 ### CCP4 5.99: TRUNCATE           version 5.99      : 13/05/05##
 User: briggs  Run date: 21/ 6/2005 Run time: 15:53:13 

 Please reference: Collaborative Computational Project, Number 4. 1994.
 "The CCP4 Suite: Programs for Protein Crystallography". Acta Cryst. D50, 760-763.
 as well as any specific reference in the program write-up.



Command Input


 Data line--- labin F=FNAT SIGF=SIGFNAT
 Data line--- end

 No CONTENTS or NRESIDUE Key_Word given with WILSON
 Number of residues will be estimated from volume assuming 50% solvent.

Input MTZ File

 Logical Name: HKLIN   Filename: /home/briggs/CCP4_REMOTE/ccp4/examples/rnase/rnase25.mtz 

 * Title:

 Scaleit tests.......

 * Base dataset:

        0 HKL_base

 * Number of Datasets = 4

 * Dataset ID, project/crystal/dataset names, cell dimensions, wavelength:

        1 RNASE
             64.8970   78.3230   38.7920   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
        2 RNASE
             64.9000   78.3200   38.7900   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
        3 RNASE
             64.8500   78.5600   39.5100   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000
        4 RNASE
             65.0000   78.6600   38.8100   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000

 * Number of Columns = 18

 * Number of Reflections = 7262

 * Missing value set to NaN in input mtz file

 * Column Labels :


 * Column Types :

 H H H F Q I F Q D Q F Q D Q F Q D Q

 * Associated datasets :

 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4

 * Cell Dimensions : (obsolete - refer to dataset cell dimensions above)

   64.8970   78.3230   38.7920   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000 

 *  Resolution Range :

    0.00040    0.16000     (     50.125 -      2.500 A )

 * Sort Order :

      1     2     3     0     0

 * Space group = 'P 21 21 21' (number     19)

 Spacegroup information obtained from library file: 
 Logical Name: SYMINFO   Filename: /home/briggs/CCP4_REMOTE/ccp4/lib/data/syminfo.lib

 Spacegroup information obtained from library file: 
 Logical Name: SYMINFO   Filename: /home/briggs/CCP4_REMOTE/ccp4/lib/data/syminfo.lib

Reciprocal space symmetry: 
Space group: "P 21 21 21" Point group: "PG222" Laue group: "mmm" 
Reference asymmetric unit: "h>=0 and k>=0 and l>=0" 
  (change of basis may be applied) 

 Spacegroup 19 "P 21 21 21" 
 Original indices for reflection hkl with symmetry number ISYM 

                              Bijvoet positive 
       ISYM              ISYM              ISYM              ISYM              
  ISYM   1  +h,+k,+l       3  -h,-k,+l       5  +h,-k,-l       7  -h,+k,-l    

                              Bijvoet negative 
       ISYM              ISYM              ISYM              ISYM              
  ISYM   2  -h,-k,-l       4  +h,+k,-l       6  -h,+k,+l       8  +h,-k,+l    

 Spacegroup information obtained from library file: 
 Logical Name: SYMINFO   Filename: /home/briggs/CCP4_REMOTE/ccp4/lib/data/syminfo.lib

 Spacegroup information obtained from library file: 
 Logical Name: SYMINFO   Filename: /home/briggs/CCP4_REMOTE/ccp4/lib/data/syminfo.lib

      Cell Dimensions:          64.90       78.32       38.79       90.00       90.00       90.00

Output MTZ File

No output MTZ file written.

 Harvest: NO ProjectName given - no deposit file created

 Width of bin :  0.0027
 Number of bins :   60

 Limits on H,K,L..   0 to  25      0 to  31      0 to  15

 Too few reflections per bin.  1000 Increasing bin width:
 New bin width :  0.0027
 Number of bins:   59

 Too few reflections per bin.  1000 Increasing bin width:
 New bin width :  0.0028
 Number of bins:   58

 Too few reflections per bin.  1000 Increasing bin width:
 New bin width :  0.0028
 Number of bins:   57

 Too few reflections per bin.  1000 Increasing bin width:
 New bin width :  0.0029
 Number of bins:   56

 Too few reflections per bin.  1000 Increasing bin width:
 New bin width :  0.0029
 Number of bins:   55

 Too few reflections per bin.  1000 Increasing bin width:
 New bin width :  0.0030
 Number of bins:   54

