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[ccp4bb] Postdoctoral scientist position at Columbia University

Postdoctoral scientist position in the Shapiro lab 
Columbia University in New York City

Crystallography, single-particle cryo-EM, and cryo-EM tomography neuronal surface proteins.

Our research program, in the new Mind Brain Behavior Institute at Columbia, is focused on proteins that mediate cell-cell recognition and their function in building the neural networks of the brain.  Our lab is part of the vibrant NYC structural biology community, with regular access to beamlines at APS/Argonne and NSLS2/Brookhaven, and numerous Titan Krios microscopes at Columbia and the nearby New York Structural Biology Center.

Relevant publications include:
Brasch et al, Nature Nature (2019) 569, 280-283. 
Cosmanescu et al, Neuron (2018) 100, 1385-1400.
Dionne et al, Neuron (2018) 99, 480-492.

Candidates should have a PhD in Structural Biology/Biophysics or related disciplines, and a track record of research achievements. Knowledge of protein purification and experience in structural biology are essential.

Funds for this post are available for 3 years in the 

Informal inquiries may be made to Dr Lawrence Shapiro (LSS8@columbia.edu).


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