Sol_ Sol_ --- SFCHECK --- /Vers 7.0.11; 03.05.2005/ Sol_ Memory: 10 Mb N_atom_max: 40000 Sol_ Dataset id missing from COLUMN records in MTZ header. Making default assignments. >>>>>> CCP4 library signal mtz:Missing or incomplete dataset information in input file. (Warning) raised in MtzGet <<<<<< OPENED INPUT MTZ FILE Logical Name: bar_wt_ph6_twin-0.3-p32-p3221.mtz Filename: bar_wt_ph6_twin-0.3-p32-p3221.mtz ----------------------------------- --- MTZ file :bar_wt_ph6_twin-0.3-p32-p3221.mtz No Label type 1 H H 2 K H 3 L H 4 F F 5 SIGF Q 6 FT1 F 7 SIGFT1 Q 8 FT2 F 9 SIGFT2 Q 10 FT3 F 11 SIGFT3 Q ----------------------------------- Dataset id missing from COLUMN records in MTZ header. Making default assignments. >>>>>> CCP4 library signal mtz:Missing or incomplete dataset information in input file. (Warning) raised in MtzGet <<<<<< OPENED INPUT MTZ FILE Logical Name: bar_wt_ph6_twin-0.3-p32-p3221.mtz Filename: bar_wt_ph6_twin-0.3-p32-p3221.mtz Data line--- LABIN F=FT2 SIGF=SIGFT2 FORMATTED UNKNOWN file opened on unit 22 Logical name: sfcheck_mtz.cif, Filename: sfcheck_mtz.cif Dataset id missing from COLUMN records in MTZ header. Making default assignments. >>>>>> CCP4 library signal mtz:Missing or incomplete dataset information in input file. (Warning) raised in MtzGet <<<<<< OPENED INPUT MTZ FILE Logical Name: bar_wt_ph6_twin-0.3-p32-p3221.mtz Filename: bar_wt_ph6_twin-0.3-p32-p3221.mtz N,hkl,F,sig,stat : 5000 4 1 23 4294. 136.9 o N,hkl,F,sig,stat : 10000 8 9 -13 5447. 164.3 o N,hkl,F,sig,stat : 15000 14 10 0 5843. 222.4 o --- read file of structure factors. --- Environment variable SYMINFO not set ... guessing location of symmetry file. SYMINFO file set to /home/briggs/CCP4_REMOTE/ccp4/lib/data/syminfo.lib -->SYSABS:H,K,L,I,SD: 0 0 -16 25600.00 13648.00 -->SYSABS:H,K,L,I,SD: 0 0 -14 9604.00 6865.88 -->SYSABS:H,K,L,I,SD: 0 0 -13 43264.00 17110.08 -->SYSABS:H,K,L,I,SD: 0 0 -11 25600.00 13648.00 -->SYSABS:H,K,L,I,SD: 0 0 -10 43264.00 17110.08 -->SYSABS:H,K,L,I,SD: 0 0 -8 15129.00 9741.60 -->SYSABS:H,K,L,I,SD: 0 0 -7 15129.00 9741.60 -->SYSABS:H,K,L,I,SD: 0 0 -5 25600.00 13648.00 -->SYSABS:H,K,L,I,SD: 0 0 -4 15129.00 9741.60 -->SYSABS:H,K,L,I,SD: 0 0 4 15129.00 9741.60 -->SYSABS:H,K,L,I,SD: 0 0 5 25600.00 13648.00 -->SYSABS:H,K,L,I,SD: 0 0 7 15129.00 9741.60 -->SYSABS:H,K,L,I,SD: 0 0 8 15129.00 9741.60 -->SYSABS:H,K,L,I,SD: 0 0 10 43264.00 17110.08 -->SYSABS:H,K,L,I,SD: 0 0 11 25600.00 13648.00 -->SYSABS:H,K,L,I,SD: 0 0 13 43264.00 17110.08 -->SYSABS:H,K,L,I,SD: 0 0 14 9604.00 6865.88 -->SYSABS:H,K,L,I,SD: 0 0 16 25600.00 13648.00 --- Pscale --- --- Check Patterson for pseudo-translation --- --- Twinning test --- --- file statistics --- ---------------------------------------------- --- Crystal --- PDB_code : XXXX Name : XXXXXXXX ? Date :XX-XXX-XX Cell: 59.39 59.39 82.59 90.00 90.00 120.00 Space group : P 32 No symmetry operators : 3 ---------------------------------------------- --- Structure factors --- Resolution /input data/ : 29.69 - 2.19 Number of reflections : 16129 ( in_file : 17387) Number of unacceptable reflections : 18 Number of unacceptable reflections as systematycal absent : 18 Number of reflections with I > sigma(I) : 17369 Number of reflections with I > 3sigma(I): 17260 R_stand(I) = / : 0.068 Rmerge : 0.000 ( 2480 --> 1240) Number of acceptable reflections: 16129 for resolution : 29.69 - 2.19 Optical Resolution: 1.60 Expected Optical Resolution for complete data set: 1.60 / Optical resolution - expected minimal distance between two resolved peaks in the electron density map./ Resmax_used(opt): 2.37 Number of max possible refls : 16749 actual : 16129 Completeness : 96.3 % R_stand(F) = / :0.034 Boverall /estimated by Patterson/ : 26.47 Minimal estimated error : 0.0225 Pseudo-translation is not detected. Minimal estimated error : 0.0225 Perfect twinning test /^2 : 1.5840 Partial Twinning test: +k,h,-l Polar angles: 89.99 60.00 180.00 Alpha(twin fraction),Npair,Ior,Tol : 0.322 18130 2 0.000 --- Partial Twinning Test : H = !I(h1)-I(h2)!