This page contains material from the CCP4 workshop that was held at the Institute of Biophysics, Bejing in October 2006. In due course, it will be included in the CCP4 distribution. Here are some photos of the workshop (sorry, they are very poor quality).
Introduction to CCP4 and file formats - Martyn Winn
Mosflm, Scala - Gwyndaf Evans
Introduction to Molecular Replacement - Eleanor Dodson
Molecular Replacement in CCP4 - Martyn Winn
CCP4 Molecular Graphics and COOT - Francois Remacle
Refmac - Roberto Steiner
Setting up (draft) - Martyn Winn
MR tutorial - Martyn
Winn (uses hypF data)
Advanced MR tutorial - Eleanor Dodson (uses s100, 1tj3, pst data)
Coot tutorial (official)