Future Plans/Projects for CCP4i
Author: Peter Briggs
Revision: 0.7 Date:23/2/2006
Background and history
This document briefly summarises ideas emerging from discussion with Eleanor
Dodson 3/12/2003 @ DL. Since then other ideas have added as suggested, including
those from the CCP4 Annual Developers Meeting 2-3/3/2004.
This document was discussed with Eleanor Dodson and Johan Turkenburg in York
29/7/2004, and subsequently updated.
The most recent revision was by Peter Briggs in February 2006, following
CCP4 release 6.0.
#4 AMoRe interface |
Filtering of solutions, search for multiple monomers |
#6 Matthews task |
Get molecular weight from sequence or coordinates |
#13 New features for MapSlicer |
Implement highest priority options (masks, colours, greyscale) |
#14 Managing CCP4 projects and directories |
A number of requested features |
#17 F2MTZ interface for CNS |
Functionality to be added |
#23 Data Harvesting Management Tool |
Improve interfacing to PDB_EXTRACT |
New/Improved Task Interfaces
2. Integrate Prephadata, Rantan, Acorn, SHELX tasks into a single HA
solution task
29/4/2004: Very low priority
- Identify common and program specific parameter groupings
- Build interface recycling as many existing components as possible
- Issues of maintenance and development in future?
29/4/2004: This should be dropped for the time being.
4. AMoRe interface
High priority: change the way that solutions are filtered and sorted (with EJD)
- Merge "Build Amore Model" into main Amore interface
- Use NCS (EJD, 29/7/2004)
- Run Amore/Molrep on multiple models from the MR database (Johan, 29/7/2004)
- Option to look for multiple monomers in the asu (EJD can provide a script, 29/7/2004)
- Remove "get origin-shifted model" and "self rotation
function" options from menu, possibly into separate tasks
Actions: EJD to provide script to look for multiple monomers in asu.
5. Bring SSM into e.g. BEAST to perform automatic alignments?
29/7/2004: Low priority
29/7/2004: This idea needs some clarification. Would it use the standalone version of SSM or the web
service at the EBI? There was a suggestion that Pryank could be asked to investigate.
6. Matthews task
29/7/2004: High priority
- add options to calculate mol.weight from sequence (see get_prot)
or from coordinate file (RWCONTENTS).
EJD: PDBSET can be used to get the sequence given a PDB file.
Actions: EJD would like to be provided with a list of weights for
each residue type. PJB can get this from get_prot?
8. Store header information from Refmac
- Some graphics programs strip information about links, bonds,
modifications etc from the header of PDB files written by Refmac.
This information could be stored or imported somehow (e.g. from
the project database). It would be necessary to check the integrity
of the data.
29/7/2004: Possibly add a function to the Edit Restraints task to import
the header information from another file.
More important: Refmac needs to use RLINK instead of LINK records,
which means that Refmac can't currently run on files taken from the PDB
archive (29/7/2004).
13. New features for MapSlicer
29/7/2004: High priority
Some functions were identified as being the most important:
- Colouring of contours, customisation
For the present other features are not so important:
- Superimpose harker vectors/peaks on Patterson maps.
- Display of coordinates generally
- Automatic optimisation of contour levels for display
- Peaksearch and display
- Labels, annotation
17. Change to F2MTZ interface for importing CNS etc files
29/7/2004: High priority (also this is in bugzilla?)
- From Joshua Warren (jjwarren@duke.edu) to ccp4bb:
Here is a handy (maybe) perl script that takes an arbitrary cns .hkl file
and converts it to a format easily readable by f2mtz (namely 3F6.0,nF12.3
where n is the number of database items other than h, k, and l which are
in the input file, e.g. IOBS, FOBS, etc.)
$dummy = <>;
($h, $k, $l, @temp) = split;
printf "%6d%6d%6d", $h, $k, $l;
foreach (@temp){
printf "%12.3f", $_;
print "\n";
23. Improvements to Data Harvesting Management Tool for PDB_EXTRACT
29/7/2004: High priority
- Exact details to be determined. Should be performed with input from Pryank
25. Enable sketcher to be launched as a standalone task
26. Add new options to MOSFLM-in-batch interface
- Polarisation value e.g. SYNCHROTRON POLARISATION 0.99
- Refinement of beam divergence e.g. POSTREF BEAM 2
See also bugzilla
Task Browser Functionality
1. Improve presentation of tasks and modules to user
29/7/2004: Low priority
- reorder existing tasks?
- allow subheadings/groupings inside modules?
- add separators to module list?
- look at a database driven system?
- other approaches (e.g. roadmap-like)?
Action: EJD to send PJX an updated list of tasks reordered for each
module (29/7/2004).
