$n)]
    +    set type [lindex [list nowt single double triple delocalised aromatic metal coval] $Mol(Bondtype,$n)]
         append text " $Mol(chem_comp_id)  [write_cif_name $Mol(Name,$a1)]  [write_cif_name $Mol(Name,$a2)]  $type\n"

    (Thanks to Liz Potterton)
    6. Missing files in ``View Files from Job'' when running e.g. ARP/wARP
    Date : 17/09/2002

    There is an occassional problem when starting a job within CCP4i and then closing down the main interface while it runs - upon restarting the interface and going to the ``View Files from Job'' menu, some of the output files may not be listed.

    This is particularly a problem for interfaces such as ARP/wARP, which rely heavily on registering output files with CCP4i whilst the task is running, however it could potentially occur with other tasks too. The log file for the job may also contain messages of the form:

    ERROR running script can not connect to server port
    SERVER_HOST  localhost SERVER_PORT 4441

    A workaround is not to close the main CCP4i window until the job has finished running. A more useful fix can be effected by downloading updated versions of the files database.tcl, execute.tcl, task.tcl and taskbrowser.tcl (all should be put into the $CCP4/ccp4i/src/ directory). The files can be found on the prerelease area as database-buffer.tcl, execute-buffer.tcl, task-buffer.tcl and taskbrowser-buffer.tcl.

    7. Failure with mulitple domains for dmmulti interface
    Date : 27/09/2002
    Version : CCP4I version 1.3.8 (CCP4 v4.2.1) and previous to 1.2.6 System : all Status : fixed in subsequent releases, fix provided

    The ccp4i dmmulti interface will fail to run multiple domain jobs with the error message:

    Error:can't read "array(MASKIN,1MASKIN,2)": no such element in array

    The fix is to apply the following to $CCP4/ccp4i/tasks/dmmulti.tcl:

    <       append array(INPUT_FILES) "MASKIN,$n"
    >       append array(INPUT_FILES) "MASKIN,$n "
    (Thanks to Yamaguchi Hiroto for the fix)
    8. Molrep
    Date : 30/09/2002

    When inputing fixed monomers in the Molrep interface, the option fails (although the program runs to completion) and the log file contains the warning Unrecognized keyword: _MODEL_2

    The error is because the file with the fixed monomers should be supplied on the command line rather than via a keyword. The following patches will fix the problem:

    To $CCP4/ccp4i/scripts/molrep.script:

    diff -u -r1.5 molrep.script
    --- molrep.script       2002/04/23 09:32:36     1.5
    +++ molrep.script       2002/09/30 13:48:29
    @@ -59,6 +59,9 @@
       if { [StringSame $MOLREP_MODE FIT] } {
         append cmd " MODEL2 $XYZIN2"
    +  if { [StringSame $IFFIXED 1] } {
    +    append cmd " MODEL2 $XYZFIXED"
    +  }
       CreateComScript molrep molrep_script
       set status [Execute $cmd $molrep_script program_status report]

    To $CCP4/ccp4i/templates/

    diff -u -r1.8
    ---  2002/04/23 09:32:39     1.8
    +++  2002/09/30 13:49:14
    @@ -17,9 +17,6 @@
    -{[IfSet $FUNCTION] && ![StringSame $FUNCTION A]} FUN $FUNCTION
     IF { ![StringSame N $PSEUDO_TRANS_MODE] } 

    (Thanks to Akihiro Okamoto for finding and fixing the problem.)
    9. Errors/anomalous behaviour when closing task windows
    Date : 16/10/2002

    In certain circumstances Tcl errors of the form:

    array(WINDOW) not found
    may appear when closing task windows. In other circumstances closing one window may cause a second window to close simultaneously. These problems have been observed when a task window has been invoked from the task list and at the same time another window has been opened to rerun the same task.

    Both problems can be fixed by installing an updated taskwindow.tcl file in $CCP4/ccp4i/src/. The file can be found on the prerelease area as taskwindow-close.tcl.

    NB. this updated file includes the fix from the previously reported problem regarding Corrupted database/database.LOCK.

    10. Rerunning BEAST job
    Date : 21/10/2002

    Under certain circumstances there may be problems with recovering the correct parameters when rerunning an earlier BEAST job, for example: if the original job involved running a rotation search on molecule "mol2" then the rerun parameters will change this to "mol1".

    The problem is fixed by installing an updated beast.tcl file in $CCP4/ccp4i/tasks/. The file can be found on the prerelease area as beast-rerun.tcl.

    (Thanks to Randy Read for reporting the problem.)


