
Testing a Report Template
Appendix A - The Database data accessible from an XRT file

CCP4I2 Generating Reports using XRT

This document describes using the XRT mechanism to generate reports - the Python api is now the preferred method.

The report generator is a work-in-progress - please let Liz know about any features that you need or any holes in the (acknowledged to be sketchy) documentation.


The report generator tool ( expects two input files:

  1. Either an xrt report template file or a Python script which defines the layout of the final report
  2. One or more xml data files output by either a script or a program which provide the data that is substituted into the report. These files must be valid xml with unique paths to the required data but otherwise there is no restriction on the format.

From these the report generator will create an html report file (in principle it could create reports in alternative formats). But note that the report may contain Qt widgets that can only be displayed in the CCP4i2 browser. The report generator is run automatically within the CCP4i2 interface when a job completes. Some extra features such as input/output data and job status are added to the report automatically so need not be specified explicitly in the report template. The same template mechanism can be used to produce 'real time' reports while the job is running.

A task developer needs to write the template file as:
$CCP4I2/tasks/mytask/mytask.xrt or
$CCP4I2/tasks/mytask/mytask.running.xrt (for a 'real-time' updated report)

Presently the best example xrt is in the buccaneer_build_refine task. To understand the xrt file you need to be familiar with XPATH (see the w3schools tutorial) which is used to reference the data in the XML files. A common attribute for elements of the xrt is 'select' whose value should be an XPATH to an element in the program xml. The text of this element is then substituted into the report. An alternative source of data is the CCP4i2 database which contains the jobs input/output files and other data that is listed below in Appendix A. This data is accessed using a 'database' attribute whose value should be an xpath-style reference to the data outlined in the appendix. As with the select attribute the value from the database is substituted into the report.

XRT files are constructed from two types of tags: container tags which may contain any other container or content tags, and content tags which may only contain specified elements. The top level tag of every XRT file is the <report> container.

Container tags: <report>, <fold>, <if>, <ifnot> and <loop>


This is the top level tag of a report document. It may contain other container tags and content tags.


This tag allows a detail section to be added whose content is hidden until a 'more detail' button is clicked. It may contain other container tags (including other folds) and content tags.

labelShow detailsLabel to appear on fold describing fold contents.


Only act on the contents of the 'if' container if the 'select' element in the program xml contains the text 'True'.

selectPath of xml data element which can be 'True' or 'False'.

See the w3schools tutorial to explain path syntax.


Only act on the contents of the 'if' block if the 'select' element in the program xml contains the text 'False'.

selectPath of xml data element which can be 'True' or 'False'.

See the w3schools tutorial to explain path syntax.


Apply the same processing (i.e. the xrt within the loop block) to all elements found by applying the 'select' criteria to the data file.

selectPath of xml data elements.

The files $CCP4I2/test/data/test_report_loops.xrt and $CCP4I2/test/data/test_report_loops.xml demonstrate this and can be run in the ccp4py interpreter by:

    prompt> from CCP4ReportParser import test
    prompt> test('test/data/test_report_loops.xrt','test/data/test_report_loops.xml')

The resulting file, report.html is placed in your current working directory.

Content tags: <text>, <copy>, <table>, <graph>, <status>, <picture>, <launcher>, <help>


The text tag is used to add text to a report. The text may come from one of two sources - it may be included in the body of the tag (e.g. <text>Job title:<text>), or it may be extracted from the task XML file by specifying an XPATH in the select attribute (e.g. <text select="//job"/>).

ifName of parameter in the XML which must be True for text to be output
selectPath of xml data element from which to source the text
tag.textText explicitly specified in the XRT


Copy block of XML directly from the data file. The block should be valid html.

selectPath of xml data element from which to source the text to be copied

See the w3schools tutorial to explain path syntax.


The table tag inserts a table into the report. The table layout and headers are specified in the XRT report file, the values are extracted from the task XML.The table element has <data> sub-elements which specify the column(/row) data.The table element can take two attributes, transpose changes the orientation of the table, and select specifies an XPATH expression which specifies the elements containing row data to be selected. Both are optional. Normally the select element will be specified and returns a list of XML elements from the task XML, each of which contains all the information for a single table row. Occasionally the data in the task XML may not be in a suitable form for this, in which case the attribute is omitted and the < <data> select attributes used on their own. The risk of using this approach is that there is now no guarantee that the columns are the same length.<table> <data> Table data elements are used to specify column(/row) data. The data element can take four attributes: title, subtitle, expr and select. The title attribute gives the column header. The subtitle attribute allows tables with nested headers. The select attribute specifies an xpath with selects the data to be displayed. If a row element has been selected in the <table> tag, then this should specify a unique element within that row element. If no row element has been selected in the <table> tag, the select should return a list of elements which will become the column values. In the latter form there is no guarantee columns will be of the same length.The expr tag allow a python expression to be applied to the value before display.See example below. <data> with no select but containing a list of <value> elements should be implemented to allow lists of row labels, for example.

selectPath to XML file data
transposeIf this attribute is set then table is horizontal
Data Element Attributes
titleText to appear in table
subtitleText to appear in table
selectPath to data item releative to the table select attribute value

This example selects data from a refmac task XML file and produces a table as shown below.

