From Wed Sep 7 15:56:47 2005 Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 14:53:12 +0100 From: Martyn Winn To: Peter Briggs Subject: RE: How to update the download pages with latest versions (fwd) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2005 15:44:48 +0100 From: "Remacle, F (Francois)" To: "Winn, MD (Martyn)" Subject: RE: How to update the download pages with latest versions The install script is automatically generating through PHP, its generation is situated in the file "final.php" from Prototype4 If you want to update things into it, you will have to read through to see in the Php code the creation of content file for each bits, but i separated into installation parameters and installation for each programs so it should not be too difficult to find the way through. Be careful that you need to escape characters such as " $ or \ if they need to appear in the script. (you just need to take a look to what is done to see how it works) Concerning Windows i just finished to build and made the installer and download manager for windows putting MG 0.8, i am about to put it on the server. -----Original Message----- From: Martyn Winn [] Sent: 02 June 2005 15:28 To: Remacle, F (Francois) Subject: Re: How to update the download pages with latest versions I think that is clear. Where is your install script, and how is it included? Have you redone the Windows build? Cheers m On Wed, 1 Jun 2005, Remacle, F (Francois) wrote: > Here is how to do, if there is any point which is not clear enough please tell me. > Normally the changes only need to be made in one place, the file called "". > This files contains all the different arrays that are used by the download pages. > Mainly what you might need to do is updates the packages files. > Therefore what you need to do is change the entries of the "packages" array. > This array is organised in the following way. > It is indexed by operating system keyword and to each of this index an array is associated. > for example > > packages["Irix"] is an array > > the associated array contains either sub-operating system keywords or the array listing all the packages available > for example > > packages["Lin"]["RH8"] contains the packages available > packages["Irix"] contains the packages available. > The array of packages available is indexed by the packages keyword and has the file location has a value. > for example > packages["Osf"]["4.0"]["ccp4-bin"] has the value "bin/Osf/4.0/ccp4-5.0.2.tar". > Now what is the link between the values of that array and the place where the files are on ccp4serv2: > All the file locations are relative paths from the path > /public/ccp4/www/fr45/prototypes/packagestest/ > > This folder contains two subfolders, respectively called "src" and "bin" > in turn bin contains subfolders "Mac", "Lin", "Osf", "Irix", "Sun" > and Lin and Osf subfolders contains 2 subfolders... > So it is straightforward to know where to put binary files for a given operating system. > Once the file put in the correct path then just need to update the filename in packages array (if you changed it, as of course if you kept the same filename, no need to change anything). > Concerning how to tar ccp4 source, ccp4 bin and phaser. > for ccp4 source, just need to check out and tar it. For the binaries, using Pete's script for building it ( just pay attention that the top folder has the same name as the source one (will be ccp4-5.99.3 i guess). > For taring phaser it should be as if you had ccp4+phaser and you delete everything except /lib/cctbx and /lib/src and /src/phaser. Once again the top level folder should have the same name as the ccp4 source one. > The reason of this is to that has the scripts will merge the tarball together, if the toplevel folder name is different that they will not be merged together. ************************************************************************** * * * Dr. Martyn Winn * * * * Daresbury Laboratory, Daresbury, Warrington, WA4 4AD, ENGLAND * * Tel: +44 1925 603455 E-mail: (personal) * * Fax: +44 1925 603825 E-mail: (CCP4 problems) * * URL: * **************************************************************************