14. Managing CCP4 projects and directories
29/7/2004: Very high priority
Introduce a number of new features to make it easier for users to
manipulate/interact with projects:
- Option to hide the view of some projects without deleting them
in the Projects&Directories window
- Option to import/export projects (see jiffy script for this:
An example was given by Johan, who would like to be able to transfer a project from a desktop
to a laptop machine, work on it, and then reimport the project back to his desktop at a later
- Option to merge projects (not so important at present).
See also suggestions from Jan Dohnalek bugzilla #430
15. Shortcuts to preferences and configuration options
29/7/2004: Low priority
- Allow the user to access some preferences directly through a top-level
menu (e.g. toggling bubble-help on and off).
There may not be sufficient suitable options for this to be worthwhile
in practice. There are also concerns that this might lead to cluttering
of the interface.
16. Improvements to job database and viewer
29/7/2004: Low priority at present:
- Make not entering a title a fatal error (EJD, 29/7/2004)
- Bubble-help could display the full title etc for the job which the
mouse is current over
- RH mouse-click to give a context-dependent pop-up menu: if there
are multiple selected jobs then give deletion options for all jobs,
or option to select different deletions for each. If there is a single
job selected then also include details of files and rerun option.
There is an issue here with deleting jobs from the database, if we
want to keep a complete record of what we have done
- Implement internal caching or hashing of important information, to speed up
operations like looking up which jobs a file is input to or output from.
See also suggestions from Jan Dohnalek #430
20. Improve the way that logfiles/graphs are presented
- Make more use of summary tags (more need to be added). Some way of
linking display of graphs/tables from the logfile view.
Actions: EJD to add/improve summaries for e.g. SCALA (29/7/2004)
CCP4i Infrastructure
3. Create a CCP4i "command library"
- Consist of a set of basic functions run standard tasks
- Already some existing examples, see e.g. map_utils (ExtendMap etc)
- Also provide standard "plug-in" interface folders, see e.g.
"UniqueifyFrame1" in existing tasks
7. Split CCP4i into resource manager plus interface
29/7/2004: Low priority
- Separate the graphical processes from the core CCP4i process,
creating a core server process which manages requests from interfaces
to run jobs, view the project history etc.
10. Tcl package loading for CCP4i core code
- Implement Tcl packaging for CCP4i core code so that the Tcl autoloading
can be used. It would be useful at this point to add versioning from
CVS strings though this may be more difficult.
11. Develop concept of "projects" to fit in with MOLE and MOSFLM
- This requires accounting for both interoperability between systems,
and for user expectations.
PJB provided Jeff Battye (MOSFLM) with a description of CCP4i projects
to facilitate this process.
22. Button/option to launch e.g. Coot or graphics program to view results
Miscellaneous Suggestions
9. Starter kit of external packages
- CCP4 ftp site should provide a starter kit of external packages
(Tcl/Tk, BLT, Python, incr Tcl etc) for CCP4i, CCP4mg and so on.
Actions: PJB to talk to Clemens Vonrhein about how to go about
checking for dependencies when installing (29/7/2004)
12. Develop interface style guide and common icon library
- Suggested by Chris Morris. This would lend more consistency between
otherwise independent applications.
Completed Projects
21. SHELX interface |
29/7/2004: High priority
- Interface based on Thomas Schneider's SHELXD interface extended to also run
- Need to download SHELX suite from SHELX site
- Need to download hkl2map interface from Thomas
18. CreateLabinLine updated to accommodatee groups of 4 HL
Coefficients |
29/7/2004: High priority
19. Improvements to the facility to export task packages |
29/7/2004: High priority
- From Kein Cowtan 7/7/2004:
Packaging a large number of GUI modules is a real pain, given that
there are 4 files per application. If there were some way of using a
multipaste, or having a text area in which I could just past in a
list of files/paths separated by whitespace, then that would make
life much easier. Or if there is any way I can export a package using
a script, that would do too.
29/7/2004: More suggestions from Kevin:
- Enter a path and task basename which would automatically populate the
export interface
- Facility to save settings for recall later on
24. Add CONTACT to the program list in CCP4i |
. |
13. New features for MapSlicer |
29/7/2004: High priority
Some functions were identified as being the most important:
- Add support for mask files (not currently implemented)
- Greyscale (prototype implementation exists)
14. Managing CCP4 projects and directories |
29/7/2004: Very high priority
- "Short-cut" to change between projects without having to go to the
Projects&Directories window each time
16. Improvements to job database and viewer |
29/7/2004: The highest priority option was:
- Options to sort and search within the jobs window, and to have
selective views (e.g. don't show certain jobs for example those that
Peter Briggs p.j.briggs@dl.ac.uk