/(I(h1)+I(h2)) --- Alpha(twinning fraction) = 1/2 - Reflection related to hkl : +k,h,-l Cumulative distribution of H 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 *---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ !++O.+ . . . . . . . . ! ! ++.+O . + . . . . . . . ! ! +++ O . +. . . . . . ! 0.10!---++-+--+O--------+-------------------! ! .++ + .O . . .+ . . . ! ! . + + + . +O . . . + . . ! ! . +.+ + . O . . . . +. ! 0.20!-------+-+--+------O-------------------+ alpha=0.4 ! . .+ +. +. . O. . . . + ! . . + .+ .+ . .O . . . + ! . . +. + . + . . O+ . . + 0.30!-----------+--+----+--------O+---------+ ! . . .+ + . + . . O+ . + ! . . . + .+ . +. . . O+. + ! . . . +. +. .+ . . O + + 0.40!---------------+---+------+----------O-+ alpha=0.3 ! . . . .+ .+ . + . . O+ ! . . . . + . +. . + . . O+ ! . . . . +. + . + . O+ 0.50!-------------------+----+-------+-----O+ ! . . . . .+ . + . . +. O+ ! . . . . . + . + . .+ O+ ! . . . . . +. .+ . . +O+ 0.60!-----------------------+-----+--------O+ alpha=0.2 ! . . . . . .+ . +. . O+ ! . . . . . . + . .+ . O+ ! . . . . . . +. . + . O+ 0.70!---------------------------+------+---O+ ! . . . . . . .+ . + O+ ! . . . . . . . + . . +O+ ! . . . . . . . +. . O+ 0.80!-------------------------------+------O+ alpha=0.1 ! . . . . . . . .+ . O+ ! . . . . . . . . + . O+ ! . . . . . . . . +. O+ 0.90!-----------------------------------+--O+ ! . . . . . . . . .+ O+ ! . . . . . . . . . +O+ ! . . . . . . . . . O+ H *---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---* alpha=0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Anisotropic distribution of Structure Factors: Ratio of Eigen values : 0.8569 0.8569 1.0000 ---------------------------------------------- --- Create PostScript file --- XXXX * Plotfile: Sol_ Sol_ --- SFCHECK --- /Vers 7.0.11; 03.05.2005/ Sol_ Memory: 10 Mb N_atom_max: 40000 Sol_ Dataset id missing from COLUMN records in MTZ header. Making default assignments. >>>>>> CCP4 library signal mtz:Missing or incomplete dataset information in input file. (Warning) raised in MtzGet <<<<<< OPENED INPUT MTZ FILE Logical Name: bar_wt_ph6_twin-0.3-p32-p3221.mtz Filename: bar_wt_ph6_twin-0.3-p32-p3221.mtz ----------------------------------- --- MTZ file :bar_wt_ph6_twin-0.3-p32-p3221.mtz No Label type 1 H H 2 K H 3 L H 4 F F 5 SIGF Q 6 FT1 F 7 SIGFT1 Q 8 FT2 F 9 SIGFT2 Q 10 FT3 F 11 SIGFT3 Q ----------------------------------- Dataset id missing from COLUMN records in MTZ header. Making default assignments. >>>>>> CCP4 library signal mtz:Missing or incomplete dataset information in input file. (Warning) raised in MtzGet <<<<<< OPENED INPUT MTZ FILE Logical Name: bar_wt_ph6_twin-0.3-p32-p3221.mtz Filename: bar_wt_ph6_twin-0.3-p32-p3221.mtz Data line--- LABIN F=F SIGF=SIGF FORMATTED UNKNOWN file opened on unit 22 Logical name: sfcheck_mtz.cif, Filename: sfcheck_mtz.cif Dataset id missing from COLUMN records in MTZ header. Making default assignments. >>>>>> CCP4 library signal mtz:Missing or incomplete dataset information in input file. (Warning) raised in MtzGet <<<<<< OPENED INPUT MTZ FILE Logical Name: bar_wt_ph6_twin-0.3-p32-p3221.mtz Filename: bar_wt_ph6_twin-0.3-p32-p3221.mtz N,hkl,F,sig,stat : 5000 3 21 9 2952. 