CCP4i ClientAPI Functions

Version of 17th February 2006


1. API functions currently implemented in dbClientAPI.tcl

The following table outlines the functions that are currently available to a client application when using dbClientAPI.tcl. Note that the return values from the funtions are the values returned to the client application from dbClientAPI.tcl, not necessarily those returned from the handler.

OpenDatabase project db messageVar [ -grablock ]

Summary: Ask the database handler to open a project database

Description: Both the project alias and the directory path of the project database (i.e. the directory containing the database.def file for this project) must be specified. All subsequent commands assume that the database is already open and only require the project alias to be specified.

Returns: LOCKED (if the database is locked), OK (if the database is opened successfully) and ERROR (if the database open failed). (These are the same status messages that are sent from the handler.) The client application can access additional messages from the handler via the messageVar variable.


project Alias for the project being opened
db The full directory path of the project database
messageVar Name of a variable to return any messages in
-grablock (Optional) Over-ride any existing lock on the database file

CloseDatabase project

Summary: Close a currently open project database

Description: The client must previously have opened the database using the OpenDatabase command, otherwise an error will be returned.

Returns: 1 on successful close, 0 on error notification from the handler.


project Alias for the project being closed

NewRecord project

Summary: Create a new record in a CCP4i project database

Description: Creates a new job in the specified job database and returns the job id.

Returns: the job id for the new job, or 0 on error notification from the handler.


project Alias for the project in which the job is being created

DeleteRecord project job_id

Summary: Delete a record (job) from a CCP4i project database

Description: Removes the specified job id and associated data from the specified project database.

Returns: 1 if the job is successfully removed, 0 on error notification from the handler.


project Alias for the project from which the job is being removed
job_id Number of the job being removed

ItemExists project job_id item

Summary: Test for the existence of a data item. The item can be any of the indexed parameters in the database.def file, namely TITLE, TASKNAME, STATUS, DATE, INPUT_FILES, INPUT_FILES_DIR, OUTPUT_FILES, OUTPUT_FILES_DIR or LOGFILE.

Description: Returns 1 if the specified data item exists for the named job and project database, and 0 if not.

Returns: 1 if the item exists, 0 if not (or on error notification from the handler).


project Alias of the project
job_id Number of the job being interrogated
item Name of the data item being queried

SetData project job_id item1 value1 [ item2 value2 [ ... ] ]

Summary: Set the values of one or more data items

Description: This sets the values of multiple data items for a particular job in the specified project database. The argument list should consist of key-value pairs. The keys can be any of the indexed parameters in the database.def file, namely TITLE, TASKNAME, STATUS, DATE, INPUT_FILES, INPUT_FILES_DIR, OUTPUT_FILES, OUTPUT_FILES_DIR or LOGFILE.

Setting multiple data items in a single SetData command is recommended as this minimises the number of socket transactions required to send the data to the server.

Returns: 1 on successful set operation, 0 otherwise.


project Alias of the project database
job_id Number of the job for which the data is being set
item1 (, item2 ...) Item name(s) to set the value of
value1 (, value2 ...) Corresponding value(s) to set the item(s) to be

GetData project job_id item1 [ item2 [ ... ] ]

Summary: Return the values of one or more data items

Description: This returns the values of multiple data items for a particular job in the specified project database. The argument list should consist of keys. A list of the corresponding values will be returned. The keys can be any of the indexed parameters in the database.def file, namely TITLE, TASKNAME, STATUS, DATE, INPUT_FILES, INPUT_FILES_DIR, OUTPUT_FILES, OUTPUT_FILES_DIR or LOGFILE.

GetData can also be used to retrieve the NJOBS value for the current database. This is a special parameter that is not associated with any job (note that a job id must still be supplied when retrieving NJOBS, but it is ignored). In spite of its name, NJOBS is not the number of jobs in the current database but is in fact the highest job id number of any job in the database.

Retrieving multiple data items in a single GetData command is recommended as this minimises the number of socket transactions required to fetch the data from the server.

Returns: A Tcl list of the retrieved values, or an empty string on error.


project Alias of the project database
job_id Number of the job for which the data is being fetched
item1 (,item2 ...) Item name(s) to get the value of

SelectJobs project item pattern

Summary: Return a list of jobs matching a regular expression

Description: This command returns a list of job numbers where the values of the specified item matches the supplied regular expression pattern. The item can be any of the indexed parameters in the database.def file, namely TITLE, TASKNAME, STATUS, DATE, INPUT_FILES, INPUT_FILES_DIR, OUTPUT_FILES, OUTPUT_FILES_DIR or LOGFILE.

