Making Binary Distributions


Binaries are produced for each release (major or minor). This document covers the production of binaries for Unix platforms only. NT/Windows and Mac OS-X are also produced but these are done separately.

Unix binaries are built on the machines available at DL:


  1. Update BINARY.setup

  2. Build the binaries


The procedure for making binaries for a patch release 4.2.2 on ccp4g:

  > mkdir BINARIES
  > cd BINARIES ; cp ccp4-4.2.tar.gz .
  > gunzip ccp4-4.2.tar.gz ; tar xvf ccp4-4.2.tar
  > auto-build-binaries.csh ccp4-4.2 4.2.2

Optionally: then set the environment and test the interactive components (see below).

This will produce a file ccp4-4.2.2_OSF1.tar.gz, which contains the bin directory plus a subset of the lib directory.


Running auto-build-binaries.csh requires the correct environment. You need to ensure that the following are on your path:

  1. /ccpdisk/xtal/auto-build/bin (where the auto scripts live)
  2. Location of tclsh v8.0 or better (used to generate the ccp4.setup file automatically).

Known problems

  1. On SunOS, tar -C doesn't work as advertised so the build script fails to create a proper tar.gz file with the right contents.

Making Binaries for Multiple Platforms

Suggestion: make a build area in /ccpdisk/xtal/dist, which has a subdirectory for each platform

e.g. .../dist/BUILD/DLPX1, .../dist/BUILD/CCP4G, etc

for building the binaries.

Testing of interactive components

After doing run-all:

  1. Start "rotgen"
  2. Start "ipmosflm"
  3. Run "rasmol $CEXAM/toxd/toxd.pdb"
  4. Start "ccp4i"
  5. Start "mapslicer"

Making the binaries available

The binaries go in the "binaries" area of the current release area on the ftp server. Remember to update the README.html file, and to update the download-<version>.sh script.

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