141.0 o N,hkl,F,sig,stat : 10000 8 6 6 7194. 313.0 o N,hkl,F,sig,stat : 15000 14 6 -2 2103. 112.0 o --- read file of structure factors. --- Environment variable SYMINFO not set ... guessing location of symmetry file. SYMINFO file set to /home/briggs/CCP4_REMOTE/ccp4/lib/data/syminfo.lib -->SYSABS:H,K,L,I,SD: 0 0 -16 25600.00 17920.00 -->SYSABS:H,K,L,I,SD: 0 0 -14 9604.00 9016.00 -->SYSABS:H,K,L,I,SD: 0 0 -13 43264.00 22464.00 -->SYSABS:H,K,L,I,SD: 0 0 -11 25600.00 17920.00 -->SYSABS:H,K,L,I,SD: 0 0 -10 43264.00 22464.00 -->SYSABS:H,K,L,I,SD: 0 0 -8 15129.00 12792.00 -->SYSABS:H,K,L,I,SD: 0 0 -7 15129.00 12792.00 -->SYSABS:H,K,L,I,SD: 0 0 -5 25600.00 17920.00 -->SYSABS:H,K,L,I,SD: 0 0 -4 15129.00 12792.00 -->SYSABS:H,K,L,I,SD: 0 0 4 15129.00 12792.00 -->SYSABS:H,K,L,I,SD: 0 0 5 25600.00 17920.00 -->SYSABS:H,K,L,I,SD: 0 0 7 15129.00 12792.00 -->SYSABS:H,K,L,I,SD: 0 0 8 15129.00 12792.00 -->SYSABS:H,K,L,I,SD: 0 0 10 43264.00 22464.00 -->SYSABS:H,K,L,I,SD: 0 0 11 25600.00 17920.00 -->SYSABS:H,K,L,I,SD: 0 0 13 43264.00 22464.00 -->SYSABS:H,K,L,I,SD: 0 0 14 9604.00 9016.00 -->SYSABS:H,K,L,I,SD: 0 0 16 25600.00 17920.00 --- Pscale --- --- Check Patterson for pseudo-translation --- --- Twinning test --- --- file statistics --- ---------------------------------------------- --- Crystal --- PDB_code : XXXX Name : XXXXXXXX ? Date :XX-XXX-XX Cell: 59.39 59.39 82.59 90.00 90.00 120.00 Space group : P 32 No symmetry operators : 3 ---------------------------------------------- --- Structure factors --- Resolution /input data/ : 29.69 - 2.19 Number of reflections : 16302 ( in_file : 17560) Number of unacceptable reflections : 18 Number of unacceptable reflections as systematycal absent : 18 Number of reflections with I > sigma(I) : 17530 Number of reflections with I > 3sigma(I): 16843 R_stand(I) = / : 0.088 Rmerge : 0.000 ( 2480 --> 1240) Number of acceptable reflections: 16302 for resolution : 29.69 - 2.19 Optical Resolution: 1.60 Expected Optical Resolution for complete data set: 1.60 / Optical resolution - expected minimal distance between two resolved peaks in the electron density map./ Resmax_used(opt): 2.37 Number of max possible refls : 16749 actual : 16302 Completeness : 97.3 % R_stand(F) = / :0.046 Boverall /estimated by Patterson/ : 26.60 Minimal estimated error : 0.0309 Pseudo-translation is not detected. Minimal estimated error : 0.0309 Perfect twinning test /^2 : 1.9371 Partial Twinning test: +k,h,-l Polar angles: 89.99 60.00 180.00 Alpha(twin fraction),Npair,Ior,Tol : 0.054 18130 2 0.000 --- Partial Twinning Test : H = !I(h1)-I(h2)!/(I(h1)+I(h2)) --- Alpha(twinning fraction) = 1/2 - Reflection related to hkl : +k,h,-l Cumulative distribution of H 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 *---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ !+O+.+ . . . . . . . . ! ! ++O+ . + . . . . . . . ! ! ++O + . +. . . . . . ! 0.10!---++O+--+---------+-------------------! ! .++O+ .+ . . .+ . . . ! ! . + O + . +. . . . + . . ! ! . +.O + . + . . . . +. ! 0.20!-------+-O--+------+-------------------+ alpha=0.4 ! . .+ O. +. . +. . . . + ! . . +O.+ .+ . .+ . . . + ! . . +O + . + . . + . . + 0.30!-----------+-O+----+---------+---------+ ! . . .+O + . + . . .+ . + ! . . . +O.+ . +. . . +. + ! . . . +O +. .+ . . . + + 0.40!---------------+O--+------+------------+ alpha=0.3 ! . . . .+O .+ . + . . + ! . . . . +O. +. . + . . + ! . . . . +O + . + . + 0.50!