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[ccp4bb] Cryo-EM beamline scientist permanent position at CBI / IGBMC, Strasbourg


Dear all,


here is an announcement for a permanent position as cryo-EM beamline scientist at the Centre for Integrative Biology, Strasbourg, France.

Deadline is tomorrow 2.7.2020 12 am CET.


With best regards,


Bruno Klaholz




Cryo-EM beamline scientist (permanent position):

The IGBMC/CBI is seeking a experienced scientist to participate in running the cutting-edge EM facilities at the Centre for Integrative Biology (CBI) at IGBMC, Illkirch/Strasbourg, France, while also participating in the on-site scientific projects.


The CBI provides a leading-edge scientific and technological environment in integrated structural biology to address the structure and function of biological systems, notably on gene _expression_, from the atomic, molecular to the tissue scales. The CBI http://www.igbmc.fr/grandesstructures/cbi/, hosts the French and European Infrastructures for Integrated Structural Biology, FRISBI http://frisbi.eu/, Instruct https://www.structuralbiology.eu/ and iNext-Discovery  https://inext-discovery.eu/network/inext-d/home which comprises advanced electron microscopy facilities equipped with cutting-edge instrumentation such as Titan Krios, Polara and Glacios (installation 2020) cryo electron microscopes, cryo Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscope (FIB/SEM) and super-resolution fluorescence microscopy http://frisbi.eu/centers/instruct-center-france-1-igbmc/cryo-electron-microscopy/. The Titan Krios microscope is equipped with Cs corrector, Falcon 3 camera, GIF energy filter, K3 camera and phase plate. In addition, the EM facility has a suite of associated equipments for sample preparation and dedicated computing resources for image processing and 3D reconstruction by single particle cryo-EM and cryo electron tomography (cryo-ET). For projects and publications of the associated teams see http://igbmc.fr/research/department/3/


Applications should be sent via the CNRS portal:

1) to see the description of the position: https://www.dgdr.cnrs.fr/drhita/concoursita/

Please click on "Consulter les offres"

Tick: Biologie & Doctorat, validate

Click on offer #4


2) to apply: https://www.dgdr.cnrs.fr/drhita/concoursita/

Click on "Poser sa candidature"

Please create login and follow procedure


Guidelines for the application:  https://www.dgdr.cnrs.fr/drhita/concoursita/Guide-candidat-IT_2020.pdf 


Deadline is tomorrow 2.7.2020 12 am CET.


Please include CV, list of publications, names of 3 referees and motivation letter and contact me at klaholz@igbmc.fr if you have any questions.




Bruno P. Klaholz

Centre for Integrative Biology

Department of Integrated Structural Biology
Institute of Genetics and of Molecular and Cellular Biology
IGBMC - UMR 7104 - U 1258

1, rue Laurent Fries
BP 10142

Tel. from abroad: 0033.369.48.52.78
Tel. inside France:





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