CCP4 Program Templates
MTZ files
Some simple examples of using MTZ files. These programs don't actually
do anything; they are meant to show the basic library calls that are
necessary. But they should compile and run. For real-life examples,
see the distributed source code of the main Suite.
Parsing keyworded input
A simple example of parsing keyworded input. Two equivalent templates
are given which make use of two different sets of library routines.
- keyp.f - using keyparse routines
- pars.f - using parser routines
MAP files
An example of a program to read in and store a map in x,y,z order,
then write out to a second file. The program contains three "high-level"
subroutines which themselves call lower-level maplib routines.
Symmetry operators and spacegroups
Examples programs which use symlib library routines to extract information
about different spacegroups from symop.lib.
- symm_get_box.f - get real-space limits
of the asymmetric unit for each spacegroup