 Too few reflections per bin.  1000 Increasing bin width:
 New bin width :  0.0030
 Number of bins:   53

 Too few reflections per bin.  1000 Increasing bin width:
 New bin width :  0.0031
 Number of bins:   52

 Too few reflections per bin.  1000 Increasing bin width:
 New bin width :  0.0031
 Number of bins:   51

 Too few reflections per bin.  1000 Increasing bin width:
 New bin width :  0.0032
 Number of bins:   50

 Too few reflections per bin.  1000 Increasing bin width:
 New bin width :  0.0033
 Number of bins:   49

 Too few reflections per bin.  1000 Increasing bin width:
 New bin width :  0.0033
 Number of bins:   48

 Too few reflections per bin.  1000 Increasing bin width:
 New bin width :  0.0034
 Number of bins:   47

 Too few reflections per bin.  1000 Increasing bin width:
 New bin width :  0.0035
 Number of bins:   46

 Too few reflections per bin.  1000 Increasing bin width:
 New bin width :  0.0035
 Number of bins:   45

 Too few reflections per bin.  1000 Increasing bin width:
 New bin width :  0.0036
 Number of bins:   44

   Resolution limits in As =      50.13      2.50
            as  4sinsq/lsq =    0.00040   0.16000

   Resolution limits used for scaling in As =       4.00      2.50
                             as  4sinsq/lsq =    0.06250   0.16000

FORMATTED OLD file opened on unit 45 Logical name: ATOMSF, Filename: /home/briggs/CCP4_REMOTE/ccp4/lib/data/atomsf.lib

Volume, Solvent Content etc

    ****   Volume solvent content etc ***

    ****   NOTE: Following figures ASSUME 50% solvent

    No Contents information given in input ****

   Asymmetric Unit Contents                         Scattering Factor Constants
   Atom  number in  A.U.  Atomic number     (F = AA*EXP(-A*RHO) + BB*EXP(-B*RHO) + .. + CC)
    C             780            6              2.310   20.844    1.020   10.208    1.589    0.569    0.865   51.651    0.216
    N             211            7             12.213    0.006    3.132    9.893    2.013   28.997    1.166    0.583  -11.529
    O             234            8              3.049   13.277    2.287    5.701    1.546    0.324    0.867   32.909    0.251
    H            1248            1              0.493   10.511    0.323   26.126    0.140    3.142    0.041   57.800    0.003

 Volume per atom                         =          10.0 A**3
 total number of atoms in unit cell      =          9892
 unit cell volume                        =      197176.9
 F000                                    =       37108.0
 fraction of unit cell occupied by atoms =         0.502  =====
 starting resolution                     =         50.13
 finishing resolution                    =          2.50
 resolution increment for plotting       =          0.00

Scale from Wilson Plot

   *******  Wilson Plots *******

  Nref is the number of observed reflections in a
       hemisphere of reciprocal space.
  N_unq is an estimate of the number of possible reflections
        in an assymmetric unit of reciprocal space 
        ( Nref should be approximately equal to Nsymp*N_unq)
  Mn(ff)       is the expected value of f**2
  Mn(s - resln) is the average value of 4(sin theta/lambda)**2 and 
               the corresponding resolution limit.
  Mn(fobssq)   is the average value of Fobs**2

  If the reflections which were not measured were all weak, then Mn(Fobs**2)
   is better estimated using all possible  reflections N_unq
  ln(Mn((Fo**2)1))/Mn(ff)  uses the average derived from Nref,
  ln(Mn((Fo**2)2))/Mn(ff)  uses the average derived from N_unq.
For inline graphs use a Java browser

