From Wed Dec 7 11:56:10 2005 Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 22:21:35 +0100 From: OnLineHelpForm To: Subject: [ccp4]: problems with All, I have been refining a structure in CNS and am now finishing it off (very nicely) in CCP4(i). However, my test set is the CNS default of 1, and I was trying to run arp-warp to tidy up the waters. However, there is no option in the refmac portion of the arp-warp task screen to designate the freerflag=1. I think I've fixed it by editing the .def files and running it from the command line. However, having the option to set the freerflag on the GUI interface would be nice. Love the program. Well done to all. Best. Nic Steussy