From Wed Sep 7 10:14:46 2005 Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 10:10:09 +0100 From: P.J.Briggs To: Peter Briggs Subject: Suggestions for PR, materials etc 1. Make the "news@ccp4" newsletters available online as PDFs 2. Back issues of the Study Weekend proceedings ( - should change the wording from "Contents available" as it's misleading 3. The Study Weekend needs its own dedicated page: * Basic information on the next one (dates, venue, topic, organisers) * Link to page for registration (when available) * Link to info on previous years (e.g. proceedings) * Could also be used to post news 4. Create an image repository for publicity purposes (e.g. conferences, staff etc) - Bangalore pictures are a good start 5. We should have images of CCP4 staff (individual shots plus group picture), updated on regular basis (e.g. six monthly) 6. Update the manual - I think that this is something that we could initiate by outlining a structure and then outsourcing the different sections 7. Create a general resource with the latest talks, tutorials etc available in one place for external users 8. Make manual also available in PDF if possible -- _____________________________________________________ Peter J Briggs, Tel: +44 1925 603826 CCP4, Fax: +44 1925 603825 Daresbury Laboratory, Daresbury, Warrington WA4 4AD