A meeting organised by the
Collaborative Computational Project in Protein Crystallography (CCP4)
and Daresbury Laboratory

9-10 January 1998

University of Reading

Provisinal Study Weekend Programme

Friday 9th January

9.00 - 11.15 	Demonstrations of various databases and 
             	CCP4 Graphical User Interface

11.15     	Greetings Announcements

11.20		Peter Murray-Rust, Databases and the WWW

12.00		Geoff Barton, How to do alignments efficiently 

12.40 - 14.00   LUNCH

14.00		R Sowdhamini, Structurally aligned families/superfamilies 
                              (HOMSTRAD and CAMPASS) 

14.20 		Chris Sander, Sequence Databases & pattern searching 

14.55  		Christine Orengo, Domain databases 

15.30 		Cyrus Chothia, Number of protein folds/SCOP

16.10 - 16.40   TEA

16.40 		Gerard Kleywegt, "Old gold retold"
                (The use of databases in crystallographic model building, 
 		refinement, validation, and analysis)

17.20		Peter Keller, Deposition of data

17.50 		Eleanor Dodson, Validation 


Saturday 10th January 

9.00 		Tom Blundell, Derivative Database

9.40 		Guy Orpen, Metal ions coordination from CCDC 

10.10 		Steve Gardner,  IDITIS (sequence/structure searching) 

10.35 		Manfred Hendlich, Relibase

11.00 - 11.30   COFFEE

11.30 		Robin Taylor, A Knowledge-Based Approach to the 
                Characterisation and Prediction of Nonbonded Interactions 

12.00 		Janet Thornton, binding site recognition / Active Sites 

12.30 		Barry Hardy, Glycoscience Resources on the World Wide Web

13.00 - 14.00   LUNCH

14.00 		Helen Berman, the nucleic acids database

14.35 		Phil Bourne, Temporal and Global Trends in 
                             Macromolecular Structure Data

15.00 		Joel Sussman, The PDB - present; Discussion
and future

16.00   	FINISH