From Wed Aug 31 14:16:46 2005 Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 14:08:16 +0100 From: Martyn Winn To: Francois Remacle Cc: Peter Briggs Subject: more comments on Windows version Having played a bit with latest Windows installation during IUCr, I have some more comments. 1. Refmac is broken. The environment variable CLIBD_MON needs a trailing "\". This is because of some unhelpful programming in refmac5_/rcard_tor1.f line 1476. The test for the dictionary assumes that the environment variable has a trailing slash. This is very awkward for you, but it is vitally important to remember this! 2. The directory layout is different from unix, e.g. $CCP4/lib/data is now $CCP4/data. I know that this doesn't matter for using the suite, it becomes confusing when browsing what's there. The standard directory structure has been around for a very long time and people are used to it. I don't really like "ccp4bin" and "ccp4libs" but I think there was a good reason for these? 3. It would be useful to have the source available. Just for browsing or for compiling with own compilers. I'm sure this has been discussed before, but don't remember the outcome. Actually, I think that is all .... m ************************************************************************** * * * Dr. Martyn Winn * * * * Daresbury Laboratory, Daresbury, Warrington, WA4 4AD, ENGLAND * * Tel: +44 1925 603455 E-mail: (personal) * * Fax: +44 1925 603825 E-mail: (CCP4 problems) * * URL: * **************************************************************************