 A total of      7228 reflections were included in the Wilson plot

1       |                                                                                                                        
        |      *  *                                                                                                              
     -91+    *                                                                                                                   
        |                                     *    *                                                                             
        |                                *                                                                                       
     -92+                                  *    *            *       *                                                           
        |                                               *                                                                        
        |                                                 *            *                                                         
     -93+                                                                 *                                                      
        |                                            *          *                                                                
        |                             *                           *                                                              
        |                           *                                            *                                               
        |                      *                                               *                                                 
 l      |                                                                                                                        
 o      |                                                                                                                        
 g      |                                                                   *                                                    
 (   -97+                                                                                                                        
 F      |                                                                           *                                            
 P      |           *    *  *                                                                                                    
 s      |              *         *                                                     * *                                       
 q   -98+                                                                                                                        
 /      |                                                                                                                        
 M      |                                                                                                                        
 n      |                                                                                     *                                  
 (   -99+                                                                                                                        
 f      |                                                                                                                        
 f      |                                                                                                                        
 )      |                                                                                                                        
 )  -100+                                                                                   *                                    
        |                                                                                             *                          
        |                                                                                        *                               
 *  -101+                                                                                          *                             
 1      |                                                                                                       *                
 0      |                                                                                                                        
 *      |                                                                                                                        
 *  -102+                                                                                                                        
 1      |                                                                                                              *         
        |                                                                                                    *                   
        |                                                                                                  *              *      
    -103+                                                                                                         *              
        |                                                                                               *                        
        |                                                                                                            *           
           0             2             4             6             8             10            12            14            16    
                                           4*sinsq/lamdbasq  *10**2                                                              
                                           WILSON PLOT (observed reflections only)                                               

    WILSON PLOT for Ranges   18 -  44
    Resolution range:  3.9575  2.5138
  LSQ Line Gradient =         -27.643669
 Uncertainty in Gradient  =      0.1631E+01
  X Intercept          =     -0.8258E+01
 Uncertainty in Intercept =      0.9347E-01

 For a wilson plot          B          =  -  gradient
                          SCALE        = exp( - intercept).

 Least squares straight line gives:   B  = 27.644        SCALE  =3858.49976
    where  F(absolute)**2 = SCALE*F(observed)**2*EXP(-B*2*SINTH**2/L**2) 

 $TABLE: Wilson Plot - Suggested Bfactor 27.6:
 $GRAPHS: Wilson plot -Suggested Bfactor 27.6:A:5,8,10:

 ln(Mn(Fsquared/n_poss)/Mn(ff)  $$ 
   i  nref  N_unq Mn(ff) 1/resol^2 Mn(resln) Mn(FF/n_obs)
 ln(Mn(FF/n_obs)/Mn(ff)) Mn(FF/n_poss)


   1   150   150    214334.   0.0024 20.36        24     -9.11679            24     -9.11679
   2   226   226    209588.   0.0059 12.97        24     -9.08265            24     -9.08265
   3   266   266    203729.   0.0096 10.23        23     -9.08373            23     -9.08373
   4   320   320    198998.   0.0131  8.73        12     -9.73353            12     -9.73353
   5   340   340    194205.   0.0168  7.71        11     -9.76358            11     -9.76358
   6   364   364    189225.   0.0203  7.02        11     -9.75305            11     -9.75305
   7   422   422    184644.   0.0240  6.45        11     -9.74007            11     -9.74007
   8   416   416    180720.   0.0275  6.03        13     -9.56572            13     -9.56572
   9   458   458    175805.   0.0312  5.66        10     -9.77402            10     -9.77402
  10   494   494    172038.   0.0349  5.35        13     -9.47351            13     -9.47351
  11   480   480    168041.   0.0385  5.10        15     -9.35159            15     -9.35159
  12   524   524    163961.   0.0422  4.87        17     -9.17809            17     -9.17809
  13   526   526    160749.   0.0457  4.68        16     -9.21334            16     -9.21334
  14   556   564    157090.   0.0492  4.51        17     -9.13120            17     -9.14548
  15   554   578    153479.   0.0530  4.34        15     -9.21464            15     -9.25705
  16   580   608    150299.   0.0567  4.20        16     -9.13521            15     -9.18236
  17   586   606    146753.   0.0603  4.07        13     -9.33398            13     -9.36755
  18   580   594    143910.   0.0639  3.96        14     -9.23850            14     -9.26235
  19   638   650    141102.   0.0674  3.85        13     -9.26457            13     -9.28321
  20   700   708    137785.   0.0712  3.75        14     -9.20697            14     -9.21834
  21   596   596    135211.   0.0747  3.66        12     -9.33913            12     -9.33913
  22   708   712    132648.   0.0783  3.57        11     -9.37278            11     -9.37842
  23   732   736    129554.   0.0821  3.49        13     -9.19828            13     -9.20373
  24   688   692    127240.   0.0857  3.42        12     -9.27368            12     -9.27948
  25   772   772    124752.   0.0893  3.35        11     -9.32038            11     -9.32038
  26   674   674    122144.   0.0930  3.28         8     -9.66582             8     -9.66582
  27   812   812    120036.   0.0966  3.22         8     -9.55848             8     -9.55848
  28   748   748    117631.   0.1002  3.16         9     -9.47099             9     -9.47099
  29   808   812    115447.   0.1038  3.10         7     -9.71915             7     -9.72409
  30   772   772    113473.   0.1075  3.05         7     -9.76577             7     -9.76577
  31   770   770    111139.   0.1111  3.00         6     -9.76524             6     -9.76524
  32   874   874    109254.   0.1147  2.95         5    -10.00409             5    -10.00409
  33   840   840    107333.   0.1184  2.91         5     -9.88620             5     -9.88620
  34   824   824    105307.   0.1219  2.86         4    -10.06211             4    -10.06211
  35   780   780    103570.   0.1255  2.82         4    -10.11151             4    -10.11151
  36   928   928    101791.   0.1291  2.78         4    -10.02716             4    -10.02716
  37   884   884     99926.   0.1328  2.74         3    -10.32174             3    -10.32174
  38   898   898     98284.   0.1365  2.71         3    -10.28459             3    -10.28459
  39   860   860     96632.   0.1400  2.67         3    -10.25079             3    -10.25079
  40   944   944     95018.   0.1436  2.64         4    -10.12167             4    -10.12167
  41   882   882     93459.   0.1474  2.60         3    -10.30273             3    -10.30273
  42   964   964     91879.   0.1509  2.57         3    -10.35827             3    -10.35827
  43   940   944     90434.   0.1545  2.54         3    -10.23364             3    -10.23788
  44   968   968     89034.   0.1582  2.51         3    -10.28419             3    -10.28419

