Y. Lunin1,2, Alexandre Urzhumtsev3,† & Alexander
1 Institute of
Mathematical Problems of Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushchino,
Moscow Region, 140292 Russia
UMR 7503, Faculté des Sciences, Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy I, 54506
Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, France;
3 LCM3B,
UMR 7036 CNRS, Faculté des Sciences, Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy I, 54506
Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, France;
† to whom correspondence
must be sent
The density
values are linked to the observed magnitudes and unknown phases by a system of
non-linear equations. When the object of search is a binary envelope rather
than a continuous function of the electron density distribution, these
equations can be replaced by a system of linear inequalities with respect to
binary unknowns and powerful tools of integer linear programming may be applied
to solve the phase problem. This novel approach was tested with calculated and
experimental data for a known protein structure.
Binary Integer Programming (BIP in what follows) is an approach to solve a system of linear inequalities in binary unknowns (0 or 1 in what follows). Integer programming has been studied in mathematics, computer science, and operations research for more than 40 years (see for example Johnson et al., 2000 and Bockmayr & Kasper, 1998, for a review). It has been successfully applied to solve a huge number of large-scale combinatorial problems. The general form of an integer linear programming problem is
max { cTx | Ax ≤ b, x Zn } (1.1)
with a real matrix A of a
dimension m by n, and vectors c Rn, b
Rm, cTx being the scalar product of the
vectors c and x. If the system Ax
≤ b includes the constraints 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, we get a binary integer linear programming problem (BIP). A vector x* in Zn with Ax*
≤ b is called a feasible solution. If moreover, cTx* = max { cTx | Ax ≤ b, x
Zn }, then x*
is called an optimal solution and cTx* the
optimal value.
In our phasing
technique, we have developed an approach that combines a general strategy of
low resolution phasing developed recently by (Lunin et al., 2000) with a local search procedure for the solution of BIP
problems (Walser, 1997, 1998). The general strategy suggests to generate a
large number of phase sets and to filter them by some criterion in order to
select a relatively small portion of probable solutions. While some of the
probable solutions can be quite wrong, the ensemble of the selected phases set
is, as a rule, mostly populated by the phase sets which are close enough to the
correct solution. Therefore averaging the probable solutions gives a phase set
of a high quality. The major problems of this approach are to identify a good
selection criterion and to propose an efficient and fast search strategy. The
efficiency of the search may be increased if some local refinement is applied
to the generated random sets. The local search procedure realised in the
program WSATOIP (Walser, 1997, 1998) allows one to perform this refinement when
working with binary integer programming problems. The procedure begins the search
with some randomly generated start values for the binary unknowns and then
tries to improve the solution locally. In general, the optimisation does not
result in the exact solution but in an ‘improved’ one, compared to the starting
Binary integer programming and crystallographic objects
Crystallographic problems
are usually formulated either in terms of real electron density values or in
terms of complex structure factors. These two sets of variables are linked by a
linear transformation (Fourier Transform) if the electron density values in all
points of the unit cell and the full (infinite) set of structure factors are
considered. In practice, when the density is calculated in a grid with a
relatively small number of divisions along the unit cell axes, and a small
number of reflections is used, these formulae need to be corrected. A possible
way to introduce these corrections is to replace the equalities which link
density values and structure factors by linear inequalities.
Additionally, the
magnitudes of these complex structure factors are supposed to be known from the
experiment while the phases are the subject of search. This introduces
non-linearity into the problem. Nevertheless, for centric reflections where the
phase may take only one of two possible values, phase uncertainty may be
represented by a binary variable. The equations that link this variable and the
electron density values with the magnitudes are still linear. In order to get a
similar situation for acentric reflections, an approximation can be used. The
phase of the corresponding structure factors is restricted to one of four
possible values ,
instead of an
arbitrary value between 0 and 2p ; this allows one to code the phase uncertainty by
two additional binary variables, which are linked also linearly to the density
As a rule,
macromolecular crystallographers do not need the exact density values but the
position and the shape of the region where the density values lie above a
certain level, i.e., a binary
function representing this region : the molecular envelope, the trace of the
polypeptide chain etc. Replacing the object of search by a binary mask has two
important consequences. On the one hand, the restriction of the density values
to 0 or 1 may enormously reduce the number of possible solutions of the phase
problem. On the other hand, the equations connecting the search density values
with the experimental structure factors are no longer strictly valid and require
a correction.