    1. Uninitialized IERR in LRASSN
    Date : 26/09/2002
    Version : CCP4 version 4.2.1
    System : so far Suse 7.3 using gcc2.95.3, but possibly others
    Status : fixed in subsequent releases, fix provided

    An uninitialized variable in LRASSN may cause program exit

     Error in label assignments 
    when no user LABIN line is required (SCALA, COMBAT).

    The fix is to apply the following to mtzlib.f:

    *** 545,550 ****
    --- 545,551 ----
      C---- First loop over user input labels and assign them to file labels
      C     If NLUSRI(MINDX)=0 then this loop is never executed
    +         IERR = 0
              DO 70 JDO50 = 1,NLPRGI
                CWORK = LSUSRI(MINDX,JDO50)
                IF ((NLUSRI(MINDX).GT.0) .AND. (CWORK.NE.' ')) THEN

    Documentation, Tutorials and Examples

    1. $CEXAM/tutorial2000/data/gere_nat.mtz
    Date : 13/11/02

    This file is supposed to be used as example input to the program TRUNCATE. However, the file contains unmerged data (with batch information) and is not appropriate. In fact, the tutorial can be run with this file, but don't look too closely at the output!

    Problems with 4.2


    1. Shared vs static libraries on IRIX 6.5 n32.
    Date : 01/05/2002

    If you are running configure irix ... on IRIX 6.5 then you will always get a shared version of libccp4 even if shared libs were not requested via the --with-shared-lib option.

    The fix is to apply the following patch to $CCP4/configure:

    diff -r1.165 configure
    <       SHARED_LIB_FLAGS=${SHARED_LIB_FLAGS-'-n32 -mips3'}
    <       SHARE_LIB=${SHARE_LIB-'ld -n32 -mips3 -shared -all libccp4.a -o'}
    >       # Shared libraries only if requested
    >       if test "$shared_lib" = yes; then
    >         SHARED_LIB_FLAGS=${SHARED_LIB_FLAGS-'-n32 -mips3'}
    >         SHARE_LIB=${SHARE_LIB-'ld -n32 -mips3 -shared -all libccp4.a -o'}
    >       fi
    and then rebuild by running config.status, then make etc.

    NB. you will need to delete the $CLIBS/ and $CCP4_LIB/ files before rebuilding.

    2. TMPDIR not defined on IRIX.
    Date : 07/05/2002

    We have had several reports of compilation failing on IRIX with Error Code 127 (bu21), or Error Code 2 (bu21). Sometimes this will be accompanied with TMPDIR undefined. The solution is to set TMPDIR during the configuration, eg

    configure irix64 --with-x --tmpdir=/tmp/XXX
    (Thanks to Jonathon Dill)
    3. Mosflm fails to compile for -64 IRIX.
    Date : 24/05/2002

    Several FFLAGS and CFLAGS are missing from the x-windows/Mosflm/mosflm . This results in mosflm failing to compile for irix64 due to several of the produced objects being -n32. Replace x-windows/Mosflm/mosflm/ with the version on the prerelease area.

    If make has already been run; delete the *.o files in x-windows/Mosflm/mosflm, then execute config.status in x-windows/Mosflm, followed by make in x-windows/Mosflm/mosflm .

    4. MapSlicer configure doesn't find Tk library
    Date : 17/06/2002

    When the main CCP4 configure tries to set up to build the MapSlicer Tcl command library, it may fail to find an appropriate Tk library even though one exists on the system.

    This is due to a bug in the $CCP4/configure, and can be addressed by applying the following patch:

    diff -r1.171 configure
    <           # ... and possible versions for tk
    <           for testvers in $tryvers
    >           # ... and possible extensions for tk
    >           for testext in $tryexts

    (Thanks to Michael Strickler)


    1. Scala.
    Date : 07/05/2002

    There is a buffer size problem which manifests itself as a fatal error on attempting to write a scratch file, if there are 5 or more datasets. The fix is to $CPROG/scala_/dts_storage.fh:

    diff ../scala_4.2/dts_storage.fh .
    <       common /dts_storage/ dts_data(maxsets*4+4),
    >       common /dts_storage/ dts_data(maxsets*5+4),
    (Thanks to Phil Evans.)
    2. MOSFLM
    Date : 16/05/2002

    Mosflm no longer handles R3 or R32 (hexagonal setting) properly because of the changes in the symop.lib file in CCP4 4.2. (H3 and H32 aren't handled in any release version of Mosflm.)

