Dear All,We are looking for highly motivated and ambitious individuals to progress our R&D programme on synthetic viral nanosystems (SVNs), to fill two PhD posts available: one in next-generation vaccines and one in novel genome engineering tools. The projects are in the frame of the BBSRC funded doctoral training programme of the Sout West (SWBio DTP) and underpinned by the European Research Council (ERC AdG DNA-DOCK) and the EPSRC Innovative Vaccine Manufacturing and Research Hub.
Interested and excited? You can find out more about these vacancies here:
or by contacting Imre Berger:
or Christiane Schaffitzel:
Please apply online through:
Kapil Gupta on behalf of
Prof. Imre Berger PhD HDR FRSBFounding Director, Max Planck Centre for Minimal Biology
Chair in Biochemistry and University Research Fellow
Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator, ERC InvestigatorCo-Director, Bristol Biodesign Institute BBI
Director, BrisSynBio Centre
School of Biochemistry, Faculty of Life Sciences andMax Planck Bristol Centre for Minimal Biology and
BrisSynBio, an EPSRC/BBSRC Centre for Synthetic Biology
University of Bristol
1 Tankard's Close
Bristol BS8 1TD
Tel: 0044 (0) 117 39 41857
Mobile: 0044 (0) 79 0720 8697
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