Grid density function and grid structure factors
Let be the number of
divisions along the unit cell axes (supposed to be consistent with the
symmetry). Let
stand for the
diagonal matrix with the diagonal formed by
, P is the set of all grid points in the unit cell and
is the total number
of these points:
. (3.1)
We introduce the grid electron density function as the set of values
of the density distribution at the grid points:
, (3.2)
and define the grid structure factors by the Inverse
Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT):
. (3.3)
Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) may restore the grid density function
unambiguously from the grid structure factors:
, (3.4)
but the values of the
density distribution in the intermediate points cannot be retrieved. These grid
structure factors are linked with the usual structure factors
. (3.5)
by the formula (Ten Eyck,
. (3.6)
If a Fourier synthesis of a
finite resolution dmin is
calculated at a grid whose step length is less than dmin/2, then all structure factors in the sum on the
right-hand side of (3.6) are supposed to be zero.
The phase problem as a binary programming problem
The main goal of this section is to derive linear
inequalities that allow one to define the grid electron density values provided the
structure factor magnitudes
are known. Using
formulae (3.3) and (3.6), one can write down a system of linear equations
defining the values of the grid function
in the form
These equations link the unknown
grid density values linearly with the real and imaginary parts, and
, of the structure factors (if both the magnitudes and phases
are supposed to be known). However, if not only the density values but also the
phases are considered to be unknown, then the equations become non-linear
because the phases enter as an argument of trigonometric functions.
The value of , which depends on magnitudes and phases of all structure
factors is generally unknown.
Therefore, the equations (4.1) cannot be written in the precise form. In
general, the expression
cannot be neglected
if one of the indices is close to M1/2, M2/2, M3/2.
At the same time, it can be estimated by the sum of the structure factor
magnitudes in the following way:
. (4.2)
As a consequence, the
equations (4.1) may be replaced by a system of inequalities that restrict the
density values in a weaker form, but do not require the knowledge of all
structure factors
. (4.3)
The inequalities (4.3) contain the phase values which cannot be
determined directly in an X-ray experiment and which are the object of our
search. The phases enter the inequalities in a non-linear manner. However, if
the reflection h is centric then
only two values of the phase,
, with
being known, are
possible, and (4.3) may be written as
for centric h, (4.4)
Here, the phase ambiguity is
represented by a new unknown , which takes one of the two values 1 or –1 and which enters
the inequalities in a linear way. The inequalities (4.4) become linear with
respect to
provided the
structure factor magnitudes
are known.
For acentric
reflections, an approximation can be done such that the phase can take only one of
four values:
. Under this hypothesis, the inequalities (4.3) become
for acentric h
where the unknowns and
take one of the two
values 1 or –1, and enter the inequalities in a linear way. Here,
reflects the error
introduced by the sampling of the phase value and can be estimated by
As a result we get a system
of linear inequalities (4.5) where the unknowns are the values of the electron
density at the grid points , and where the additional variables
represent the phase
ambiguity. These inequalities are weaker than the initial equations, but they
reduce the phase problem to linear integer programming, while initially the
phase problem is essentially non-linear.
5. Solution of the BIP phase problem
One of the main difficulties in representing the phase
problem as a BIP problem is that the X-ray experiment provides magnitudes corresponding to a
real electron density and not to a binary function approximating it.
Nevertheless, tests show that (see Section 6.1), at low and middle resolution,
the correlation between the observed structure factor magnitudes and those
calculated from binary envelopes may be high enough even for coarse grids. The
inequalities may now be written as
, (5.1)
where ,
are unknown binary
variables, which take 0 or 1 values only;
, (5.2)
, (5.3)
, for the centric
case, (5.4)
, for the acentric case, (5.5)
, for the
centric case, (5.6)
, for the
acentric case. (5.7)
is the optimal scale
factor which reduces the observed magnitudes to a ‘binary function scale’, and
the gap
reflects three kinds
of errors, namely grid sampling errors
, phase sampling errors
, and errors due to replacing the real density distribution
by a binary function.
It should be noted that in space groups different from P1
some variables are linked by the crystallographic symmetry and therefore a
set of independent variables must be chosen before solving the system (5.1).
In our tests to
solve the phase problem, we used an approach that combines local search for the
solution of BIP problems (Walser, 1997, 1998) with a general strategy of low
resolution phasing developed recently by (Lunin et al., 2000). First, a set of random initial assignments of values
to the binary variables is generated. From every initial assignment, one tries
to find a feasible solution of (5.1) by local flips of the binary variables.