    Anyone who has an MTZ file for R3 or R32 created more than a couple of weeks ago will find that the symmetry is broken, and they have to use MTZUTILS or CAD to change the space group as appropriate.

    (Harry Powell)
    3. AstexViewer
    Date : 28/06/2002

    Although the documentation suggests that it possible to run AstexViewer as a standalone application, there are problems doing this - you get an error of the form

    Exception in thread
    "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: MoleculeViewer

    The problem is fixed by picking up a new version of the AstexViewer.jar file from the prerelease area. This replaces the version in $CPROG (and $CBIN, if you have already performed the installation).

    (Thanks to Mike Hartshorn)
    4. procheck/anglen, procheck/bplot
    Date : 28/06/02
    Version : CCP4 v4.2, fixed in v4.2.1

    anglen fails with a segv or gives incorrect results. This is corrected using the following patch which reinstates the presistance of data for calls of STORAT and STORPL.

    diff -c -2 -r1.9 anglen.f
    *** anglen.f    2002/02/25 10:04:32     1.9
    --- anglen.f    2002/06/28 13:43:51
    *** 742,745 ****
    --- 742,747 ----
            INCLUDE ''
    *** 1076,1079 ****
    --- 1078,1083 ----
            INCLUDE ''
    Also for bplot.f, subroutine REAPLN
    diff -c -2 -r1.5 -r1.6
    *** bplot.f     2002/02/25 10:04:32     1.5
    --- bplot.f     2002/07/02 08:42:43     1.6
    *** 2638,2641 ****
    --- 2641,2646 ----
    +       SAVE IREC, IATOM
            INCLUDE ''
    (Thanks to Fukami Takaaki)
    5. REFMAC
    Date : 16/07/2002

    There are a few cases of Refmac 5.1.19 (distributed with CCP4 4.2) terminating with the error:

    Too many atoms in one brick.
    Maximum allowed in one brick =         60
    Check symmetry, cell dimensions
    ===> Error: CREATE_NET failed
    I'm not sure what the cause of this problem is, but it appears to have been cured in Refmac 5.1.24 (distributed with CCP4 4.2.1). The advice is therefore to upgrade!

    However be aware that the message may be genuine. One user reports inserting sequence with mut_ins in O, but not building them. Thus, there were greater than 60 atoms at 0, 0, 0 and refmac5 correctly complained!

    (Martyn Winn)


    1. Mapcutting Task.
    Date : 01/05/2002

    The mapcutting task fails due to a broken .def file, apply the following patch to $CCP4I_TOP/tasks/mapcutting.def:

    *** mapcutting.def      2002/03/07 10:03:12     1.1
    --- mapcutting.def      2002/05/01 15:02:33
    *** 43,48 ****
    --- 43,49 ----
      NCS_OP_XTRAN,0                _real                   ""
      NCS_OP_YTRAN,0                _real                   ""
      NCS_OP_ZTRAN,0                _real                   ""
    + NCS_OP_CONVENTION,1     _text                   POLAR
      NCS_OP_ALPHA,1          _real                   0.0
      NCS_OP_BETA,1           _real                   0.0
      NCS_OP_GAMMA,1          _real                   0.0
    (Thanks to Kevin Cowtan)
    2. Monomer Library Sketcher.
    Date : 13/05/2002

    There are two reported problems:

    1. Using Tk version < 8.3 there is an error message
       Error: unknown option "-dash"
      when stepping through bond types by clicking on the bond.
      Download the fixed $CCP4/ccp4i/sketch/sketch.tcl file from the prerelease area.
    2. The delocalised & aromatic bond types don't get written to the bondlist.cif file when you click on "Create library description".
      Download the fixed $CCP4/ccp4i/sketch/dictionary.tcl file from the prerelease area.

    (Liz Potterton)
    3. Convert to MTZ & Standardise Task.
    Date : 08/05/2002

    The task fails with ERROR no type for ANOMALOUS. This is corrected by appling the following patch to $CCP4I_TOP/tasks/import.def:

    *** import.def  2002/01/30 15:17:41     1.5
    --- import.def  2002/05/08 10:54:59     
    *** 70,75 ****
    --- 70,76 ----
      FALLOFF                       _logical                1
      RUN_UNIQUE            _logical        1
    + ANOMALOUS             _logical        1
      UNIQUE_INPUT          _MTZ_file       ""
      UNIQUE_OUT            _MTZ_file       ""
      FREER_MODE            _freer_mode     2

    4. Generate Patterson Map Task (possibly more general).
    Date : 16/05/2002

    If the "Plot default Harker map sections with coordinates of peaks in map" option is chosen for orthorhombic spacegroups, then the task fails with an error message from MSYMLB3. This is basically because the Patterson spacegroup occupies more space in the CRYST1 line of the PDB file than is allowed for. There is a fix to the library file $CCP4/lib/src/rwbrook.f to deal with this case.

