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Up: SCore configuration files
Previous: SCore configuration files
To start all SCore front end daemons:
/etc/rc.d/init.d/score start
This will start all the daemons and boot the multi-user mode.
NOTE all the multiuser mode nodes must be up and running
before you can do this. Do a tail -f on the file /var/log/scored.log
to check the progress of the bootup.
To stop all SCore front end daemons :
/etc/rc.d/init.d/score stop
To stop multi-user mode (but leave SGE nodes) :
/etc/rc.d/init.d/sc_watch stop
killall scored.exe
The SCore multi-user system is not 100occasionally, killing all running multi-user jobs.
However there is a failover daemon (sc_watch) which will restart
multi-user mode if this happens. Users are encouraged to use the checkpoint option
to scrun, so that if a failover occurs their jobs will automatically restart from
the last checkpoint.