Returns: A Tcl list of job ids where the value of the item matched the pattern, or an empty string if there were no matches. An empty string is also returned on error.


project Alias of the project database
item Item name being searched on
pattern Regular expression pattern to search on

GetDescription project job_list db_display db_display_format

Summary: Return a formatted list of jobs in report format

Description: This command takes a list of job numbers, a list of item names and a format description, and returns a report as a Tcl list with one job description (generated according to the lists of items and formats) per item.

The item names can be any of the indexed parameters in the database.def file, namely TITLE, TASKNAME, STATUS, DATE, INPUT_FILES, INPUT_FILES_DIR, OUTPUT_FILES, OUTPUT_FILES_DIR or LOGFILE. The format list consists of numbers which correspond to the appropriate field widths for each of the items being displayed.

For example:

GetDescription { 1 2 3 } { TASKNAME STATUS TITLE } { 15 10 40 }

would generate a line for each of jobs 1, 2 and 3; each line would consist of the taskname written in a field of 15 characters, the status written in a field of 10 characters, and the title written in a field of 40 characters.

This can be used to append all database information into one string for display (this is how it is used within CCP4i).

Returns: A Tcl list with one list item per record description as described above, or an empty string if there was an error.


project The alias for the project to access
job_list List of job ids
db_display A list of the database parameters to be displayed
db_display_format A list of the field widths (as integers) to use for displaying the items in the db_display list.

DbStartHandler [ broadcastCmd ]

Summary: Start a database handler, or connect to one already running

Description: This command opens a server socket and starts a new handler process in background. The handler process sends back a port number for the client application to use when connecting to the handler. This function then connects the client to the handler and registers the client.

Optionally the calling process can specify a callback procedure which will be invoked each time a broadcast message is received from the handler. The callback function broadcastCmd must be defined in the application, and have the following syntax:

proc broadcastCmd { message } { ... }

Returns: 1 on successful start, 0 on failure.


broadcastCmd (Optional) Procedure to be invoked for broadcast messages


Summary: Open socket and connect to (register with) database handler

Description: This command should only be invoked by the client application after DbStartHandler, which establishes the correct port number to use to communicate with the database server process.

It sets up a client socket with a callback procedure (processHandlerMessage) which is invoked whenever the socket becomes readable (corresponding to data being sent from the handler). This command then connects to the handler, allowing the other database requests to be made via the appropriate API commands.

Returns: currently nothing.




Summary: Disconnect socket from the database handler

Returns: currently nothing.



2. Internal functions currently implemented in dbClientAPI.tcl

The following are helper functions used by the functions in section 1:

DbHandlerRequest messageVar command [ arguments ... ]

Summary: Send a request to the database handler and return the response.

Description: This function is not intended to be called directly by the client application - instead it is the mechanism that the public API functions use to send requests to the handler. The request consists of the command plus the arguments supplied to this function. This function deals with the correct XML wrapping of the request before sending it through the socket to the handler.

After the request is sent to the handler this procedure waits until a response is recieved i.e. it operates in a pseudo-synchronous manner. (This also uses the processHandlerMessage helper function.)

Responses from the handler consist of Tcl lists - the first element in the list is the return value of this procedure, the remainder is returned in the variable named by the last argument in args.

Returns: the return value of DbHandlerRequest is the status from the handler (e.g. OK, ERROR ... ). DbHandlerRequest also returns ERROR to the calling function if there is some other problem or failure. The message from the handler is returned to the calling function via the messageVar variable.


messageVar Name of variable used to return output to the calling procedure
command Command to be sent to the handler
arguments The set of arguments for the command

processHandlerMessage client

Summary: Handler for messages recieved from the database server.

Description: This processes messages recieved from the handler process via the socket connection. It unwraps the XML packaging and classifies the message, which should fall into one of two catergories:

  1. responses to requests sent via DbHandlerRequest, or
  2. unsolicited "broadcast" messages from the handler.

The function acts together with DbHandlerRequest to enable multiple requests to be sent through the same socket to the handler asynchronously. In the event that a broadcast event is received from the handler, the appropriate callback function broadcastCmd (if this has been specified by the client application).