Analysis of Mean Intensity

 Range    Min. S    Max. S   Dmax(A)  Mn(I)/w Mn(SD)      Nref  Nposs

     1   0.00040   0.00403     15.76      22.1    0.6       40       40
     2   0.00403   0.00765     11.43      23.6    0.5       57       57
     3   0.00765   0.01128      9.42      22.6    0.6       68       68
     4   0.01128   0.01491      8.19      11.8    0.4       80       80
     5   0.01491   0.01854      7.35      11.0    0.4       86       86
     6   0.01854   0.02216      6.72      11.0    0.3       91       91
     7   0.02216   0.02579      6.23      10.7    0.3      107      107
     8   0.02579   0.02942      5.83      12.7    0.4      104      104
     9   0.02942   0.03304      5.50      10.0    0.3      115      115
    10   0.03304   0.03667      5.22      13.2    0.4      124      124
    11   0.03667   0.04030      4.98      14.6    0.4      120      120
    12   0.04030   0.04393      4.77      16.8    0.6      132      132
    13   0.04393   0.04755      4.59      16.0    0.5      132      132
    14   0.04755   0.05118      4.42      17.0    0.5      139      141
    15   0.05118   0.05481      4.27      15.2    0.5      139      145
    16   0.05481   0.05844      4.14      16.2    0.5      145      152
    17   0.05844   0.06206      4.01      12.9    0.4      147      152
    18   0.06206   0.06569      3.90      14.0    0.4      145      149
    19   0.06569   0.06932      3.80      13.3    0.4      160      163
    20   0.06932   0.07295      3.70      13.8    0.4      175      177
    21   0.07295   0.07657      3.61      11.9    0.3      149      149
    22   0.07657   0.08020      3.53      11.2    0.3      178      179
    23   0.08020   0.08383      3.45      13.1    0.4      183      184
    24   0.08383   0.08746      3.38      11.9    0.3      172      173
    25   0.08746   0.09108      3.31      11.2    0.3      193      193
    26   0.09108   0.09471      3.25       7.7    0.2      169      169
    27   0.09471   0.09834      3.19       8.4    0.2      204      204
    28   0.09834   0.10197      3.13       9.1    0.3      187      187
    29   0.10197   0.10559      3.08       6.9    0.2      202      203
    30   0.10559   0.10922      3.03       6.5    0.2      193      193
    31   0.10922   0.11285      2.98       6.4    0.2      193      193
    32   0.11285   0.11648      2.93       4.9    0.2      219      219
    33   0.11648   0.12010      2.89       5.5    0.2      210      210
    34   0.12010   0.12373      2.84       4.5    0.1      206      206
    35   0.12373   0.12736      2.80       4.2    0.1      195      195
    36   0.12736   0.13098      2.76       4.5    0.1      233      233
    37   0.13098   0.13461      2.73       3.3    0.1      221      221
    38   0.13461   0.13824      2.69       3.3    0.1      225      225
    39   0.13824   0.14187      2.65       3.4    0.1      215      215
    40   0.14187   0.14549      2.62       3.8    0.1      236      236
    41   0.14549   0.14912      2.59       3.1    0.1      221      221
    42   0.14912   0.15275      2.56       2.9    0.1      241      241
    43   0.15275   0.15638      2.53       3.3    0.1      235      236
    44   0.15638   0.16000      2.50       3.0    0.1      242      242

