class ccp4idb: """CCP4i job database object""" # Initialise a new project database def __init__(self,project,directory): self.__projectname = project self.__directory = directory self.__joblist = [] # By default report the project name def __repr__(self): return self.projectname() # Load data from file and set up lock def load(self): print self.projectname()+": loading data from directory "+ \" (not implemented)" # Retreive the data # Project name def projectname(self): return self.__projectname # Directory where hardcopy of data resides def directory(self): return self.__directory # List of jobs def joblist(self): return self.__joblist # Number of jobs def njobs(self): return len(self.joblist()) # Add a job def newjob(self,taskname,title): newjob = ccp4ijob(self.njobs(),taskname,title) joblist = self.joblist() joblist.append(newjob) return newjob # Retrieve handle for particular job id def findjob(self,job_id): # Loop over jobs until you find the one # you want for job in self.joblist(): if job.getId() == job_id: return job else: # Id wasn't matched return ccp4ijob() # List database information def display(self): print "Name : "+str(self.projectname()) print "Dir : "+str( print "Njobs: "+str(self.njobs()) # Iterate over jobs and invoke display for each for job in self.joblist(): job.display() class ccp4ijob: """CCP4i job object holding a run of a task""" # Data job_id = 0 title = "" taskname = "" status = "" null_job = True # Store arbitrary key-value pairs in a dictionary __data = {} # Define default constructor def __init__(self,job_id = 0,taskname = "",title = ""): self.job_id = job_id self.taskname = taskname if job_id >= 0 and taskname != "": self.title = title self.status = "STARTING" self.null_job = False # Dictionary for storing arbitrary key/value pairs self.__data = {} else: self.null_job = True # By default report the job id def __repr__(self): if not self.isnull(): return str(self.job_id) else: return str(-1) # Check if job is "null" def isnull(self): return self.null_job # Retrieve taskname def getTaskname(self): if (not self.isnull()): return self.taskname else: return "(null job)" # Set/retrieve title def setTitle(self,newtitle): self.title = newtitle def getTitle(self): return self.title # Set/retrieve arbitrary data def setData(self,key,value): if not self.isnull(): self.__data[str(key)]=str(value) def getData(self,key): if not self.isnull() and self.exists(str(key)): return self.__data[str(key)] else: return "(key doesn't exist)" def exists(self,key): return self.__data.has_key(str(key)) # Get job id def getId(self): return self.job_id # Validation # This should be performed against some template def iscomplete(self): # Check that the job has values for all # attributes if self.isnull: return False if self.job_id == "": return False if self.taskname == "": return False if self.status == "": return False return True # Display job information def display(self): if not self.isnull(): print str(self.job_id)+"\t:"+ \ str(self.status)+"\t"+ \ str(self.taskname)+"\t\""+ \ str(self.title)+"\"" print self.__data else: print "(null job)" ###################################################################### # Read a file def readfile(filename): """read_def_file(string)""" try: f = open(str(filename),"r") except: # Catch all errors print "read_def_file: error opening file \"%s\"" % str(filename) # Pass the error on to the calling subprogram raise # File should be open - read a line at a time for line in f: # Ignore comment lines - this is not very clever e.g. # can't account for leading spaces if line[0] == "#": print "Comment line (ignored)" continue # Strip trailing newline character if line[-1] == "\n": line = line[:-1] # Echo the line to stdout print "Line:", line # Close the file f.close()