Collaborative Computational Project No. 4
Software for Macromolecular X-Ray Crystallography

CCP4 Licence and Conditions


CCP4 distributes a broad collection of software from a variety of sources, from both within and external to the CCP4 project.

For the main CCP4 suite, there is a single licence document governing the terms of use of the CCP4 suite. Certain components of the CCP4 suite may have their own conditions of use, and these should be read in addition to the CCP4 licence.

Where we are able, we also re-distribute from the CCP4 web site additional packages that are useful or necessary for running CCP4. These are not covered by the CCP4 licence and have their own terms of use.


The suite is available without cost to academic and non-profit institutions who will not be using the CCP4 package for commercial activities, subject to a completed CCP4 Academic License being returned to the CCP4 secretary.

A charge is made to commercial users (this includes academic or research institutions offering a commercial service) who should contact the CCP4 secretary to make arrangements, see separate Commercial Users Page. Please note that all charges for the suite are used for CCP4 activities.

Please note:

Returning the licence

For non-profit users, the licence must be signed, and returned by fax or post (NOT email) to the following address:

Secretary to CCP4 c/o Karen McIntyre
STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
United Kingdom
Fax: (+44) 1235 567720

Our policy is that we will not acknowledge receipt of academic licences unless specifically requested - please download the suite as soon as you have sent the signed licence.