<table select="//Overall_stats/stats_vs_cycle/new_cycle">
<data title="Cycle"    select="cycle"    expr="int(x)-1" />
<data title="R-factor" select="r_factor" />
<data title="R-free"   select="r_free"   />
<data title="RMS deviations" subtitle="Bond"   select="rmsBOND" />
<data   subtitle="Angle"  select="rmsANGLE" />
<data> subtitle="Chiral" select="rmsCHIRAL" /></table>


This is an interface to the pimple graph display program which will be shown inline within the report. pimple can display multiple plots in one window with two combo-boxes to allow selection of the current plot. The left-hand combo-box will select a data table and the right-hand box will select between views on that table. The graph block described here can only specify one data table with, optionally, multiple views specified by the plot block. Multiple graph blocks can be grouped in a graphgroup block to be displayed in the same pimple instance with the title attributes from each graph apperaring in the left-hand combo-box.

The graph element can have a select attribute that gives the xpath for a base element in the xml from which subsequent xpath selections are made.

The graph element has four possible sub-elements:


The graph title which will appear in the left-hand combo-box in pimple


These elements work the same as the data sub-elements of table to extract data that is dispersed throughout the xml file.


An alternative means to extract a table from the xml file if the data is present in a format acceptable for the CCP4Table element in pimple input (i.e. as rows of space separated data values). This element should have a select attribute that gives the xpath of an xml element containing a table.


This block contains the plotting directives for pimple. The plot block of the xrt is copied straight to the output for processing by pimple except for any plot elements with select attributes: for these the text from the element in the data xml specified by the search xpath is copied into the text of the plot element and the select attribute is deleted.

It is also possible for the top-level plot element to have a select attribute which gives the xpath to a block of plot directives in the xml. In this case the plot directives will be taken from the xml; but, note, this abuses the principle that scientific data comes from the xml and presentation directives are in the xrt.

There can be multiple plot blocks within one graph element - this implies that multiple views of the same data table are possible and are listed in the right-hand combo-box in pimple.


Will insert a picture in the report with buttons to launch either CCP4mg or Coot with the same view. The picture is generated by CCP4mg which runs in background without appearing on the computer screen. CCP4mg needs a scene.xml file to specify what it is to display and save as a picture. The scene file specifies which data files (either coordinates or maps) are to be loaded and how they should be drawn. The drawing specification can be either a simple scene or generated using the CCP4mg Picture Wizard. Many other aspects of the display can also be specified using CCP4mg's usual XML. The template for the scene.xml file can be incorporated directly iton the xrt file or (probably better) provided in a separate file that is incorporated using the filename attribute of the <insertXrt> tag. Typically some parameters such as filenames need to be substituted into the scene.xml template and this should be done using database or select attributes to specify the source of the substituted data.

A simple example is in the buccaneer.xrt where a picture element uses an xrtInsert element to specify a separate xrt file which contains the template for a CCP4mg scene file:

<xrt:picture label="Final structure" >
<xrtInsert filename=$CCP4I2/tasks/buccaneer/buccaneer.scene.xrt/>

The contents of the CCP4mg scene file are explained in Appendix B.
templateName of CCP4mg picture definition file template (see notes above)
labellabel to appear by picture


Insert a button in the report to launch another viewer. Currently supported CCP4mg and Coot. The initial view in CCP4mg can be set by specifying a pictureDefinitionFile attribute (see notes on <picture> tag).

exeName of program to launch (ccp4mg/coot)
labelLabel to appear on launch button
pictureDefinitionFileOnly relevant for ccp4mg - specify picture definition file name


This puts a Help link by tables, graphs etc. and is highly recommended! The ref attribute gives the link reference which can be a file path starting with an environment variable (eg $CCP4I2) and the appropriate full path will be substituted into the html.

labelText for help link
refLink reference for help

<inputData>, <outputData> and <jobDetails

These are usually set automatically by the report generator and need not be in the XRT file.

Other tags


This provides a mechanism to copy fragments of xrt code generated by the program or script into the xrt template. Or to insert standard fragments of from any specified file. The copying is done in the report generator as part of a pre-processor step. The select attribute should be used to specify an element in the program xml file that contains one or more xrt elements that are copied into the xrt replacing the insertXrt element. Note that the 'top' level element specified by select is not copied.

Alternatively the filename attribute should give the full path name of a file to be inserted. This path may begin with the 'environment variable' $CCP4I2 to specify the ccp4i2 directory.

selectPath of element in program output to be inserted in the report template specification
filenameFull path name for an XML file whose contents will be incorporated into the xrt script.

See the w3schools tutorial to explain path syntax. Note that the xrt in the program output xml must specify namespaces so, for example, to insert a plot specification the program xml will be

<plot xmlns:xrt="">
<title>Completeness by cycle

and the xrt file will contain..

<xrt:insertXrt select="plotDefinition"/>


The enclosed comment text will not be interpreted into the report.


