Collaborative Computational Project No. 4
Software for Macromolecular X-Ray Crystallography

CCP4 Core Team Projects

This is mainly a place holder for project documentation relating to the various minor projects on going in CCP4.

CCP4vm: CCP4 Virtual Machine

This is a project to investigate the use of virtual machine technology for distributing CCP4.

Trac Project Tracker

Better tools are needed for keeping track of the various software projects on going in CCP4. This project is to investigate the use of Trac to perform this task for us.

TClTk Windows Build

This project is to produce a Windows compatible TclTk package mainly for running imosflm. imosflm crashes under Windows Vista and Windows 7. The report recorded all actions taken and their outcome.


This project is to develope an automatic CCP4 suite updating tool. Its current state is in a report