Returns: currently nothing.


client Socket id

handlerAcceptConnect client clienthost clientport

Summary: Utility function used by DbStartHandler

Description: handlerAcceptConnect is invoked as a callback when a db server function connects to the listening server connection in ClientAPI. Once a connection is detected, the socket is configured to invoke handlerAcceptInput whenever there is something to read from the socket.

This command should only be invoked as part of the DbStartHandler start-up procedure, and should not be accessed directly by the client application.

Returns: currently nothing.


client The client socket handle
clienthost The host that the client is running on
clientport The port of the client

handlerAcceptInput client

Summary: Utility function used by DbStartHandler

Description: Once a database server has been connected to by the client API, this command is called whenever input is recieved by the client from the server. The only useful information that the server can send is the information about the port number to use for further communications. At this point the socket is closed and control is passed back to DbStartHandler.

This command should only be invoked as part of the DbStartHandler start-up procedure, and should not be accessed directly by the client application.

Returns: currently nothing.


client The client socket handle

3. Functions external to dbClientAPI.tcl for running jobs

When CCP4i starts running a job, it starts a new independent process. This process must also communicate with the database handler, for example to notify the handler when the job has finished.

In the current implementation of the Tcl handler, running jobs are treated as a special kind of client and do not use dbClientAPI - instead they make use of a command called DbReceive, which is actually implemented in the handler (i.e. it is part of the notional dbAPI).

DbReceive allows the running job to make a small number of requests to the handler. The functions that are allowed through this mechanism are:

So running jobs cannot create new jobs, or query the database.

In the Tcl handler, DbReceive requests are processed without the client having to register with the handler and open a database first, but they can only change data for jobs that have previously been specified as "open" within the handler. (Jobs are specified as "open" when they are first created, and lose this status once they finish.)

Keeping track of the "open" records in each project is an extra overhead within the handler. It is also likely that in future we might want running jobs to be able to interact more with the database, for example by creating sub-jobs.

4. Using dbClientAPI.tcl

This section briefly describes the invocation order of functions in dbClientAPI.tcl.

  1. Before any interaction can take place with the database, the client application must call DbStartHandler. It must then register with the handler by calling DbHandlerConnect. Both these steps are necessary before any of the other commands can be used.
  2. The client needs to call OpenDatabase in order to open a specific project database for access. PJB - I need to check what happens if the project doesn't already exist. It is possible that this can fail, because the project is already being accessed by another handler. The client can instruct their handler to steal the lock from the other handler by calling OpenDatabase with the -grablock option.
  3. Once a project has been opened by the client it is able to read and write data to that project database.
  4. When a client has finished using a particular project it can use CloseDatabase to close the project (in reality this means that the handler simply unregisters this client from access privileges for that project).
  5. A client can finally unregister from the handler by calling DbHandlerDisconnect. If the client still has open databases then the handler will close them itself. (Also if the socket connection with the client and the handler are terminated before a DbDisconnect call then the handler will treat this as if DbDisconnect had been sent by that client.

Examples of usage can be found in the handler-compatible database.tcl file in CCP4i.

5. Functions not implemented in Tcl handler or dbClientAPI.tcl

5.1 Project-alias handling functions

The OpenDatabase function in dbClientAPI.tcl requires that the client application supplies the correct project alias and database directory. However it would make more sense to have the knowledge of these associations within the handler, that is the handler would keep track of which projects were owned by a user, and the alias/directory associations of each. The client would then only need to use the project alias.

This would require an extra set of functions within the client API:

Later on more functions could be added for example to import and export projects. (There are also issues of user privileges management that will need to considered, for example: how do I access someone else's project data? Maybe sketching the possible scenarios would be a good idea first.)

We would also need a similar set of functions for dealing with "default directories" (essentially short-cuts to non-project directories) that CCP4i supports:

5.2 Project history functions

"Project history functions" refer to functions that provide information on how jobs relate to each other. There are currently no project history functions within dbClientAPI.tcl or the Tcl handler, and the def file database doesn't store this kind of information.

We will need to work out how we will describe project history and provide functions for storing and retrieving and/or generating this information. I have some Tcl functions that are part of a prototype visualisation client, which might be useful in this context however we would first need to decide how jobs are going to be related to each other.