Split off a branch in CVS, e.g.:
> cvs tag -b -r release-4_2_1 release-4_2_1_patch
which creates a branch rooted at the tag "release-4_2_1" called "release-4_2_1_patch".
Changes which are reported on the problems pages should also be added to the patch branch. This is the procedure that I use:
> cvs diff -c -r <old_revision> <file> > patch.diff
> cvs update -r release-4_2_1_patch <file>
> patch -i patch.diff
> cvs commit <file>
> cvs update -A <file>
Use the same mechanism as for official releases, e.g.:
> cvs tag -r release-4_2_1_patch release-4_2_2
will tag the most up-to-date files in the branch with the tag "release-4_2_2". The CVS "export" command can then be used to make releases and so on.
Use the rdiff command of CVS to make diffs suitable for use with Larry Wall's patch program:
> cvs rdiff -c -r release-4_2_1 -r release-4_2_2 ccp4 > ccp4-4.2.1-4.2.1.diff
The patch can be applied using patch as follows:
"-p1" means strip one level of directory name from those in the patch file; "-N" means don't try to apply reverse patches.
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