Meeting: Database Requirements for CCP4 Projects

Date and Venue

Monday 17th October 2005
York University Biology Building Room M049 (the room can accommodate a maximum of 15 people)

Abstract for this meeting

This one-day meeting is a first attempt to gather information on the current and future needs and concerns of CCP4-related projects with regard to data management and the use of databases within CCP4 for structure determination.

Issues to be considered will include:

The meeting doesn't aim to resolve these issues but to provide a forum for discussing them. Future meetings will be required to move forward in each of these areas.


Representatives from each of the interested CCP4 and CCP4-related projects are invited to give 20-25 minute presentations on their projects and the data management issues therein i.e. to answer the question "what does this project need a database to do?". More specifically the talk for each project should address the following points:

  1. What sort of "database(s)" do you want/need in your project e.g. databases of structures, ligands etc.
  2. Do you want to be able to track operations that the user might perform (and if so at what level)? (Tracking means keeping a record of what has been done in order to visualise, backtrack, restart etc.)
  3. Do you want to store crystallographic data in it? Do you want to retrieve crystallographic data from other applications from it?
  4. Are there any technical issues, e.g. preferred languages for APIs?

The projects considered as part of this meeting are listed below, along with their primary contacts):

The primary contacts should each nominate one of their group to speak.


Time Talk Speaker
10:20 Welcome and introduction
10:30 Data modelling: some lessons from experience plus discussion Chris Morris
11:30 CCP4(i)/Bioxhit Database Project Peter Briggs
12:00 Lunch
13:00 CCP4 Automation Charles Ballard
13:30 e-HTPX Graeme Winter
14:00 York Refmac/Molrep pipeline Garib Murshudov
14:30 CRANK Steven Ness
15:00 Coffee break
15:30 CCP4i Peter Briggs
15:40 CCP4mg Liz Potterton
15:50 Coot Paul Emsley
16:00 Discussion: contents of DB for automation of structure solution using existing knowledge and information Chaired by Garib Murshudov
17:00 Close


Travel and accommodation costs for the meeting will be met by CCP4 funding.


Peter Briggs/Garib Murshudov