 Analysis of mean intensity by parity for reflection classes

  For each class, Mn(I/sig(I)) is given for even and odd parity with respect to the condition,
eg group 1: h even & odd; group 7 h+k+l even & odd; group 8 h+k=2n & h+l=2n & k+l=2n or not

 Range    Min_S    Dmax    Nref     1           2           3           4           5           6           7           8
                                    h           k           l          h+k         h+l         k+l        h+k+l    h+k,h+l,k+l
     1   0.00040  15.76      40 29.6 20.7   21.9 30.6   25.5 25.7   27.6 23.4   25.1 26.2   26.2 24.9   23.3 28.8   27.5 24.8
     2   0.00403  11.43      57 36.8 35.8   32.8 40.6   37.3 35.3   37.1 35.5   36.2 36.5   35.9 36.8   37.1 35.5   36.6 36.3
     3   0.00765   9.42      68 36.0 33.7   36.0 34.0   32.3 37.9   34.6 35.3   36.1 33.8   35.8 34.0   33.0 36.9   36.5 34.4
     4   0.01128   8.19      80 32.9 35.4   33.4 35.0   32.5 36.5   33.5 34.8   34.6 33.5   33.8 34.5   35.9 32.2   33.7 34.3
     5   0.01491   7.35      86 27.5 35.2   31.4 30.2   30.6 31.2   29.8 32.0   29.6 32.0   29.6 32.0   29.8 31.9   27.1 32.0
     6   0.01854   6.72      91 34.9 34.5   33.0 36.3   33.3 36.2   34.6 34.9   34.6 34.8   34.8 34.5   33.6 35.8   34.6 34.7
     7   0.02216   6.23     107 32.0 37.0   34.8 34.1   32.2 37.0   33.8 35.1   33.5 35.5   34.2 34.8   34.8 34.2   32.3 35.1
     8   0.02579   5.83     104 34.4 34.0   35.1 33.2   33.8 34.8   36.1 32.6   34.4 34.0   33.1 35.4   33.0 35.5   35.0 33.9
     9   0.02942   5.50     115 32.9 35.5   32.0 36.8   32.9 36.4   33.5 35.3   33.6 34.9   32.2 36.1   34.7 34.0   30.5 35.4
    10   0.03304   5.22     124 32.0 35.4   31.5 36.1   32.1 34.9   33.6 33.6   31.9 35.5   33.1 34.2   31.5 36.0   31.4 34.4
    11   0.03667   4.98     120 35.1 36.8   34.8 36.9   34.4 37.6   36.0 35.8   35.1 36.8   36.4 35.4   36.4 35.5   35.7 36.0
    12   0.04030   4.77     132 33.0 31.9   29.9 35.5   29.0 36.1   32.2 32.7   32.0 32.8   31.6 33.3   32.5 32.4   30.8 32.9
    13   0.04393   4.59     132 32.5 36.0   34.1 34.4   32.5 36.6   33.2 35.2   34.5 33.9   34.6 33.9   34.5 34.0   33.9 34.4
    14   0.04755   4.42     139 34.8 35.3   35.5 34.5   33.5 36.9   34.3 35.8   35.9 34.0   35.8 34.2   36.1 33.9   36.0 34.6
    15   0.05118   4.27     139 33.4 36.1   36.5 33.0   32.8 36.8   35.6 34.2   33.5 36.2   36.3 33.2   35.3 34.4   35.7 34.6
    16   0.05481   4.14     145 35.1 36.8   35.8 36.0   35.3 36.5   35.3 36.7   36.4 35.4   35.6 36.1   36.0 35.7   35.5 36.0
    17   0.05844   4.01     147 35.1 35.2   35.6 34.8   33.2 37.2   34.2 35.9   35.9 34.3   35.5 34.8   34.4 36.0   35.5 35.1
    18   0.06206   3.90     145 35.4 36.7   34.9 37.2   34.8 37.2   36.8 35.2   37.1 35.0   35.3 36.7   37.0 35.2   37.1 35.7
    19   0.06569   3.80     160 33.0 35.9   32.9 35.9   32.1 36.9   33.7 34.9   34.7 33.9   34.0 34.6   34.3 34.2   33.8 34.4
    20   0.06932   3.70     175 34.8 32.6   33.2 34.0   33.5 33.8   34.4 32.8   34.1 33.0   35.1 32.4   33.6 33.6   36.6 32.7
