Tue Jul 26 16:49:37 BST 2005
#!/usr/local/bin/tclsh analyse_code_stats Copyright (C) 2004 CCLRC, Peter Briggs Usage: analyse_code_stats [-v] <dir> This script will go through the directory structure within the named directory recursively, and will count the total number of files and the total number of lines of code Options: -v verbose mode, print the names of directories as they are entered CVS Id: $Id: analyse_code_stats.tcl,v 1.1 2004/08/25 10:23:41 pjx Exp $
#!/bin/csh -f Script to extract stats from ftp_log Usage: analyse_ftp.csh <file> CVS_Id: $Id: analyse_ftp.csh,v 1.3 2005/07/26 14:14:28 pjx Exp $
#!/bin/sh ccp4i_prep Peter Briggs 26/05/00 Script to initialise CCP4i for users on Daresbury SRS PX stations This should work for ccp4i v.1.1.1 released with CCP4 4.0.* but might not create appropriate files for later versions. \
#!/bin/csh -fe Remove files ending in tildes (~)
#!/ccpdisk/xtal/ccp4_gui/local/bin/tclsh Script to grab the domain name from a list of email addresses (one address per line) and then add up and display the number of addresses per domain and world region. Usage: count_domains <file> Known bugs: Not all possible domain names are recognised
#!/bin/csh -f cvspatch.csh Script to apply a patch from a branch to the main trunk Usage: cvspatch <file> <rev1> <rev2> <file> is a file in the current directory <rev1> is the old revision number or tag; this can be any string accepted by CVS, and relevant to the named file. <rev2> is the newer revision (same comments apply). The script generates a patch from the named revisions of <file>, and applies it to the most recent main trunk copy of the file that is in the repository.
#!/usr/local/bin/tclsh8.3 dosify.tcl Ensure that all source code files in current directory have DOS line ends, by running the to_dos command (which must be available on the system) Usage: dosify.tcl [<file1> [<file2> .... ]] Currently looks for files ending in: f, fh, tcl, h, c, cpp
#!/bin/sh -e
#!/bin/csh -f Usage: find_call <subroutine> Look for instances where the named subroutine is called in all .f files in the current directory, ignoring case
#!/bin/csh -f Usage: find_subr <subroutine> Look for the definition of the named subroutine in all .f files in the current directory, ignoring case
#!/usr/local/bin/tclsh Determine dependencies between Tcl files Usage: cd to directory of interest and run "get_tcl_dependencies.tcl" Script to determine which file depends on which by sorting out the procedures defined and called in each. CVS Id: $Id: get_tcl_dependencies.tcl,v 1.1 2004/08/26 13:12:20 pjx Exp $
#!/usr/local/bin/tclsh8.3 htmlise_logs.tcl Process a text-based log file and turn it into html. Add tags for highlighting key lines in different colours Usage: htmlise_log.tcl <file>
#!/ccpdisk/xtal/ccp4_gui/local/bin/tclsh Make a HTML index file for the current directory with links to each file. Usage: index_files.tcl This creates a file "index.html" in the current directory which has the names of each file linked to the files themselves, along with modification times and file sizes. The file also contains links to any subdirectories. The script generates a similar "index.html" file recursively in every subdirectory. This script was intended to make quick indexes for directories on the web.
#!/bin/sh Run index_images.tcl Usage: index_images "index_images.tcl" generates an index webpage listing the images found in the current directory, then descends the subdirectory tree and to create similiar image indices for each directory it finds. A "master index file" is also generated which links to all the separate indices. The individual indices are generated by invoking "make_image_index" in each subdirectory.
#!/ccpdisk/xtal/ccp4_gui/local/bin/tclsh index_messages.tcl For email messages that have been exported as text files in a directory, generate an index Usage: index_messages.tcl [-html] Writes the list of messages to stdout. If -html is specified then the output is marked up as HTML, with links to the files themselves.
#!/ccpdisk/xtal/ccp4_gui/local/bin/tclsh index_scripts.tcl Make an index of executable scripts in the current directory, by cutting out the leading comments. Usage: index_scripts.tcl > <some_file>.html The output is html echoed to stdout, so the output of this script should be piped to some file.
#!/usr/local/bin/tclsh8.3 list_calls.tcl Script to extract subroutine calls and declarations from fortran source code and sort them into external and internal calls.
#!/ccpdisk/xtal/ccp4_gui/local/bin/tclsh Generate HTML version of most recent changes, from the ascii text CHANGES file Usage: make_CHANGES.tcl [-i infile] [-o outfile] [-v version] -i specifies input filename (defaults to CHANGES) -o specifies output filename (defaults to infile with extension ".html") -v specifies version number (defaults to ?) CVS id: $Id: make_CHANGES.tcl,v 1.2 2005/07/26 15:24:39 pjx Exp $ Peter Briggs May 2005
#!/bin/sh Run make_image_index.tcl Generate an index webpage which lists the images found in the current directory. The page contains thumbnails that are generated using the "jpgtn" program (for jpegs). Usage: make_image_index The index file is called "image_index.html". The script will stop if a file with this name already exists. CVS id: $Id: make_image_index,v 1.3 2005/07/26 15:36:38 pjx Exp $ \
#!/bin/sh patch_ccp4.sh Experimental script to download and apply patches for CCP4 suite. Usage: patch_ccp4.sh This script attempts to download the available patches for the current CCP4 version from the ftp site, and then apply them to the appropriate files. It uses wget to transfer files to the local machine, and relies on the file "index.patches" being present on the server - this file contains a list of the patchfile names with the target directory for each. The script pulls across the listed patch files (also using wget) and makes a directory $CCP4/.patches to store information about which patches it has already applied - this is to avoid patches being applied multiple times. CVS Id= $Id: patch_ccp4.sh,v 1.2 2005/07/26 15:22:38 pjx Exp $
#!/ccpdisk/xtal/ccp4_gui/local/bin/tclsh Usage: rename.tcl <file1> [<file2> ...] Rename files so that spaces in filenames are substituted with underscores
#!/bin/sh Wrapper for rm -rf Usage: rmrf <dir> Prompts the user once to confirm that the named directory and its contents really should be deleted.
#!/usr/local/bin/tclsh8.3 striplines.tcl Remove lines matching supplied pattern from specified files Usage: striplines.tcl <pattern> [<file1> [<file2> .... ]] Currently looks for files ending in: f, fh, tcl, h, c, cpp and uses glob-style pattern-matching (same as grep).
#!/usr/local/bin/tclsh8.3 unixify.tcl Ensure that all source code files in current directory have Unix line ends, by running the to_unix command (which must be available on the system) Usage: unixify.tcl [<file1> [<file2> .... ]] Currently looks for files ending in: f, fh, tcl, h, c, cpp
#!/ccpdisk/xtal/ccp4_gui/local/bin/tclsh Compare a new version of the Refmac dictionary with an existing one. Reports which files have changed, which have been added or removed, and checks for known problem files. Note that the dictionary location is hardcoded
#!/ccpdisk/xtal/ccp4_gui/local/bin/tclsh Compare new version of Refmac5 source code with an older version held in some location (hardcoded in this script) Usage: cd to directory with new refmac source code then execute update_refmac5.tcl The script reports the current and updated version numbers and reports new & updated files.
#!/ccpdisk/xtal/ccp4_gui/local/bin/tclsh Run tnef on a winmail.dat file and report the names of the extracted files. Usage: winmail_tnef.tcl CVS Id: $Id: winmail_tnef.tcl,v 1.2 2005/07/26 15:49:30 pjx Exp $