    Download the fixed $CCP4/lib/src/rwbrook.f file from the prerelease area, and re-compile the CCP4 library. If you have compiled statically, then you will need to re-compile at least the peakmax executable against the fixed library.

    5. lsqkab graphs.
    Date : 16/05/2002

    When running lsqkab through ccp4i (superpose) the requested rms table will not display under loggraph. This is due to a double processing of the output table, which results in two headers. A quick fix is to remove the second header. A version of superpose.script which fixes this problem is on the prerelease area.

    6. dm
    Date : 16/05/2002

    When running with NCS averaging and the option to Create file to display NCS operators in [...] format, the options are reversed i.e. requesting "XtalView" results in an "O" macro and vice versa.

    The following patch applied to $CCP4/ccp4i/tasks/dm.tcl fixes the problem:

    diff -r1.7 dm.tcl
    < set typedef(_dm_vuout_format)         { menu { O XtalView } { vu odat } }
    > set typedef(_dm_vuout_format)         { menu { O XtalView } { odat vu } }

    (Thanks to Kevin Cowtan)
    7. Refmac5
    Date : 20/05/2002

    When running in "review" mode, the interface may complain that no harvest information is set even though there is no where in the window to enter it.

    The following patch applied to $CCP4/ccp4i/tasks/refmac5.tcl will fix this behaviour:

    diff -r1.20 -r1.21
    < # Check harvesting if not running idealisation (and harvesting is selected)
    <   if { ![StringSame $refine_type IDEA] && \
    > # Check harvesting if not running idealisation or review (and harvesting is selected)
    >   if { ![StringSame $refine_type IDEA REVIEW] && \

    8. Tcl errors when using "ReRun" option
    Date : 20/06/2002

    This affects all versions of CCP4i - in certain circumstances (e.g. trying to open a task window using the "rerun job" option), you get a Tcl error dialogue window with a message of the form:

    can't set "array(REFINE_TYPE)": bad window path name 
    and the task window doesn't appear.

    This seems to happens when the task window has previously been closed using the window manager control (e.g. the "X" close button on the top right of the window frame on Linux systems) rather than the "Close" button at the bottom of the window.

    The errant behaviour is fixed by applying the following patch to $CCP4/ccp4i/src/taskwindow.tcl:

    diff -r1.8 -r1.9
    >   # Bind destroy event to be consistent with the use of the
    >   # Dismiss button above
    >   # NB 
    >   # You can't just do "bind $w <Destroy> "..."" because all the
    >   # children of $w also inherit the binding - so this construct
    >   # (borrowed from Harrison and McLennan's "Effective Tcl/Tk
    >   # Programming") defines a new bindtag and gives this to $w only
    >   bind destroyTaskWindow <Destroy> \
    >       "UnsetArrayExtras $arrayname
    >        DeleteTaskWindow $w $arrayname $taskname"
    >   set tags [bindtags $w]
    >   bindtags $w [linsert $tags 0 destroyTaskWindow]
    (or by avoiding use of the window manager close control).

    (Thanks to Kevin Cowtan)
    9. Scala/Scale Experimental Intensities task
    Date : 01/07/2002, 11/07/2002
    1. In some cases there is a problem with output MTZ files from MOSFLM being fed into SCALA.

      SCALA now uses information about datasets in the input MTZ file: if multiple datasets are present (from multiple runs of MOSFLM), the default is to scale tham together but split them into separate output files (this is intended for MAD datasets). In MOSFLM, if the user doesn't specify project and dataset names for runs, then the program gives each run a unique project and dataset name based on the date and time.

      The problem occurs when these runs are sorted together and put into SCALA. By default SCALA treats each dataset independently, and outputs two MTZ files with names based on the dataset names from the input file: this is confusing if you wanted to just scale all the data together.

      The ounce of prevention is to make sure that you explicitly set appropriate project and dataset names when running MOSFLM, using the PNAME & DNAME commands.

      The pound of cure (workaround) using the existing SCALA gui is to define separate runs (the default "run 1 all" is OK for this purpose) and assign this run to a single output project/dataset (ie delete all but one dataset & give it a sensible name). Alternatively REBATCH can be used to reset the project and dataset names before running (but be aware that this options are not currently available through the REBATCH gui and must be scripted manually). If you are running SCALA with a script, add a command line

      name project <project_name> dataset <dataset_name>
      to force all data into a single dataset.