    21   0.07295   3.61     149 34.1 38.3   38.1 34.5   34.6 37.9   35.2 37.1   35.6 36.9   35.3 37.2   37.0 35.4   34.0 37.1
    22   0.07657   3.53     178 33.3 34.8   32.5 35.5   33.4 34.6   34.6 33.3   34.3 33.7   33.1 34.8   34.9 33.0   34.0 33.9
    23   0.08020   3.45     183 33.4 35.8   33.7 35.5   34.2 35.0   34.3 34.9   34.7 34.5   35.5 33.7   35.0 34.2   35.3 34.3
    24   0.08383   3.38     172 34.8 34.9   33.7 36.1   34.1 35.6   35.1 34.7   35.8 33.9   34.0 35.7   35.5 34.2   35.2 34.8
    25   0.08746   3.31     193 35.2 33.5   34.1 34.8   32.8 36.1   32.8 36.1   34.2 34.7   33.9 34.9   34.2 34.7   32.1 35.2
    26   0.09108   3.25     169 33.2 35.0   33.4 35.0   32.5 35.5   35.2 33.1   34.4 33.9   34.9 33.4   33.7 34.6   36.1 33.5
    27   0.09471   3.19     204 32.3 35.2   32.8 34.6   32.7 35.0   32.9 34.2   32.2 35.0   33.7 33.6   34.7 32.6   31.2 34.3
    28   0.09834   3.13     187 31.2 34.3   31.2 34.5   30.9 34.7   31.7 34.0   32.0 33.3   32.5 33.0   32.7 32.7   30.7 33.4
    29   0.10197   3.08     202 33.9 30.8   31.8 33.2   31.9 33.2   31.1 33.9   31.7 33.4   31.6 33.3   32.4 32.5   29.7 33.6
    30   0.10559   3.03     193 32.2 34.7   33.8 33.3   33.8 33.2   33.9 33.2   33.6 33.4   32.3 34.9   34.2 32.9   32.7 33.8
    31   0.10922   2.98     193 31.8 33.3   31.3 34.1   32.8 32.3   31.7 33.5   32.0 33.1   32.0 33.1   33.3 31.8   30.5 33.2
    32   0.11285   2.93     219 28.8 32.1   30.2 30.6   31.0 29.8   29.9 30.9   30.6 30.2   31.4 29.3   31.0 29.6   31.2 30.1
    33   0.11648   2.89     210 28.6 30.2   29.4 29.3   29.2 29.4   26.6 32.0   30.2 28.4   29.4 29.3   29.1 29.5   27.6 29.9
    34   0.12010   2.84     206 30.6 30.2   31.2 29.6   31.1 29.7   31.8 29.1   30.8 30.0   31.4 29.3   31.3 29.5   32.8 29.4
    35   0.12373   2.80     195 30.6 30.7   29.6 31.6   29.6 31.6   30.2 31.0   31.0 30.2   31.7 29.6   30.2 31.0   31.8 30.3
    36   0.12736   2.76     233 30.5 30.6   29.7 31.6   28.8 32.7   31.1 30.1   30.1 31.0   30.9 30.3   30.7 30.5   30.9 30.5
    37   0.13098   2.73     221 27.8 28.9   28.5 28.1   25.6 31.0   27.7 29.0   27.8 28.8   27.2 29.4   29.0 27.8   26.0 29.1
    38   0.13461   2.69     225 25.2 27.7   25.5 27.4   26.5 26.3   26.5 26.3   25.4 27.4   27.0 25.8   27.0 25.8   26.1 26.5
    39   0.13824   2.65     215 26.3 28.4   26.3 28.3   25.4 29.6   26.9 27.8   27.7 27.1   27.7 27.1   27.9 26.8   27.5 27.3
    40   0.14187   2.62     236 25.5 30.1   27.7 27.5   27.2 28.1   28.4 26.7   27.3 27.9   28.0 27.2   28.9 26.3   28.5 27.3
    41   0.14549   2.59     221 28.6 26.2   25.4 29.8   27.2 27.6   27.3 27.5   27.0 27.8   27.0 27.8   27.3 27.6   26.4 27.7
    42   0.14912   2.56     241 24.9 25.0   23.9 26.2   25.4 24.5   25.8 24.3   25.0 24.9   25.7 24.2   25.5 24.4   26.6 24.5
    43   0.15275   2.53     235 28.6 26.4   27.4 27.6   29.0 26.2   26.6 28.5   27.7 27.3   27.7 27.3   28.2 26.7   26.9 27.7
    44   0.15638   2.50     242 24.3 25.1   24.7 24.7   25.1 24.3   23.4 26.0   25.7 23.8   24.0 25.5   25.1 24.4   23.6 25.1