Handling for drill down to reports from sub-jobs is pending. Probably will be handled automatically.

Testing A Report Template

There is a simple script $CCP4I2/bin/makeReport that can be used to test a template. The console command is:

prompt> makeReport xrtFileName xmlFileName [-j jobId] [-o outputFileName] [-p]

The jobId allows the report generator to access the database for extra info without which some of the features will be missing. The jobId is not the same as the job number seen on the gui. A test value can be found as described below. -p list the resultant file to console.

Alternatively the report generator can be run from the i2 Python console with the following:

>>> import CCP4ReportParser
>>> CCP4ReportParser.test(xrtfile,xmldatafile,jobId)

This will list the report to the terminal and write it to report.html in the running directory. The jobId parameter is used to retrieve information from the database. The best way to get this is to run a job of the appropriate task from the gui and then look in the meta data at the top of the params.xml file.

Appendix A - The Database data accessible from an XRT file

filenames / XYZIN
          / HKLIN
          / XYZOUT
          / HKLOUT

Appendix B - The CCP4mg scene file

NB this will only work with recent nightly build versions of CCP4mg (post 16th Oct 2012).

A simple example of scene template:

    <MolData id='id1'>
       <filename database="filenames/XYZOUT"/>
  <wizard><template>ribbons:colour chains</template>

This template requires only one peice of substituted data - the XYZOUT file from the database is substituted as the filename for the <MolData><filename> element to give the scene file:

    <creationTime>14:39 12/Oct/12</creationTime>
       <MolData id="id1">
        <template>ribbons:colour chains</template>

This file has the standard CCP4i2 xml structure with a header containing metadata describing the provenance of the file. The body of the file is one or more <scene> elements. Each <scene> element contains a <data> block that specifies the files to be loaded and a <wizard> block that specifies how the data should be drawn using a CCP4mg wizard template.

The <data> block should list the files to be loaded as <MolData> or <MapData> elements. These elements must have unique id attributes and a <filename> sub-element. Usually the actually filename will need to be substituted in from the filenames in the CCP4i2 database so the database attribute should be used to specify the source of the filename.

The <wizard> element should contain a <template> sub-element that specifies the CCP4mg wizard template in the form folder:template name. A template can be selected from the existing wizard templates which can be viewed in CCP4mg or something appropriate can be created (see ccp4mg/help/picture_wizard.html and talk to Liz or Stuart). Picture wizard templates are partially a Python script which can apply some intelligence in setting up a display but they can also have some options which can be set. The options are in the CHOICES section of the wizard template file. The <wizard> sub-element <parameters> should contain sub-elements specifying values for the wizard 'choices' and particularly should provide values for MolData and MapData parameters which cross-refernce to the id attributes of the sub-elements of the <data> section. Note that although the wizard is mostly used in CCP4mg to setup the display of a single coordinate file it can also be used to specify the display of map objects and of multiple data objects.

There is an alternative mechanism to specify a simple scene that does not use the wizard, for example:

    <MolData id='id1'>
       <filename database="filenames/XYZOUT"/>
    <MapData id='id2'>
      <filename database="filenames/HKLOUT"/>
      <columns> <F>2FOFCWT </F> <PHI>PH2FOFCWT </PHI> </columns>
      <difColumns> <F>FOFCWT </F> <PHI>PHFOFCWT </PHI> </difColumns>
      <model>id1 </model>
      <gridSize>0.5 </gridSize>
      <contourUnits>sigma </contourUnits>
        <contourLevel>3 </contourLevel>
        <difference>1 </difference>

The MolData element can have one or more MolDisp sub-elements. Each MolDisp element should contain select, colour and style elements and can contain much more such as control of labels, visibility, flashing - see the CCP4mg documentation. (????). Note that a select attribute could be added to any of the elements so their values can be taken from the program output.

Any of the aspects of CCP4mg presentation that can be controlled using the CCP4mg XML format can also be incorporated in the scene file. Probably the most useful feature is control of the view using:

      <centre_MolData>id2 </centre_MolData>
      <centre_selection>A/1170(DUP) </centre_selection>
      <orientation_auto> <molData>id2 </molData> <selection>A/1170(DUP) </selection> </orientation_auto>
      <scale_auto>1 </scale_auto>

Here the MolData object and (optionally) an atom selection that will be the centre of the view are specified. The orientation_auto element then tells CCP4mg to try to find the best orientation to show a specied atom selection. scale_auto is a flag to CCP4mg to scale to zoom of the specified atom selelction rather than show all visible atoms.

Alternatively the scale,orientation and centering can be specified explicitly. In this example variously other display parameters are set - these could also be used the the 'auto' view parameters shown above.

       <q0>0.0134139428983 </q0>
       <q1>0.336496398576 </q1>
       <q2>-0.507403789037 </q2>

Note that it is possible to have more than one scene specified in the file. It is intended that CCP4mg will use these either to create multiple pictures in one program run or, if it is opened in interactive mode, to create a Presentation which gives the user a choice of views.

Last modified: Fri Feb 15 10:20:15 GMT 2013