      An updated version of the SCALA interface has a new option to combine all input datasets into a single output dataset, which should solve the problem - this can be obtained from the prerelease area and requires the files $CCP4/ccp4i/tasks/scala.tcl, $CCP4/ccp4i/tasks/scala.def, $CCP4/ccp4i/templates/

      (Thanks to Phil Evans)

    2. There is a problem if the input MTZ file contains a single dataset but multiple `runs' have been defined with several output datasets. In this case the interface generates additional unwanted PNAME/DNAME commands in the script which means Scala outputs a single dataset instead.

      A second problem is that when using "Rerun" for these jobs, the details of output datasets (and of which run is assigned to which dataset) seem to be lost or overwritten.

      Both these are fixed by an updated version of the SCALA interface file $CCP4/ccp4i/tasks/scala.tcl, which can be

    3. obtained from the prerelease area. This version also contains the fixes for the previous problems (see above).

    10. Kill Job fails on SunOS/Mac OS-X; CCP4i help pages don't work with Netscape under KDE (Linux)
    Date : 01/07/2002

    Two problems:

    1. Kill Job doesn't work on SunOS and Mac OS-X systems;
    2. Help pages fail to appear when running CCP4i on Linux under the KDE desktop.

    Both problems can be fixed by replacing the existing $CCP4/ccp4i/src/local.tcl file with the version on the prerelease area.


    1. Parser.f
    Date : 06:06:2002

    The @filename instruction in the parser only uses the first 61 characters of the string. This means long filenames cannot be used. The solution is to increase the dimension of the CHARACTER array used to store the filename in parser.f.


    2. cciflib.f string handling error
    Date : 28:06:2002
    Version : CCP4 4.0 -> 4.2 . Fixed in 4.2.1

    In ccp4ccif_setup_context a passed fortran character string is given a fixed length. This is bad coding practice. As additional memory may be grabbed for the string, leading to undefined behaviour.

    This may have manifested itself in some cif2mtz problems, eg

    >>>> CCIF signal CCIF_NOITEM (severity: Warning) <<<<
            (Raised in ccif_setup_context)
    Data name or category "REFLNFound column  with label  and type Column " not defined in dictionary

    Apply the following correction to cciflib.f:

    diff -r1.6 cciflib.f 
    <       character*(cfllen) catnam_in,catnam_out
    <       character*(*) disposition
    >       character*(cfllen) catnam_out
    >       character*(*) disposition, catnam_in
    Users of the GNU compiler set will be required to make the following additional changes:
    <           write(ERRLINE,*) 
    <      +     ' Warning in ccp4ccif_setup_context: Category '//
    <      +     catnam_in(1:lenstr(catnam_in))//' not present in data block.'
    >           write(ERRLINE,"(A,A,A)") 
    >      +     ' Warning in ccp4ccif_setup_context: Category ',
    >      +     catnam_in,' not present in data block.'
    <           write(ERRLINE,*) ' Error in ccp4ccif_setup_context: '//
    <      +    'Tried to set up category '//catnam_in(1:lenstr(catnam_in))//
    >           write(ERRLINE,"(A,A,A)") 
    >      +    ' Error in ccp4ccif_setup_context: '//
    >      +    'Tried to set up category ',catnam_in,
    <           write(ERRLINE,*) ' Error in ccp4ccif_setup_context: '//
    <      +    'Tried to set up category '//catnam_in(1:lenstr(catnam_in))//
    >           write(ERRLINE,"(A,A,A)") 
    >      +    ' Error in ccp4ccif_setup_context: '//
    >      +    'Tried to set up category ',catnam_in,
    <         write(ERRLINE,*) ' Error in ccp4ccif_setup_context: '//
    <      +    'Unexpected context type for category '//
    <      +    catnam_in(1:lenstr(catnam_in))
    >         write(ERRLINE,"(A,A)") 
    >      +    ' Error in ccp4ccif_setup_context: '//
    >      +    'Unexpected context type for category ',
    >      +    catnam_in
    (Thanks to Avi Naim)

    Documentation, Tutorials and Examples

    1. Harvesting Implementation documentation
    Date : 16/05/2002

    The documentation for "Implementing Data Harvesting" is missing from the programmers documentation for CCP4i.

    The file $CCP4/ccp4i/help/programmers/harvest.html can be fetched from the prerelease area.

    (Thanks to Maria Turkenburg)

    In addition there are some more technical known bugs which have not been dealt with at present but may not be noticable on your machine.

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