         Totals:           7228 31.1 32.2   31.1 32.3   30.9 32.5   31.4 31.9   31.6 31.7   31.6 31.7   31.9 31.4   31.3 31.8

 Explicit scale given

 Amplitudes will be scaled by   100.000 from sqrt(I)

Header Information to Output MTZ File

 No output MTZ file written. 

 Number of reflections input =       7262
 Number of terms output      =          0

Number of terms rejected =         0
  ( having EITHER  Iobs .LT. -3.7*SDobs  OR  Iobs .LT. (SDobs)**2/MeanI - 4.0*SDobs )

Distributions of Observed Intensity

 Distributions of Observed Intensity Magnitudes

 Tables below give percentage of terms for which I.le.Z 
 where Z is defined as I/Mn(I) for the range of 4*((Sintheta/Lamda)**2)

  Also the 2nd, 3rd & 4th moments of I, Mn(I**k)/Mn(I)**k for k = 2,3,4 (labelled Moment2, Moment3, Moment4))

 Z values in tables :
               0.1  0.2  0.3  0.4  0.5  0.6  0.7  0.8  0.9  1.0

Acentric Moments of Intensity


 THEORETICAL Distribution 
                 Nref Nz(0.1  - 0.2  - 0.3  - 0.4  - 0.5  - 0.6  - 0.7  - 0.8  - 0.9  -1.0) Moment(Z2      Z3      Z4      E1      E3)
                         9.5   18.1   25.9   33.0   39.3   45.1   50.3   55.1   59.3   63.2      2.00    6.00   24.00

 Observed distribution in ranges of 4*((Sintheta/Lamda)**2)
For inline graphs use a Java browser

 Totals of Observed Distributions (averages) :
                 5947    9.6   17.4   25.4   32.2   38.5   44.4   49.9   54.6   59.0   62.9      1.97    5.75   22.17    0.00    0.00

Centric Moments of Intensity


 THEORETICAL Distribution 
                 Nref Nz(0.1  - 0.2  - 0.3  - 0.4  - 0.5  - 0.6  - 0.7  - 0.8  - 0.9  -1.0) Moment(Z2      Z3      Z4      E1      E3)
                        24.8   34.5   41.6   47.3   52.1   56.1   59.7   62.9   65.7   68.3      3.00   15.00  105.00

 Observed distribution in ranges of 4*((Sintheta/Lamda)**2)
For inline graphs use a Java browser

 Totals of Observed Distributions (averages) :
                 1281   23.9   34.6   41.7   47.5   52.5   57.5   60.2   63.3   66.9   69.3      2.84   12.97   77.26    0.01    0.01

Cumulative Intensity Distribution

">For inline graphs use a Java browser

Mean Amplitude vs. Resolution

For inline graphs use a Java browser

    TOTALS          7228     8.83     0.27    33.09    31.67   247.81     4.20    59.03    63.84

Anisotropic Analysis: FALLOFF


 Direction 1 is perpendicular to b* and Direction 3
 Direction 2 is along b*
 Direction 3 is perpendicular to a* and b*

For inline graphs use a Java browser

 Average F (d1 d2 d3) + overall average:   265.36   231.68   246.36       248.27

 number A-AX reflections less than 30.0 degrees from dir1      8272
 number B-AX reflections less than 30.0 degrees from dir2      8288
 number C-AX reflections less than 30.0 degrees from dir3      7864
 number overall reflections      57824

 TRUNCATE:  Normal termination
Times: User:       0.5s System:    0.0s Elapsed:     0:15