CCP4 Developers Meeting Agenda

When:  9:30am Thursday 25th July 2002
Where: York University Chemistry Department

Morning: Library Developments

1. Review of minutes of developer's meeting 23rd May at DL (Keith)

2. Status of new CCP4 libraries (Martyn)

3. Status of CLIPPER (Kevin)

4. Status of MMDB (Eugene)

5. Integration of all library developments (including Clipper and MMdb)
   - to include rationalisation of error codes etc (Charles/all)

6. Timescales for testing and release of libraries (all)

(Lunch 12:30-13:00)

Afternoon: Architecture of Future CCP4

1. Review/discussion of suggested architecture (all)

2. Overview of Molecular Graphics architecture (Stuart)

3. Automatic GUI generation (Liz)

4. CCP4i database handler (Peter)

5. Automation (Paul)

6. Action points, possible timescales and milestones (all)

(End of meeting 17:00)