This is done by the procedure WSATOIP
(Walser, 1997, 1998). At each run, the program will try to minimise a residual, which is defined on the base
of (5.1) as
. (5.8)
so that if the inequality
is satisfied, and
grows linearly with x otherwise (see Fig.1). The program
stops if the residual has been reduced to 0 (i.e. a feasible solution has been found) or if a given maximal
number of flips
has been reached. So
the result of a particular run is not always a feasible solution, but a final
assignment where the initial residue has been reduced.
For every final assignment, the phases corresponding to
the binary function are calculated and
used together with the observed magnitudes to obtain Fourier syntheses. It must
be noted that the possible phase solutions found by this procedure may
correspond to different choices of the origin and enantiomer. Therefore, the
calculated syntheses are first aligned according to permitted origin and
enantiomer choices (Lunin & Lunina, 1996). Then they are averaged to
produce a single phase set. In this, way a centroid phase value and an
individual figure of merit are defined for every reflection (Lunin et al., 2000).
Fig.1. The penalty function used for the
solution of BIP problem.
Computer tests
The tests were performed with the Protein G data (Derrick
& Wigley, 1984). This small protein (61 residues) contains one a-helix and one b-sheet. The
protein was crystallised in the space group P212121
with the unit cell dimensions 34.9×40.3×42.2 Å. The complete low resolution set
of experimental diffraction magnitudes was available. The phases calculated
from the refined atomic model were considered as the exact ones. The binary
density was calculated at the grid Ngrid x Ngrid x Ngrid
with Nvar independent density variables. In all phasing tests, Nruns
starting randomly generated phases sets were optimised by WSATOIP, Nflips
flips of binary variables were allowed for every of these runs. Some of the
runs (NR=0) converged to a set of variables giving the zero value of
the criterion R. In any case, all results of the minimisation were analysed by
a clustering procedure, giving each time a small number Nclust of
phase clusters; one of these clusters (composed from Nsolut phase
sets) always corresponded to the correct solution of the problem. The
calculations were done on a Pentium III / 500 PC.
6.1. Binary approximations
of Fourier syntheses
The goal of the first series of tests was to check how
well small-grid binary functions approximate magnitudes and phases of structure
factors. To get a binary approximation for the chosen grid, the Fourier
synthesis was calculated using
the observed magnitudes and the exact phases. The binary approximation values
were set to 1
(molecular envelope) for the given number K
of points with highest synthesis values, and to 0 otherwise. The quality of the
approximation depends on this parameter K
and special tests were performed to determine the optimal K values for different grids. It was
found that the optimal ratio of the value K
to the full number of grid points (the one which maximises the correlation)
depends on the synthesis resolution and decreases when the resolution increases
(Table 1). The grid structure factors
were then calculated
and their magnitudes and phases were compared to the true ones (Table 1). This
test demonstrated that even at surprisingly small grids, a binary envelope may
provide low-resolution phases of a reasonable quality.
1. Approximation of the observed
structure factors by values calculated from binary maps
The correlation coefficients
are represented for
different resolution zones. The molecular volume defines the number K of non-zero grid values. It was
adapted for every grid to get the maximal correlation coefficient.
Grid (K = mol.vol., %) |
CF / Cf : Resolution range (Å) (Number of independent reflections) |
16-∞ (15) |
12-∞ (28) |
8-∞ (85) |
5-∞ (305) |
4-∞ (580) |
6*6*6 (50) |
0.32 / 0.93 |
0.39 / 0.74 |
- |
- |
- |
8*8*8 (35) |
0.88 / 0.98 |
0.92 / 0.94 |
0.0 / 0.80 |
- |
- |
10*10*10 (30) |
0.68 / 0.98 |
0.73 / 0.96 |
0.68 / 0.90 |
- |
- |
16*16*16 (20) |
0.91 / 0.99 |
0.79 / 0.99 |
0.69 / 0.94 |
0.62 / 0.87 |
0.03 / 0.81 |
6.2. Resolving the phase
ambiguity for binary functions
The goal of this test was to study
to what extent the condition ‘0 or 1’ allows one to reduce the phase ambiguity.
An idealised situation was considered, where the exact magnitudes of the real
and imaginary parts of the binary structure factors
, (6.1)
were supposed to be known.
In this case, the grid values satisfy the equations
where the unknowns and
take one of the
values 1 or -1.
The equations (6.2) have a unique solution for any choice
of right-hand side values (given by the Fourier transform of these values). So
if the grid function is allowed to take any real values, the known magnitudes do not define the
solution uniquely. Any permutation of the signs of
will result in a
solution of (6.2) possessing the same magnitudes
. It may be expected that this is not the case if binary
restrictions are added for the unknowns
. (6.3)
Now an arbitrary choice of
the signs of and
may result in a
solution of (6.2) which does not satisfy the condition (6.3). So the binary
restrictions may reduce significantly the freedom of choosing the signs and
thus may solve the phase problem (or, at least, reduce the phase ambiguity).