-------------------+O---+-------+------+ ! . . . . .+O . + . . +. + ! . . . . . +O. + . .+ + ! . . . . . +O .+ . . + + 0.60!-----------------------+O----+---------+ alpha=0.2 ! . . . . . .O . +. . + ! . . . . . . O . .+ . + ! . . . . . . O. . + . + 0.70!---------------------------O------+----+ ! . . . . . . .O . + + ! . . . . . . . O . . + + ! . . . . . . . O. . ++ 0.80!-------------------------------O-------+ alpha=0.1 ! . . . . . . . .O . + ! . . . . . . . . O . + ! . . . . . . . . O. + 0.90!----------------------------------O+---+ ! . . . . . . . . O+ + ! . . . . . . . . .O+ + ! . . . . . . . . . O++ H *---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---* alpha=0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Anisotropic distribution of Structure Factors: Ratio of Eigen values : 0.8591 0.8591 1.0000 ---------------------------------------------- --- Create PostScript file --- XXXX * Plotfile: Sol_ Sol_ --- SFCHECK --- /Vers 7.0.11; 03.05.2005/ Sol_ Memory: 10 Mb N_atom_max: 40000 Sol_ OPENED INPUT MTZ FILE Logical Name: /home/briggs/CCP4_REMOTE/ccp4/examples/rnase/rnase25.mtz Filename: /home/briggs/CCP4_REMOTE/ccp4/examples/rnase/rnase25.mtz ----------------------------------- --- MTZ file :/home/briggs/CCP4_REMOTE/ccp4/examples/rnase/rnase25.mtz No Label type 1 H H 2 K H 3 L H 4 FNAT F 5 SIGFNAT Q 6 FreeR_flag I 7 FHG2 F 8 SDFHG2 Q 9 FHG2DEL D 10 SDFHG2DEL Q 11 FPTNCD25 F 12 SIGFPTNCD25 Q 13 DELFPTNCD25 D 14 SIGDELFPTNCD25 Q 15 FIOD25 F 16 SIGFIOD25 Q 17 DELFIOD25 D 18 SIGDELFIOD25 Q ----------------------------------- OPENED INPUT MTZ FILE Logical Name: /home/briggs/CCP4_REMOTE/ccp4/examples/rnase/rnase25.mtz Filename: /home/briggs/CCP4_REMOTE/ccp4/examples/rnase/rnase25.mtz Data line--- LABIN F=FNAT SIGF=SIGFNAT FREE=FreeR_flag FORMATTED UNKNOWN file opened on unit 22 Logical name: sfcheck_mtz.cif, Filename: sfcheck_mtz.cif OPENED INPUT MTZ FILE Logical Name: /home/briggs/CCP4_REMOTE/ccp4/examples/rnase/rnase25.mtz Filename: /home/briggs/CCP4_REMOTE/ccp4/examples/rnase/rnase25.mtz N,hkl,F,sig,stat : 5000 13 13 0 432.7 8.368 o --- read file of structure factors. --- Environment variable SYMINFO not set ... guessing location of symmetry file. SYMINFO file set to /home/briggs/CCP4_REMOTE/ccp4/lib/data/syminfo.lib --- Pscale --- --- Check Patterson for pseudo-translation --- --- file statistics --- ---------------------------------------------- --- Crystal --- PDB_code : XXXX Name : XXXXXXXX ? Date :XX-XXX-XX Cell: 64.90 78.32 38.79 90.00 90.00 90.00 Space group : P 21 21 21 No symmetry operators : 4 ---------------------------------------------- --- Structure factors --- Resolution /input data/ : 49.97 - 2.50 Number of reflections : 7217 ( in_file : 7217) Number of reflections with I > sigma(I) : 7164 Number of reflections with I > 3sigma(I): 7030 R_stand(I) = / : 0.030 Number of acceptable reflections: 7217 for resolution : 49.97 - 2.50 Optical Resolution: 1.79 Expected Optical Resolution for complete data set: 1.79 / Optical resolution - expected minimal distance between two resolved peaks in the electron density map./ Resmax_used(opt): 2.84 Number of max possible refls : 7278 actual : 7217 Completeness : 99.2 % R_stand(F) = / :0.017 Boverall /estimated by Patterson/ : 31.56 Minimal estimated error : 0.0182 Pseudo-translation is not detected. Minimal estimated error : 0.0182 Perfect twinning test /^2 : 1.9810 Anisotropic distribution of Structure Factors: Ratio of Eigen values : 0.7014 1.0000 0.8282 ---------------------------------------------- --- Create PostScript file --- XXXX * Plotfile: