January, 1991
Introduction |
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Invited Speakers Contributions |
The chemistry of heavy atom attachment J. Drenth, University of Groningen |
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Heavy atom derivative screening A.G.W. Leslie, MRC Cambridge |
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Heavy atom location using SHELXS-90 G.M. Sheldrick, University of Göttingen |
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Locating heavy atom sites by automatic Patterson search GROPAT Y. Jones and D. Stuart, University of Oxford |
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Refinement of heavy-atom parameters and isomorphous phasing P.R. Evans, MRC Cambridge |
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A maximum-likelihood theory of heavy-atom parameter refinement in the isomorphous replacement method G. Bricogne, L.U.R.E. Paris and MRC Cambridge |
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Dealing with imperfect isomorphism in multiple isomorphous replacement R.J. Read, University of Alberta, Edmonton |
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Maximum likelihood refinement of heavy atom parameters Z. Otwinowski, Yale University |
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Refinement of single isomorphous replacement heavy-atom parameters in Patterson vs reciprocal space I.J. Tickle, Birkbeck College |
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Multiwavelength anomalous diffraction analysis of a large protein J.L. Smith, E.J. Zaluzec, J.-P. Wery, Purdue University and Y. Satow, University of Tokyo |
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Heavy atom refinement against solvent-flattened and local-symmetry averaged phases V. Cura, A.D. Podjarny, S. Khrishnaswamy, B. Rees, J.M. Rondeau, F. Tete, L. Mourey, J.P. Samama and D. Moras, LCB Strasbsourg |
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The structure determination of Galactose Oxidase by multiple isomorphous replacement with anomalous scattering N. Ito, University of Leeds |
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Theory and practice in the use of heavy atom substitution E.J. Dodson, University of York |
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Native non-isomorphism in the structure determination of Heat Labile Enterotoxin(LT) from E. coli T.K. Sixma, S.H. Pronk, A.C. Terwisscha van Scheltinga, A. Aguirre, K.H. Kalk, G. Vriend and W.G.J. Hol, University of Groningen |
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Phase determination using mercury derivatives of engineered cysteine mutants K. Nagai, P.R. Evans, J. Li, Ch. Oubridge, MRC Cambridge |
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Establishment of a heavy-atom databank for protein structures D. Carvin, S.A. Islam, M.J.E. Sternberg and T.L. Blundell, Birkbeck College and Imperial Cancer Research Fund Laboratories, London |
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Heavy atom studies at EMBL Hamburg Z. Dauter, EMBL Hamburg |
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