Table 2 shows the results of the corresponding tests. It can be noted that in all cases the procedure managed to get the correct solution. For the smallest grid this solution has characteristics similar to those of another, false phase set. Note also the computational difficulties for the largest tested grid .
2. Test results for the resolution of the phase problem
Tests 1-3 were done with
known magnitudes of the real and imaginary parts of the structure factors;
tests 4-5 were done with known
magnitudes of the structure factors, calculated from binary envelopes. For the
notation of the columns, see Section 6.
Test N° |
Ngrid |
Nvar |
% of '1' |
Nflips |
CPU/run |
Nruns |
NR=0 |
Nsolut |
Nclust |
1 |
6 |
108 |
50 |
50,000 |
2 min |
100 |
73 |
37 |
2 |
2 |
8 |
128 |
35 |
250,000 |
30 min |
100 |
80 |
80 |
1 |
3 |
10 |
250 |
30 |
10,000,000 |
70 hrs |
5 |
3 |
3 |
1 |
4 |
6 |
108 |
50 |
50,000 |
2 min |
100 |
0 |
47 |
2 |
5 |
8 |
128 |
35 |
250,000 |
30 min |
100 |
0 |
19 |
1 |
7.3. Known magnitudes for
binary envelopes
In a more realistic situation, the estimates (6.1) may be
available for centric reflections only. For acentric reflections, only the
value of the magnitude of
the complex structure factor may be assumed to be known. The goal of the next
test series was to study how such uncertainty affects the solution. It was
supposed in these tests that the magnitudes
of the binary
structure factors are known exactly, while the magnitudes of their real and
imaginary parts were estimated by
. (6.4)
A ‘gap’ was introduced into
the equations (6.2) to take into account the errors caused by this
. (6.5)
Due to
these approximations, we cannot expect any longer that the true solution will
satisfy (6.5), so the goal was to make the residual value (3.1) as small as
The results of the numerical tests are presented in Table
2 (tests 4 and 5). In test 4, the cluster for the correct solution was slightly
smaller (47 phase sets) than the second cluster (49 sets) corresponding to a
false phase set. Averaging all the 100 solutions for Test 5 gave the phases
with a map correlation coefficient 0.95 with respect to the exact binary
6.4. The use of observed
When working with real objects, binary magnitudes are not
known and must be estimated somehow. In the following test, the set of observed
magnitudes was used to estimate the binary ones. The grid 8*8*8 was chosen for
this test as it allows one to solve BIP problems in a reasonable time using the
existing software. On the other hand, the approximation of the binary structure
factors magnitudes using the observed ones is poor at this grid size. This may
significantly influence the results. In order to get more reliable results, BIP
methods applicable to larger grids are necessary. The gap in the inequalities
(6.5) was reduced to 25% of the estimated value for acentric
structure factors, and to 20% for the centric ones. After 100 runs of WSATOIP
with random initial assignments, the obtained solutions were aligned and
averaged. The found average solution revealed essential features of the 12Å
resolution synthesis and had the map correlation coefficient (Lunin &
Woolfson, 1993) equal to 0.74 with respect to the exact phases. Fragments of
the obtained synthesis overlapped with the atomic model for Protein G are shown
in Fig.2.
Fig.2. Fragments of BIP-phased Fourier
synthesis superimposed with Ca atoms of the
model for Protein G: a) projection of the slice z=-2 : 2/40 containing b-sheets; b) projection of
the slice z=6:14/40 containing a-helices. The
shown contour isolates 35% of the unit cell volume (0.4s cut-off level).
The theoretical part of this work
shows how the crystallographic phase problem can be reduced to the solution of
a system of linear inequalities in binary variables. The practical tests with
simulated and experimental protein data illustrate the high potential of this
new approach. Crystallographic images found from such phasing can be used for
further phase improvement or as an important complementary tool for other
techniques like molecular replacement. In order to get images of a higher
quality, further work on integer programming methods and their application in
crystallography is in currently in progress.
The work was supported by RFBR grants 00-04-48175 and
01-07-90317 and by the CPER Lorraine 2000-06. Programs O (Jones et al., 1991) and CAN (Vernoslova &
Lunin, 1993) were used to prepare map illustrations. The authors thank L.
Torlay for the computing assistance.
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